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Music for my funeral


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I realise that I am reaching that stage in my life  when time is running out, peers are increasingly "slipping off the edge" and Plans Need To Be Made. 


So, to cheer myself up I am considering what music I'd like to have at my funeral. Shame I'll miss it. :angel:


So to start with, as my coffin is brought into the church (or humanist temple, which are distinctively lacking in Upper Wensleydale) how about something slow and meditative to make everyone nice and unhappy, like a Mozart slow movement or Bach's Air on a G String. Definitely not Pachelbel's Canon, which my organist friend Malcolm says is driving him nuts, it's so popular.


During the service I'd like members of the choirs I sing in to perform Mozart's Ave Verum - nice and simple so would not take much rehearsal.


Are you weeping yet?


Hymns? Haven't decided.



And for my departure? How about Tommy's Holiday Camp? The camp with a difference, when you come to Tommy's the holiday's for ever. :stinker:  


What would you like? Please, not My Way!



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At one funeral I went to at the local crematorium the gathered assembly followed the coffin in to the strains of the Red Flag. Flanders and Swan's Transport of Delight was in the middle.


For my own do at said place, my thoughts so far are to go in to Norman Greenbaum singing Spirit in the Sky and end with Flowers of the Fields on bagpipes. In between, I'm still thinking, perhaps All Things Bright and Beautiful for one.

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I'll have Cheap Trick's "Auf Wiedersehn". Or the Wildhearts' "Thunderf###" (bet noone else here knows that). Or maybe both. And I can't possibly leave without subjecting everyone to some Iron Maiden one last time..


The problem is if I picked everything I want, it would have to be a 3 day festival with multiple stages, and I keep finding new things...

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In case I get taken unexpectedly, I keep meaning to make a CD sound recording of me banging a wooden box lid while saying  "hey guys - it was a joke! I was joking and you fell for it.! Now let me out! Let me out!! Guys? Guys!" etc to be played over the crematoriums sound system as the curtains part to send my coffin into the flames.

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If I must have a funeral, and I don't see why I should have to have one, I would like "Only Remembered" sung by Coope Boyes and Simpson, "Telstar" by the Tornados and a track by Strawhead which I cannot yet bring myself to choose following their withdrawal from performing.  I do not want any input from religion.  The mumbo-jumbo brings me no comfort when I have to sit through it and I am not inclined to inflict it on anyone else.



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If I must have a funeral, and I don't see why I should have to have one....


I'm all for the "dig a deep hole, drop the body in, then fill it in immediately after" approach. It's very cost-effective and saves a lot of time. I just need a deeper hole to contain all of my kits.

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My mate - and the women in his life in particular - realised he was on the way out with Mesothelioma (from exposure to asbestos way back  in his thirties) and organised his funeral wake while he was still alive. Much better idea to be around to hear what folk really think of you than to be a stiff.

They organised a live band to play for dancing at his wake.

He only lasted a few very unpleasant weeks afterwards but was reported to have enjoyed his day.


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  • RMweb Gold

Meatloaf's "Bat out of Hell" would amuse me and is apt since it was released the year I was born.



A very dear friend of ours was an avid Meatloaf fan and picked that for her funeral. Her sister did not approve and left as soon as they started playing it at the end.

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  • RMweb Gold

There was only one possible tune for Deb’s funeral - Meet On The Ledge, as sung at a Fairport Reunion concert where she was one of the crowd. Not everyone gets to sing at their own funeral.


ISTR Peter Sellers left instructions that In The Mood be played at his funeral. The presiding cleric told the mourners that it must have had a special meaning for the departed. It certainly did - he absolutely hated it!

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  • RMweb Gold

I realise that I am reaching that stage in my life  when time is running out, peers are increasingly "slipping off the edge" and Plans Need To Be Made. 


So, to cheer myself up I am considering what music I'd like to have at my funeral. Shame I'll miss it. :angel:


So to start with, as my coffin is brought into the church (or humanist temple, which are distinctively lacking in Upper Wensleydale) how about something slow and meditative to make everyone nice and unhappy, like a Mozart slow movement or Bach's Air on a G String. Definitely not Pachelbel's Canon, which my organist friend Malcolm says is driving him nuts, it's so popular.


During the service I'd like members of the choirs I sing in to perform Mozart's Ave Verum - nice and simple so would not take much rehearsal.


Are you weeping yet?


Hymns? Haven't decided.



And for my departure? How about Tommy's Holiday Camp? The camp with a difference, when you come to Tommy's the holiday's for ever. :stinker:  


What would you like? Please, not My Way!




Just as simple questions usually lead to complicated answers, simple music can be very difficult to perform properly. I have heard Ave Verum murdered far too many times.


Both my parents had The Trumpet Shall Sound from Handl's Messiah. Most appropriate words and a super piece of music that lots of people like. We cheated and had it as a recording as top-notch trumpeters and bass singers are not that easy to come by.

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