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Good luck with the wardrobe Ian, did you know IKEA is the Swedish equivalent of MFI 

( Made For Idiots) I made thousands of pounds dismantling and putting that stuff together

for customers but the best one was an Indian chap :crazy: had made a babies cot and he called 

me for help as could not use it when I arrived he showed me that he had built it to plan

which he had, they were upside down so I turned the cot over while he was out of the room

when he came back he said how did I do that I said it was a trade secret and that will be 

£50 thank you very much. :spiteful:

Not as much as an idiot I was having purchased a new wooden handle for a Prestige frying pan. The pan came with a lifetime guarantee but that didn't apply when the company was taken over, of course. Anyway, got a new handle from some enterprising ebayer and tried to fit the handle the wrong way round d'oh! What a dummy when I realised!


Edited by Purley Oaks
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Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit late this morning thanks to Essex & Suffolk water. I went to run a bath first thing this morning only to find there was no water. So I tried ringing the emergency number only to be put on hold and with a message that it will take about 15 minutes to answer my call. I waited on the phone for about 20 minutes and was still getting the same message so I gave up. About 20 minutes later a gurgling in the pipes indicated that the water was back on. I then had to make sure that the hot water system was pressurised before running any. Thats my rant over now to consume a belated muggatee, be back later.

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31 degrees in Ealing, and that was before 11am.


The office here is turning into a steamy mangrove swamp, and I expect it to worsen over the afternoon. Senior colleague has suggested that a fan might help, a bit like the one in her part of the office which does a very good job pushing warm air around. Pity we don't have a bucket or bowl of cold water that I can direct the fan draught into, because amateur air-con.

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Morning all. Greetings from the Tropic of Clapham. First shift with the damaged toe was a painful challenge but has been completed in a professional manner. We’ll see how rest and some medication helps for the rest of the day.


All the best to ERs everywhere. Stay cool if possible.

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Just decided to have a bacon bagel.  I often wonder about this given the Jewish origin of the bagel.  Delicious nonetheless

I used to revel in the delicious irony. But we have it every Sunday morning and have done for years. The smug feeling wore off long ago. Now I just revel in the deliciousness of it!

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As I sit here in 23+-0.5C... no I'm not,  it all went a bit screwy.. actually hit 25C in the lab. So I  removed myself and the equipment to 23c+- 1c in the outer lab. Since then I've reset the A/C and it seems to have worked but I probably won't return in there till tomorrow morning,as there are things I can do to the equipment in the mean time and I want to know if it will keep working..


History time, I got given a load of old model railway magazines the other day ranging from 1950 to 1962. sadly none actually of the month I was born..

Adverts, most of the advertisers have long since gone, very London centric it was then, Hattons were there,and a company called Pritchard Patent  Product Company, if they were setting up a brand today it would be P3co, others advertising were the War office with a full page advert for the Army, and the Royal Navy with a full page advert. This near an advert for Capstan full strength. Also Gamages,  GEM (under its original owner) and a few others that survived until the 1980s..

 in the articles..


GDB, CLOSE YOUR EYES, the interesting Idea of using a double sided razor blade as a spring in a model locomotive...

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  • RMweb Gold

31 degrees in Ealing, and that was before 11am.


The office here is turning into a steamy mangrove swamp, and I expect it to worsen over the afternoon. Senior colleague has suggested that a fan might help, a bit like the one in her part of the office which does a very good job pushing warm air around. Pity we don't have a bucket or bowl of cold water that I can direct the fan draught into, because amateur air-con.


Take. care where you get the water or you might have a suspect Legionnaire bringing his disease in to your office ;)

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Greetings all and special wishes to those suffering; Rick that toe looks painful. Mrs Lurker stubbed her little toe on the washing basket and dislocated it a few years ago. Urgent care realized she had had kids so didn't bother with any anaesthetic when they shoved it back in....


We like Andrew had about 8 spots of rain on Saturday, which followed a good half dozen on Friday evening. None of this has stopped the garden's descent into looking like the Serengeti shortly after the wildebeest have left the area. I do, however, have a potential ray of hope. We've ordered new garden furniture in advance of a party for Elder Lurker's 16th next Saturday. The furniture or the party are bound to see the rain arrive...

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I believe Forfar 5 East Fife 4 was an actual result many years ago also. And goals scored within 90 minutes not penalties

1963/64 per Wikipedia.


I am sure there have been some other wonderful high scoring games between these two sides, but nothing as tongue tyingly satisfying

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  • RMweb Gold

1963/64 per Wikipedia.


