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Hartlepool Model Railway Exhibition - 'Hornby Magazine Live' - 7th & 8th July 2012

Captain Kernow

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Gosh - Sunday 2.30 pm and no-one has posted about what a cracking show Hartlepool is this year. I've always enjoyed it even at Wynyard (jury still out on which I prefer Wynyard or College) but can understand the logic behind the venue change one being location and the other one being down to space available especially as to the size of the show which seems to have really grown in size this year. This show is fast becoming one of the best on the circuit and although not huge like York, Glasgow etc. people still had time to talk and answer queries etc.


No doubt someone will say there should have been more of this or more of that but for me it was a good all round show - so well done to all those involved in the organisation of it and long may it continue. Can't wait for 2013 because it seems to get better as the years go on.


Well done all!

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  • RMweb Gold

A really good show, not keen of paying to park though.

The highlight was finally seeing Engine Wood (very good and subtle modelling) and meeting The Captain and his motley crew, the head on collision was interesting...


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  • RMweb Gold

The highlight was finally seeing Engine Wood (very good and subtle modelling)


Agreed …… but disappointing not to see any parsnips running.


Seriously though, another very enjoyable show.

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Well, we had fun exhibiting Black Rock. Well done to the organisers and many thanks for the invite!


Also, big thanks to Simon for fixing the GP9 I foolishly dropped whilst setting up on Friday. Cheers!



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  • RMweb Gold

Yes a good weekend, no guest operators but plenty of interest/chats from the public and some fellow RMWeb members.


Thanks to all involved with organisation of the show.

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I was impressed with the venue - some areas were a bit narrow and could be problematic with more people in and I can see that with all that glass it'll be as hot as the old place if we get any real sunshine, but overall it's a pretty classy venue. The bacon butties were very good which is terribly important. Signage could be better both inside and outside but I'm sure the event will grow into the venue and vice-versa.


The quality of layouts was very high with a lot of well-known performers - WVY above, Rowlands Castle, Haymarket Cross... I was very pleased to be able to see 'Engine Wood' and as Paul has commented meet the Captain and his happy band. I think we both hoped to see HMS Kernow in full rig moored in the Marina, but maybe next year. Gutted to have missed a head-on: the most exciting thing I got to see was the late delivery of a CCT. Nevertheless, as Paul says, nice understated modelling. Looking forward to the 'apronarama' next year!


I hope Cornwall is still afloat when you get back there....

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Another wonderfull weekend over and many thanks must go to the Hartlepool team for their excellant organisational skills. OK they didn't manage too well with the weather but it would seem compared with other areas of the UK they didn't do too badly. We, the Meopham, or Meoppy crew as I am informed we now call the layout, enjoyed ourselves, meeting friends old and new and the layout ran very well attracting many favourable comments.

Nothing to repair and I came home again with more stock than I set off with. Now that's a bonus!

Thanks also to Mike Wild and his team.

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  • RMweb Gold

It ceratinly was a good show this year with a cracking line up of layouts. I enjoyed meeting many from on here.

I do like the new venue which gave much more space than the Wynyard and still have space available to expand.

As with a show in any new venue (and it was also the first time the college itself has hosted such an 3rd party event) I am sure there will be a few lessons learnt and tweaks made for next year.

It was nice to be there operating a layout rather than being a marquee building it... but Ashland performed well all weekend with my pre-nationalisation stock running on the Saturday and then moved 10 years to BR(S) on the Sunday.




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What a great show...quality right up there...venue brilliant...organisation excellent.

We only had a skeleton crew of four on the Saturday and were joined by a fifth member for the Sunday on Haymarket Cross, which was just as well because at one point on the Saturday I looked down the layout to see all of us were busy explaining various aspects of the layout to the general public, leaving our willing helper (Jordan from HMRS) to deal with engine movements on the entire layout. So, thanks to the Hornby live team, once again you did a great job.

As you will no doubt realise, we only got a quick look at the show and hardly any time to seek out fellow RMwebbers, although I did a bit of catching up with Simon (Mrscorn), Paul (Worsdell forever) and probably embarrassed Beast66606 by telling him that I always looked upon him as a voice of reason on RMweb.

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What a great show...quality right up there...venue brilliant...organisation excellent.

We only had a skeleton crew of four on the Saturday and were joined by a fifth member for the Sunday on Haymarket Cross, which was just as well because at one point on the Saturday I looked down the layout to see all of us were busy explaining various aspects of the layout to the general public, leaving our willing helper (Jordan from HMRS) to deal with engine movements on the entire layout. So, thanks to the Hornby live team, once again you did a great job.

