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DJM N gauge Crowdfunded King Class Steam Loco has started

DJM Dave

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Make that 8 orders short - bridge strengthening at Tintern means it's now a double red route.....or it's been 'borrowed' for bridge deflection tests. If they could run two Castles over the Severn Bridge then why not a King at Tintern ?


I know, I know.- probably about 70 tons too heavy but sod it....this is so close I'm working on the basis it can run on my next mainline layout.




Matt Wood

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Any one based on Cornwall.


or almost anywhere in Wales. They could only get to Cardiff after 1952 and in common use only 1959-1962. Other places you would not be seeing a King are Oxford, Gloucester, Cheltenham, Worcester.


Not to mention there were just so many fewer Kings and there were Castles. 

Edited by Chris Higgs
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or almost anywhere in Wales. They could only get to Cardiff after 1952 and in common use only 1959-1962. Other places you would not be seeing a King are Oxford, Gloucester, Cheltenham, Worcester.


Not to mention there were just so many fewer Kings and there were Castles. 


If I can justify one in County Durham (which DID have a Castle - once) then surely a little thing like double red restriction shouldn't put people off..... :)


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I have always felt since the King announcement that supporting the crowdfunding could eventually lead to more models from DJM.  Obviously not all will either want or be able to afford any future models, but having another producer of models has to be good for everyone. I'm sure an eventual Mogul would be well received, especially if the King turns out to be a real cracker!


I am of the opinion that of the current two main producers of N steam, one may possibly drop future steam releases in N and concentrate on O gauge. Nothing to back this up, just a hunch on my part.


I eagerley await future updates from Dave, as I'm sure many others will be.

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Even though I have the N-Gauge ones pre-ordered now, I'm hoping that the money derived from this will help push the 00 Gauge ones as I feel that the ones that Dave proposed will be very good.


I doubt the OO gauge one will see the light of day anytime soon (if at all) given how Hornby flooded the market with their King the market probably isnt there for a 2nd model of one - hence downsizing to N gauge. Personally I hope it results in more n gauge models making it the the market from Dave - but I am biased.


Do we have an update on figures now Dave? Can't be (m)any left to be able to commence tooling.

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I have always felt since the King announcement that supporting the crowdfunding could eventually lead to more models from DJM.  Obviously not all will either want or be able to afford any future models, but having another producer of models has to be good for everyone. I'm sure an eventual Mogul would be well received, especially if the King turns out to be a real cracker!


I am of the opinion that of the current two main producers of N steam, one may possibly drop future steam releases in N and concentrate on O gauge. Nothing to back this up, just a hunch on my part.


I eagerley await future updates from Dave, as I'm sure many others will be.

I will be very surprised if Dapol ever make a new model in N again. We are seeing/will see revamps of existing models and the new models where tooling had commenced earlier this yea are. We may get some wagons but that's about all. At the moment they see the O gauge ready to run market as the best marketplace to get a return on investment, as do some other manufacturers. I'm very pleased that DJM are trying crowdfunding and I do hope it is a financial success for Dave. If not then new N gauge models will become exceedingly thin on the ground.

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I doubt the OO gauge one will see the light of day anytime soon (if at all) given how Hornby flooded the market with their King the market probably isnt there for a 2nd model of one - hence downsizing to N gauge. Personally I hope it results in more n gauge models making it the the market from Dave - but I am biased.


Do we have an update on figures now Dave? Can't be (m)any left to be able to commence tooling.

In all honesty, the retooled Hornby one is good, but one reason I was anticipating the DJM 00 Gauge one is due to him having plans to make all 3 preserved examples, which imho, would've been amazing, I hope that this does also help promote more British N-Gauge stuff aswell as show an interest for the Kings to be done by him in 00, heck, both KMRC and Heljan have a 1361, but the KMRC one looks to be a better standard too. Edited by 9402 Fredrick
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  • 3 weeks later...