I am sure there have been some other wonderful high scoring games between these two sides, but nothing as tongue tyingly satisfying


I thought everyone was on about the number of spectators that might have been present a one of their matches

or the average ticket sales for the year.  :laugh:  :sarcastic:  :lol:                                                                                                   :rolleyes:

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Take. care where you get the water or you might have a suspect Legionnaire bringing his disease in to your office ;)

Aditi’s Dad’s first job was as a doctor in a refugee camp for people displaced after the partition in India. He had a day tent and a night tent but converted the night tent to a dispensary and lab area. He made a air con unit out of tin baths and enema tubing with a human powered fan (punkah wallah) . When he got married MiL went to live with him in the tent rather than stay back in comfort in Delhi.


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I paid a cheque into Aditi’s bank account today. This is a joint account with her as the first named person. Anyway it seemed to be taking a while and when I asked the cashier she said she was just checking the signature. The cheque was from MiL. Do banks keep the signature of customers online for access? I might have understood if she was checking that Mrs Aditi S was the Mrs A S on the account. They wouldn’t take a cheque made out to me as Tony instead of Anthony once either. The nice bank we usually deal with have closed their local branch leaving us with a former building society who could take up to 7 working days to clear a cheque. Even the Post,Office would have been quicker. I shall go there next time!

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31 degrees in Ealing, and that was before 11am.


The office here is turning into a steamy mangrove swamp, and I expect it to worsen over the afternoon. Senior colleague has suggested that a fan might help, a bit like the one in her part of the office which does a very good job pushing warm air around. Pity we don't have a bucket or bowl of cold water that I can direct the fan draught into, because amateur air-con.

UPDATE: I have now officially reached meltdown. I'm going home.

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Hey Old Horse - Look on the Googly-thingy for Home-made Swamp Coolers - basically a fan blowing air through a dish cloth/tea towel with the cloths bottom in a basin of cold water _ DIY air conditioning!

Edited by shortliner
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Morning Peeps

Good luck with the wardrobe Ian, did you know IKEA is the Swedish equivalent of MFI


So far so good but they dont supply the fixings to the walls so a quick trip to a local shop I managed to get some wall plugs and screws but the screws weren't long enough so decided to call it a day mainly due to the heat and will return tomorrow with suitable screws from my hoard, then put together the heavier mirror door.


Edited by roundhouse
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Should be tootling along the freeway towards the Oregon coast to meet the California contingent at the moment but now we will likely leave tomorrow am. I thought I had toothache all last week but it turned out to be infected fizzog glands. Visited the urgent care establishment on Sunday morning and got antibiotics. I should be able to haul the caravan by tomorrow. We won't need to haul it back here - daughter is taking it back to Los Alamitos.

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Dafternoon one and all from The Tropic of Twickenham. Whilst “quite warm” at 31C was the official word “hot and sticky” is the verdict Upon the Hill of Strawberries. It’s the humidty which makes the difference. Having worked for 17 years in a place where a hot summer’s day was around 43C at least it was dry heat there with humidity around 5%. Today has been more like 65%.


Shift completed with painful difficulty. Anti- gout medication taken upon arrival home which is both a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory. While not prescribed for perhaps-broken toes it has certainly worked. It knocked me out as expected for several hours and I woke with much less pain and reduced swelling.


Currently sat on the terrace enjoying an ale in the afternoon sun while I wait for the sloshing machine to recycle my uniform for tomorrow. I hear SWMBO has just arrived; it would be diplomatic to greet her at this juncture. I’ll be back later and hope you will too.

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  • RMweb Gold

Dafternoon one and all from The Tropic of Twickenham. Whilst “quite warm” at 31C was the official word “hot and sticky” is the verdict Upon the Hill of Strawberries. It’s the humidty which makes the difference. Having worked for 17 years in a place where a hot summer’s day was around 43C at least it was dry heat there with humidity around 5%. Today has been more like 65%.


Shift completed with painful difficulty. Anti- gout medication taken upon arrival home which is both a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory. While not prescribed for perhaps-broken toes it has certainly worked. It knocked me out as expected for several hours and I woke with much less pain and reduced swelling.


Currently sat on the terrace enjoying an ale in the afternoon sun while I wait for the sloshing machine to recycle my uniform for tomorrow. I hear SWMBO has just arrived; it would be diplomatic to greet her at this juncture. I’ll be back later and hope you will too.


Interesting humidity level, wonder what it will do overnight?  Here it is forecast to be 42% at 19.00 rising to 67% at 23.00 then to a maximum level of 83% at 05.00 subsequently falling back to a low of 46% by 15.00 tomorrow.   I must admit I'm not all sure why it should do that apart from the sun burning it off during the day but odd how it seems to build as the night goes on.

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A mere 22c here today, but with crushing humidity.  Very uncomfortable late afternoon, although it rained for an hour this morning - you wouldn't know.


Prior to Frankenfoot (9 broken bones) I thought I had never broken anything, however the CT scans revealed I had broken bits in there twice before which had been diagnosed as 'sprains'.  As the foot was such a mess I got sent for a bone density scan, but all was well - no osteoporosis. Just a touch of the GDB's. Well, a little more than a touch I suppose!


Go Lewis!

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