As you will no doubt realise, we only got a quick look at the show and hardly any time to seek out fellow RMwebbers, although I did a bit of catching up with Simon (Mrscorn), Paul (Worsdell forever) and probably embarrassed Beast66606 by telling him that I always looked upon him as a voice of reason on RMweb.



IT WAS A PLEASURE TO HELP ON THE SATURDAY looking foreward to when our paths will cross again in the future

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  • RMweb Gold

The show was a pleasure to attend, particularly as the venue was so new, bright and airy. We (The Captain's mignions) were so well looked after by the Hornby mag team. We were billeted on the seafront at Seaton Carew with His Knibs having the 'stateroom' complete with luxury setee and four poster bed as was befitting His Eminence!


Some good layouts and much fun was had on 'Engine Wood' with some celebrity visitors! The new Bachmann S & D blue liveried 7f and also a spectacular appearance of the new 'Blue Pullman'.Himself will probably post the snaps and movie later on. Many thanks to Richard from Bachmann for allowing our silliness!


Also had the pleasure of meeting Simon Kohler who was there showing the truly magnificent new GW 42XX and 72XX large tank test products.


A few snaps....








A lovely DJH Crosti on Ashland (ctsy of Graham Muz)





Superb colourlights on Widnes Vine Road.



Seen at Hartlepool Station



...and finally a taster...!


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  • RMweb Gold

We had a great time at Hartlepool and it was great to catch up with friends old and new alike. Special thanks to Mike Wild of Hornby Magazine and Paul Bolton and colleagues of the Hartlepool MRG for making us so welcome and providing such good accommodation!


I'll post a few photos up shortly, but here is a YouTube taster of what could be a new range of push-along Bachmann locos, ably demonstrated on 'Engine Wood' by Richard from Bachmann ;) :D





We also got to play with the Bachmann sample of the 'unmentionable' from the display case!





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well hartlepool is now over so i will be looking foreward to all the exhibitors traders and all RMwebbers for when our paths shall cross again

brilliant array of layouts at the show a huge applause most go out to mike wilde and his crew to get the show together and bring all the excellent layouts up north or down south

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We also got to play with the Bachmann sample of the 'unmentionable' from the display case!


Well you always claimed it had run over the S&D - in years to come this video will be taken as proof!

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  • RMweb Gold

Here are a few more photos taken at the show, although I didn't take that many in the end and most of what I did take were of a certain BP..... :D


Not quite a Pullman, but still a blue loco, and a really stunning model, IMO:



No.88 double heading with 75023:



The shock disappointment of the show for us was the fact that Brian Harrap forgot his backscene cummerbund/apron, so we had to content ourselves with his usual sartorial elegance:



Richard from Bachmann busy at work with 'something' in the fiddle yard:



And then (when it became too long to be solely contained in the fiddle yard), the nature of the 'special train' became apparent:







Passing a local in 'Engine Wood' station:











It just about fitted in the other, larger fiddle yard:


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Here's one taken of His Maddocksness recumbent on His fourposter (awaiting room service I suspect, nurse the screens) after a hard day at the Hartlepool show. Thoroughly enjoyed my stint on Engine Wood and the rest of the show. Brian


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Hi All

Got back late Monday from the show and spent yesterday recouperating. Absolutely fabulous show and enjoyed meeting many of the RM members. Many thanks to Jo and Michelle from the college and to Margaret, Mike and Paul and the rest of the Hornby staff and Paul and Peter and the Hartlepool lads for putting on such an excellent show. Only problem the weather, but did not have to use our waders.

Was too busy to take photos but Jamie lad (7APT) did the honours and no doubt will be putting some on shortly.




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His Maddocksness


Pictures of the Captain in bed; whatever next? I'm trying to get him to bring Callow Lane to Members' Day next year but having seen special running privileges of the BP and that he's got used to a four-poster bed I'm not sure we can accommodate his list of attendance riders any longer. ;)

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Captions anybody....?


They refused to roll up their trousers.....




Having heard the locals hung a monkey dressed up as a Frenchy because it was a spy the trio thought they'd fit right in.


(How many people can I offend in one post?) ;)

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  • RMweb Gold

Captions anybody....?


They refused to roll up their trousers.....




It was only when his sleeves became solid did the Captain remember where he'd put his handkerchief.

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