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Glasgow Queen Street '88


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Thanks chaps, that's sorted that one! Work has slowed again on the layout due to chest infections and such,


But back home work has continued on the class 120 it is now sat in b/g an tonight I will be fitting the seats to the trailer car and a few more bits and bobs, I'll try and get a pic up later!


Ta for now

Chris w

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  • 3 weeks later...

Howdo all,

again appologise for lack of updates, GQS has been plodding on brilliantly for the last few weeks,

The Concorse shops and entrances/exits are all but completed now and just waiting for a painting sesh for their first coats. And we have been plodding on with the dundas street shops and such!


We also have managed to pick up another blue and gray 108 which will become 'another 107' so everythings going well so far I'll get a pic of the concourse up in a few days


Ta for now

Chris W

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  • 1 month later...

Hi All,


A few more progress photos for you.


WIth the weather turning a bit foul over the last few weeks, we've spent quite a few days up at the club on GQS with quite a bit of progress hopefully noticable.


I've been concentrating on finishing the retaining walls and platform edging - having bought our local model shop out of Dressed Stone plasticard several times over, i'm glad to finally see the back of the stuff! :chok_mini: The plasticard is used 'as is' on the retaining walls however is sanded down for the platform edging to give a flatter effect as per real life. As we've covered before, the platforms are a mix of their original stone construction and later concrete changes when the station was remodelled, and we've replicated this as best we can. I've made a start on painting the concrete edging, and this needs weathering to match the stone areas, as well as the girder added at the concourse end of the station where GQS Lower passes underneath ( although we'll pass on making it for now... :D )


Dave has been working his magic on the concourse buildings, helping me keep the plasticard makers in business....the concourse end buildings are now awaiting interiors and nameboards etc which shouldn't prove too much trouble - although we're now pretty much settled on which shop was which! (If anyone has a photo of the Casey Jones burger bar, please let us know!) and progress has turned to the travel centre area - although we're trying to steer Dave away from buying some of the more bizzare Noch figures to stick in the offices above.... :resent:


Chris meanwhile has been getting stuck in on the trackwork with a bit more wiring carried out, and a 'test patch' of ballasting that got a tad out of hand! Following this, the temptation to complete the scene was a bit too much, and Chris has kitbashed five Traintronics signals into their GQS representatives (CQ2, CQ3, CQ4, CQ6 and CQ9) although these still need quite a bit of work....hopefully they add to the scene!


Outside the North West, Flex has been busy fettling more Mk2s after we managed to acquire a few of the Mk2 TSOs...a few weeks before Bachmann reannounced them, of course... :scratchhead:


Other bits and pieces of work have been carried out on the layout as i'm sure you can see but the above covers the main bits, the rest should hopefully be apparent in the photos!









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Howdo all, as you can all see GQS is coming on at a fair pace now!


The colour lights I have been making have been kit bashed from traintronics signals, does anyone on here know how to wire them up to ls150 accsesory decoders?


I'm gonna have a stab at it in the next week or so when I've finnised the other 3 signals off!


Also this week Dave W and I are hoping to have the rest of the concourse buildings and the dundas street shops ready for painting but time will tell on this project


I'll get some more photos up later this week of our progress depending how much time our Manchester Expo takes up (which has Bermuda Sheds and Holcombe Brook & Tottington in attendence of here) check expo page for details :P as always the GQS team will be about in full force to talk all things ScotRail so if anyone of here fancys a natter over the show weekend come find me, i'm not missable I have long hair and a beard


Ta for now

Chris W

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Howdo all, just a quick update.


