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Razor Blades


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  • RMweb Premium

For how long can a razor blade be expected to give a decent shave?  Up until November last year I used cheap disposables that lasted for maybe four or five increasingly uncomfortable shaves.  Since then I've been using a premium product from an international manufacturer and after three months am still on the first blade which continues to give me good and comfortable shaves (though its longevity may in some part be attributed to the use of a "razor pit").  I must admit that I had previously considered these blades to be grossly over-priced - now it seems that once again you get what you pay for.  And does anyone still use electric razors?  Back in the 60s and 70s they were all the rage - now I don't know anyone who uses one.



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I used an old Braun rechargeable electric shaver up until recently. By then several years old with zero maintenance on my part, it decided to "grab" hold of 7 days worth of beard and stubbornly refuse to let go. I can tell you that brought tears to my eyes. Being a tightwad fiscally cautious, I now use packs of disposables, but maybe there is something to those premium razor and blade sets? May give them a go.

Edited by Pete 75C
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Yes, I found the same as you DT, when I switched from Bic disposables to a Gillette razor with removable heads. I now find that a brand new 4-blade head will last me about 4 or 5 weeks, depending how often I can be bothered to shave. 


I just thought I would give the expensive Gillette a try, but would not go back to the disposable variety now, except in an emergency. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Never gone three but do get about two months out of mine. I've used the Gillette Fusion Proglide for about 3 years and initially thought they were expensive but have changed my mind. A little while  ago I picked up a pack of a dozen on offer at about £22 so that's not bad for the next couple of years. 

I did try an electric razor many years ago but it never did the job properly and I didn't get that really clean feeling you get after a wet shave.

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  • RMweb Gold

Never had a wet shave, except at the barber’s on one occasion. And yes, I do use an electric shaver several times a week to keep some shape in the beard, as well as a trimmer - no, not a strimmer - to stop it getting too straggly.


Back in the ‘60s, I think Wilkinson Sword, new kids on the block challenging Gillette, had a campaign showing a man getting great service from their blades “and he still had 5 shaves left!” Inevitably this spawned some humour, so.....


A woman sadly managed to swallow a razor blade. Terribly bad luck, of course, and she gave herself a tonsillectomy, an appendectomy and a hysterectomy, but also circumcised her husband, castrated her lover, took two fingers off a casual acquaintance, gave the vicar a hair lip - and still had 5 shaves left!

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I do  a  little  part  time  work for an agency  whose  main client  is  an international company  amongst  whose  brands is Gillette,  I get  very positive feed  back  regarding  the  longevity  of  their  blades  vs  the  less expensive brands.


As  a user  of  Proglide etc  I  can  confirm that  they do last  a long  time!

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  • RMweb Premium

One of my pet hates is seeing people abuse good quality cutting tools, I wish I had a pound for every time I tore strips off people for "sharpening" chisels or knives using bench grinders and rendered them so much scrap.

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Next up, the Desperate Dan blowtorch technique...


I wonder how much I have saved in over forty years of beardiness? (We can recycle too, The motors from my first Philips trimmer and the Braun unit that followed it went on to power childrens items. My third and current trimmer is a Philips and has outlasted the first two's combined life, looks set to outlive me.)


On the question of electric shavers they are still widely sold, and my Pa and FiL both use one in their nineties. I suspect they will always be a boon for the elderly man, what with loss of dexterity and other limitations of old age.

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  • RMweb Premium

I use a rechargeable Panasonic shaver - although I have a beard I shave my neck and cheeks.  Had it over 20 years, changed the foil and cutter once and may do so again soon - they're still available.  I shave every day as a rule. Quality product.

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I am a user of disposable blades, just how long is one supposed to last?


I don't grow much beard and tend to only shave every other day, my current disposables are Boots Twin Blade,

and being financially prudent I keep reusing them until they start to 'pull'.

Occasionally one only lasts a fortnight, but mostly much longer, my current razor has lasted nearly 2 months,



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I shave every couple of days or so.
I wouldn't expect disposable razors to last much more than 5 shaves.
I used to use Gillette fusion (the orange one), which lasted a couple of months maybe?
Now I use old school double edge razors.  You can pick up decent razors for about £30.  I bought mine at around £60, but it's a vintage top of the line - although not as top as others!
Blades cost less than a few pence each and last between a couple of weeks and a month.  At the price point though, I am happy to let them go when I first feel uncomfortable.
Found a great razor and really good blades, so much so I spent £100 on a couple of large packs.  The Packs have:
5 blades per individual pack
20 individual packs per punnet
10 punnets per pack

Worked out the math and turns out I have shaving blades that will last about 40 years.  They're likely to out live me.  Not bad for just shy of £100.
There are forums dedicated to shaving, which helped me get started.
Happy to send a pack out to anyone who uses double edge or even trade for railway goodies :P

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Yes, I found the same as you DT, when I switched from Bic disposables to a Gillette razor with removable heads. I now find that a brand new 4-blade head will last me about 4 or 5 weeks, depending how often I can be bothered to shave. 


I just thought I would give the expensive Gillette a try, but would not go back to the disposable variety now, except in an emergency. 

I have used Gillette for decades and the Mach 3 for 'lots' of years, I did try a Wilkinson equivalent but went back to the Gillette.

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I use this,I bought it at a car-boot sale for £2.50. I bought a selection of blades from Amazon, which varied in quality, but the other day I found some Wilkinson Sword blades in Boyes for 59p per packet and the quality seems as good, to me anyway, of any of the higher cost ones.


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What's a shave?


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Or go off half-cock like me and sport a pair of 'Ian Hendry' sidies...  ;) . I hate shaving but grew a beard about twelve years ago, I looked like the son of Catweazle so got rid of it!


I've been using Gillett Mach 3 blades for several years and they tend to last about six to eight weeks a go, her indoors often complains about the price though if I need new ones when she's doing the online weekly shop.

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I grew a moustache in November for the men's charity thing, but by the end of the month I didn't like the 'tache at all and was glad to be able to shave it off on Dec 1st. 


I don't quite understand why, but it just felt wrong; so I don't think a beard would be for me. 

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  • RMweb Gold

I've used a Philishave since abandoning the bravado of an open razor in my teens. Never could get on with a "safety razor" which I concluded was an oxymoron.


I reckon to get at least 8 years of service out of each one so pretty economical per shave, which is only to keep the beard in its place these days anyway, plus a trimmer twice a week.


When my barber retired I got a trimmer for my hair too and wish I'd taken the buzz-cut route much sooner - no more fumbling for a comb after being out in the weather and it's dry with just a quick rub of a towel. Only down-side is it's a bit of an acquired art keeping the back edges tidy.



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