It seems to have gone a bit quite this month. Any more news yet Dave?





Post 221 says it all really.

Design will take a while as shrinking it down from the OO version of the cad presents a few problems etc to get round, such as what can or cannot be moulded as separate pieces etc.


So you'll basically hear nothing until I have something I'm happy to show here, unless I need to post an interim update.




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Post 221 say that you were short of the required numbers and that there would be an update in one week. Are we to now assume that sufficient interest/orders have now been placed to proceed with production? Or is it, as suggested, you are just proceeding with the design hoping that in the interim sufficient numbers will be reached?



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Hi Grahame,


Still slightly short but I think it's as near as makes no difference now and tooling will start once I'm happy with the N gauge cad.

However, if your reading this and want to become part of history and have a fantastic model to boot, then please sign up, and get this officially 'over the line'.


Crowdfunding has shown that modellers can and do change their minds about whether they want to be involved in these projects or not. Indeed, they may decide to change eras, regions, countries even, that they model, so I'd rather not sit back and say 'yup, it's there' when there needs to be a small.......ahem............buffer (sorry, I couldn't resist), to act as a safety net for the project.


Hope this helps



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello everyone,


Please find below a word document of the matrix for each of the crowdfunded N gauge King class 4-6-0 steam locomotives.

This will help you see what i am aiming for in the N gauge model.




Hi Dave


I was just woundering if you have an update since the last one can I guess. This is going ahead




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Hi Dave


I've tried repeatedly to contact you via the website with an expression of interest and pay for the N gauge King Class locomotive you are proposing to build via crowd funding.


I have provided my email and mobile number several times, but have not had any response.


I would like to buy/order DJM-L-S-N 003A 6023 King Edward II, please send me an invoice accordingly if the model is still available.


I'm also interested in the GWR Mogul & would appreciate details accordingly.


My apologies that I've had to resort to communicating via a forum, but I was left with little or no choice.


Please let me know if the King is still available.


Many thanks.



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As I understand the current situation is as follows:-

1. If you want a King you go onto the DJM website to register interest. This is still open to all - see http://djmodels.co.uk/?page_id=47 at bottom of the page.

2. You pay no money at the moment

3. Those who have registered an interest will be asked to make a first payment when (or if) DJ Models decide to go ahead with the tooling.

4. Pre orders are close to where they need to be to go ahead with the project but not quite there.

5. DJ Models are currently working on the cad for the King on the basis that sufficient ore orders will be received.

6. Tooling cannot commence until the cad is complete.


I have no connection with DJ Models, this is from what I have read on this forum.

Edited by Chris M
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Hi everyone,


Am back from my holiday now, all jet lagged and out of sorts.

Amazing how an hour here and an hour there change in your body clock as we dodged Irma and then Jose etc does such horrid things to your system.


Orders are still being taken for the King while it’s in design stage.

However once that’s completed ready fro tooling it will be ‘locked out’ and tooling deposits will be charged. So if your name is down for 1 or more models, you won’t be invoiced until then. No point in me having your money before then to be honest.


The project is going ahead and will tool!


Apologies for not replying to any mails this,ast couple or so weeks, but it was a holiday and you don’t get much internet access where I was.




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Hi everyone,


Am back from my holiday now, all jet lagged and out of sorts.

Amazing how an hour here and an hour there change in your body clock as we dodged Irma and then Jose etc does such horrid things to your system.


Orders are still being taken for the King while it’s in design stage.

However once that’s completed ready fro tooling it will be ‘locked out’ and tooling deposits will be charged. So if your name is down for 1 or more models, you won’t be invoiced until then. No point in me having your money before then to be honest.


The project is going ahead and will tool!


Apologies for not replying to any mails this,ast couple or so weeks, but it was a holiday and you don’t get much internet access where I was.




I sadly may have to have my pre-orders cancelled as there's a possibility I may be short on funds by that time.

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