Dave W has now near enough finnished all the concourse buildings, they are just awaiting painting, figures and details now. This week he has also batted on with the arrivals and departure board that sits at the end of plats 4&5 this is currently sat in it's first coat of paint


I have been cracking on with the Dundas Street shops again with the first 2 finnised and lit all they need now are drain pipes and painting up. I'm hoping to get to Arcadia models on Monday and pick up the remaining few colour lights need to bash into the 3 left but I'll update on this as and when it happens


Dave M has been ploughing on nicly with the girders that sit above GQS lower to support the higher platforms. Again we ran out of materials so I'll be getting fresh supplies on Monday,


I'll try and get some photos up in the next day or so of progress


Ta for now

Chris W

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Guest Max Stafford

You could always have a couple of 'Jaikies' squaring up in The Clyde Vaults! :threaten: :blum:


Looking great though - you really are starting to nail the feel of the place.



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Howdo all, we are just starting to collect figures for the layout! These include the obligatory photographers/ neds/ cranks and normals :) we already have a fair few but we are still picking up more as we go along! We are mainly using praiser people as with these you get better veriaty and detail, and also you don't have the same six people over and over again (kind of like the back scene in the flintstones and our sound chips)


Ta for now

Chris w

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Howdo all, after a rather unsucsesful night on the layout in terms of major progress Dave W cracked on with the concourse buildings and the flower beds/brick walls for the ends of platforms 7/6 and 5/4


I havent got any photos tonight BUT after the arival of yet ANOTHER b/g 107 we have decided next week we are going to aim for a massive Photo sesh with all the stock and maybe even have a bit of a run so we will get plenty of pics then


Ta for now

Chris W

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I will have to have a look into head bags :)


And that photos is absolutly brilliant! So for it has been but from memorys and one photo (that is black and white!) but I'm happy to say that it's near enough spot on!


I'm off to ikea tomorrow as the miss' says so... But at least this means I can pick up the lighting rig for the ticket office :D


So far news I quiet we are just waiting for more colour lights to arrive at Arcadia then I'll get them all finnished an one of out members Sue said she will make us 2 DIY Chips to control the colour llights so all I moving forwards.


Can't wait for the photo sesh on Wednesday

ta for now

Chris W

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On a previous West Highland layout, I had a collection of cranks at the end of the platform, complete with bags and gen sheet. It would be good if one of the white metal figure manufacturers did a “bashing legend†series, with such characters as Jed, Bernie and that top Deltic man Zontar.



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That would be ace!


There I an advertisment board that looms in the bank above platform 1 and this will have the only non 1988 advertisment ( in 88 it had a bank advert on it) but om our layout it will be advertising a game called BETTER THAN LIFE some of you may recognise this as it's from a Red Drwarf episode :D


Ta for now

Chris W

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Sorry, I was of into the world of bashing, it has its own language, just a brief translation


Crank, enthusiast of the railway type, mad or otherwise.


Norm, short for normal, or normal passenger, general public.


Gen sheet, TOP's print out, obtained by bribery of the station staff, or by a fellow crank, and used to find out loco allocation.


Just for a bit of fun here's a few more terms.


Bert, any male normal


Aider, female normal


Baglet, young female normal


Hope this clears things up



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I leave the thread for five minutes and everyone's talking Red Dwarf and crankexes!


Gary, that photo is fantastic and a great help - cheers! We've been working off a few photos we had of the office from 1985/6 but 1989 is a darn sight closer! It also confirms a lot of things with the welcome message and posters in the hoarding below. We'll definately have a few cranks on the layout but isn't GQS a bit out of Jeds area... :unsureclear:


To bring everything 'Back to Reality' (I hope that doesn't go over everyones heads!) here's a few photos to fill the void until next Wednesday - these were taken in November so the layout has come on in leaps and bounds since....I hope you've all been paying attention! :biggrin_mini2:








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I leave the thread for five minutes and everyone's talking Red Dwarf and crankexes!


Gary, that photo is fantastic and a great help - cheers! We've been working off a few photos we had of the office from 1985/6 but 1989 is a darn sight closer! It also confirms a lot of things with the welcome message and posters in the hoarding below. We'll definately have a few cranks on the layout but isn't GQS a bit out of Jeds area... :unsureclear:




Ok, no Jed then, his travels have been discuses on a certain Facebook page, and he traveled out of the WMPTE area on several occasions, one been when Western Ranger made it to Leeds in 1977.



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