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Worsdell forever

RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by Worsdell forever

  1. Really like the modular scenery, the concept and the quality, it must be so much easier than reaching halfway across a baseboard trying not to knock anything else off. Keep it up. Edit, especially like the little yard.
  2. Isn't the Bachmann body an LNER low-fit on a BR U/F? It could be made to look like an LMS one (D1986 actually) without much trouble, the end hinges need removing and replacing with corner plates and bolts. The middle hinges could be altered into fixed stanchions and T section end stanchions adding. The axleguards are the wrong type, they would be better replaced but could be 'manipulated'. Might give one of these a go some day.
  3. Cracking on well there, I'm assuming the other one is in a similar condition... So will it have a working Dynamo? (coat already on...)
  4. Looking good, Had another look at the barn photo and shown it to my Dad, we both think the roof could have been vertical planks with a felt & tar covering. (Definitely not Daves 'wriggly tin' ) EDIT, please excuse, continuation of discussion at club last night. Looked on Google maps all around Barastre and can't even find the river, could the photo be captioned wrong? Great bit of film http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3s01i3aa7w Edited to replace the film link which stopped working.
  5. Chain 2000 tonight, cue Gordon Burns...

    1. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      David Bowie - Fame.


  6. Dave Bradwell kits. probably very accurate and fiddly, but very good.
  7. Looks like there are enough parts there for a dozen bogies... (No, it can't go on WCLC...)
  8. Well I resigned myself to the fact that the winner would probably be Waton around the beginning of September, but I'm very pleased to be in the top 6 list. Thanks to all those who voted for Felton Lane but Waton is a very deserved winner. Well done Dave.
  9. If in doubt start again, A bit like this one? 19 levers but no gate wheel.
  10. Surely one of the very best layouts around, something just 'right' about it (well it is North Eastern) your dad certainly has an eye for the subtle details and hasn't spoilt it with 'too much' detail. I really hope it is portable so we can see it in the flesh sometime. Keep posting pics.
  11. You will learn, I have. We'll be keeping an eye on progress to make sure you keep it up...
  12. Looking good Cap'n, for a truly modular building it's a shame the kit isn't easier to build either way round.
  13. So not their contents then? Don't see how it could irk the purists, isn't that why the brewery was built there, the purity of the water?
  14. cleared the remaining snow at work with a 'Bobcat', great fun!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. halfwit


      Allright for some. We've just got a snow shovel at work.

    3. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      We have a lot of building work going on so I borrowed it. there's also 2T, 8T, 13T & 21T 360's but they wouldn't let me borrow any of them...

    4. Horsetan


      More snow on the way!

  15. has lots of painted and lettered wagons that need couplings...

  16. This is something like the Mapping Pen I use. EDIT:- it is the same as the one I use...
  17. Cheaper than transfers! Well mainly I hate putting them on. Hopefully they will be mostly covered up with the weathering, I am getting better at it now with practice, still not very good at 9s and 3s.
  18. Haven't been able to get back into doing some work on the G5 lately but with a week off and about 18" of snow outside I've being doing some work on some wagons. The first three were part of a box of wagons (mostly Parkside kits) that were given to our club a few years ago, they were being cleared out so a few of us took what we wanted and I took the box with all the loose junk in the bottom but quite a few wheel sets in among it. One problem that I have found is that most of the brake gear was missing but a rummage though my boxes at home came up with most of what I needed. The Plate wagon was a bit of a problem as there was no brake gear at all. The solution to this was to build another plate wagon kit. This might seem strange but I had always intended to build it a a fitted version, see below, (I'd built a connisuer one many years ago when he did 4mm kits) and so there was a set of brake gear spare. One problem with the brakes on these kits is both sets of shoes and push rods are identical so the shoes were cut off one and reversed. The axleguard tie bars need replacing with a brass strip, the plastic ones bent as the kit dried out! New builds. For the fitted version new etched 'Vs' were added from an unidentified etch, plastic shoes and vac cylinder from the spares box, push rods from brass strip and etched levers. Correct cast buffers and vac pipes were added to the headstocks. Another of the new builds was this LMS CCT. I've painted it bauxite instead of red as the instructions say as recommended by Jenkinson & Essery in LMS std coaching stock (vol 1) All the rest were wagons that needed completing. They all need weathering and couplings adding. Still to be finished are two LNER cattle wagons, a Southern CCT and an LNER one.
  19. We have two kinds of Leats around here, the ones taking water to a mill and t'other that 'angs fra't middle 'ot ceiling... so not just used in your part of the country.
  20. has a que of about 10 painted wagons so has started to letter them...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. halfwit


      Me too but if you could paint them first...

    3. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      revised list- 16 to letter so sorry lads, can't do yours.

    4. Boris


      After 16 what's a few more, may was well make it a round 20!

  21. So simple to do. Did you have any problems with the flanges rubbing on the brake shoes? I have had a few touching on my ironstone hoppers and all of the brake vans that I have done (these are fairly easy to thin as they pull out). Have to agree that the liveries are so appealing... resist, resist.
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