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Free At Last

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Everything posted by Free At Last

  1. I'd find it a bit of an inconvenience having to carry my desktop pc around with me, then finding somewhere to plug it in wouldn't be without its problems either.
  2. ...but this is a model railway forum and other things going on in the world should be discussed on the relevant fora.
  3. What happens with the unsold digital copies, are there many left over?
  4. ...and if the letter is not addressed to you it is not you who has to prove your innocence.
  5. What is the problem if it is not you they are after, why act on behalf of someone who may not exist? Let the named person worry about it. Here are over 100 letters addressed to T.H.E. Occupier from TVLA, most of them unopened and as many have been thrown away. According to them I have been under investigation for about 10 years. Some are threatening me with court action. I am waiting to give them back to THE MAN they keep threatening me with if he ever turns up. I'll just keep on ignoring them. I wonder how much all this costs the licence payers.
  6. Instead of handing over a fiver for a magazine you may now be having to get a tenner out and that's what may make some rethink their purchase. I stopped purchasing magazines a few years back as they often contain more of what is of no interest to me than what is, and as the price went up It felt like I was getting less value for money. You could buy a Parkside kit for less than the cost of two mags and get more out of it.
  7. It is getting easy to forget now... Issue 11 now available http://www.mre-mag.com/index.php
  8. It might be your new railway room... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tees-44226852
  9. I used to be a regular customer at Smithdown Road, visiting several times a month to pick up orders or just to get out of the house and using my travel pass on the train and bus the journeys were free. I almost always came out with something and with passing through the city centre other shops/places of interest could be visited. Since it has been on an out of town industrial estate with no public transport access I have only visited a couple of times by car to pick up pre-relocation pre-orders with only two more to be collected due maybe next year. My last purchase was last November and I paid the £2 p&p as it was cheaper than the 30 mile round trip by car, also with the journey being motorway/expressway all the way it is just a there and back trip. I have purchased the majority of my model railway items from Hattons since the early '70s spending many thousands of pounds with them. This year I have spent nothing and anything I may need I will now wait till the Wigan show. I have found I've now been spending my money on other things I don't really need. I don't suppose it is affecting Hattons finances though.
  10. Maybe, as a gesture of goodwill they are letting you keep them.
  11. I remember back in the '60s working on some tenement flats and the meters in each flat were plugged in to a two pin socket which was the mains supply (yes it could be plugged in L+N reversed) and some of the occupiers had left their two way adaptors in them when they vacated the property. It must have been the free phase.
  12. That's very patient of you as there are some here who insist that they can't wait, even when an item is only just announced. I have never found any way around it but to wait.
  13. These are very important people though, God forbid that anyone knows their names and that they play with toy trains... the shame of it.
  14. What a tantrum to throw over some choo choos. If he's like this now, what's he going to be like when he grows up.
  15. Consider getting a Plunge Saw https://www.screwfix.com/p/titan-ttb673csw-165mm-plunge-saw-230-240v/9257j great for cutting ply sheets.
  16. http://www.hattons.co.uk/8291/Hornby_R070_Electrically_Operated_Turntable/StockDetail.aspx
  17. If you are a low energy user then one way to save money may be to change to a provider who has no standing charges. A friend of mine only has one gas appliance, a gas fire. He only used it during the winter quarter and used to receive a bill for under £10. The bill for the other 3 quarters was zero. Then British Gas changed his tariff (they said they were forced by the government to make tariffs simpler to compare) and slapped on a £126 per year standing charge, so he received quarterly bills of around £30 for no usage of gas. We have both changed over to a supplier with no standing charges.
  18. Looks like a post has gone missing.
  19. Free At Last


    The slips are easy to convert, I have done doubles and singles.
  20. A few years ago I moved my gas from British Gas to Ebico as BG were going to put a standing charge of £126 per year on my bill which was more than the cost of the gas I used. I am now going to change my electric supply from Scottish Power to Ebico. Ebico Zero has no standing charges which is fine if you are a low energy user.
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