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Members Day 2012

Andy Y

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  • RMweb Gold

Just on the train home from a great day in Stafford. Nice to catch up with some familiar faces, and put some faces to familiar names! Pixie, Bryn, Backofanenvelope & Eldavo to name but a few.


Special thanks go to Missy for letting me 'play' with Highclere. A truly stunning layout in the making, and the shock treatment in the fiddle yard is quite an effective way of making sure you remember not to hold both sides of the cassette! ;) The rather long freight train making its way around during the afternoon wasn't my doing though, honest!


And of course massive thanks to Andy and team for making it happen again this year! Although following a brief conversation I think I may have committed Ropley to its first public outing around this time next year!



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I can honestly say, I have not enjoyed a Model Railway event more than this....ever.!!!


I just just can't believe how good the day was......I went to spend a couple of hours....and stayed till the end.


My 3 pals, whose first time it was at an RMweb event, were truly amazed at the friendliness and hospitality of Andy and his team of helpers, and also everyone who was exhibiting. The way people socialise at this event is a credit to our hobby.


If you didnt or couldnt go....then its your bad luck....you missed a real gem.


Thanks for organising an amazingly successful RMweb day Andy, and for providing such fantastic hospitality.


And thanks to all you RMwebbers for turning up and making it such a brilliant day for all of us.



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  • RMweb Gold

And a big thanks to all from me too. A great day, and eye opener, for me. I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect – except maybe the walk from the station, but at least that did me a bit of good.


Particularly enjoyed the fact that there were NO barriers – either physical of metaphorical!

Loved chatting and putting faces to names and I hereby formally put my name forward as an attendee for next year.


In a word – brilliant!


Thanks to all,


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  • RMweb Gold

Yep, another fantastic day nice to talk to everyone about the Gantry Crane and Scalescenes in general.


A big thanks to Andy and the catering team, the food as always excellent.

Such a great family atmosphere looking forward to next year.


A big thanks to all involved.





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  • RMweb Premium

Just another post to say thanks to everyone involved, first time I've been to an RMWeb Members day, definitely won't be the last!


Highlights for me were Orchard Road & Pen y Bont, both beautifully executed & really inspiring.


I also got chance to talk to Paul Lunn about a problem with my new 009 layout design that I've been unable to resolve for over 12 months, he's given me some really good pointers, so I should be able make a start on that later this year. Watch this space!


One thing I must remember next year, close the car sun roof before leaving it in a rainy car park all afternoon. The seat was a bit damp on the way home.......





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Another vote of thanks from me to Andy and his team. Really excellent day out and well worth getting up at 5am for!


Main attraction for me was seeing Ravensclyffe again after 4 years (it doesn't seem like that long ago!). Really coming on nicely Andi, especially that superb tunnel mouth. It makes a change to see something nice and restrained. :)



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My first RMWeb members day. I always seemed to be either at work or on holiday for all the previous events.

I must say a big thanks to Andy and the team for providing us all with much entertainment and excellent nosebag. (Chilli and beans will take their toll no doubt!)


I am also rather humbled and pleased that I was invited to bring my layout to this years event so again thanks to Andy for the invite.


Thanks also to all of you who took time to stop by and say hello, it was a pleasure to meet you all, and thanks for the kind comments about Pen Y Bont, When people pass nice comments it some how makes all the work worth while so thanks guys.


Special thanks to Jaymes (Newfish) for doing the lions share of the operating, (Good training for the next proper expo mate!)


Last of all a great thank you to Paul, (Halfwit) for his help in loading the car at the end in the rain! Much appreciated Paul Thanks.


I have some pictures to add but not tonight, time for a warm bath and cool bed!




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Wonderful day with good folk who were so generous - thanks to Andy and the crew, especially those who fed us.


The weather did not dampen our enthusiasm.







The Travelodge was great

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Guest Tom F

Just back home. Although quite a long journey for me (living in the Yorkshire Dales) but it was well worth it! A lovely informal feel about the whole thing!

Here are some photos (not a lot mind) and apologies there are very few layouts in there.


Tim very much in the thick of it, showing us how it's done!



Worsdell Forever's Greycroft











Cake Time!






The Guv himself with his rendition of 'I did it my way'



One last thing to say. Thanks Andy for all your hard work. It's day's like this that make us realise how lucky we all are! :drinks:


Oh....and I'm glad the flap jacks went down well!

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  • RMweb Premium

Enjoyed everything today wish I had taken up the offer of food and could have easily stayed to the end, next year I will make sure the shackles are off. To my eyes Highclere was outstanding in it's minute detail but everything was worth a second and third look! Good news for a Yorkshireman I came with a tenner and came home with a tenner.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Andy


It has all been said in previous post, but thanks a great day.


Thanks for the grub


New Haden Colliery safely back in the clubroom before 6pm with a possible invite to Loughborough pending.


See you soon



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Guest Popcod

Had a wonderful day meeting everyone in the flesh for the first time.

A big thank you to Andy for organising the event and everyone for being so friendly.


All the best,


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  • RMweb Premium

Just a quick note to congratulate Andy (and his team) for organising yet another excellent event.


Everyone was friendly - it was a great, relaxed atmosphere. Thanks also to those folks who presented layouts and displays.


It was great to be able to study some really interesting layouts - and have time to discuss issues freely with interested people.

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My first members day meet, definitely not my last, had a smashing time, good to put forum names to faces.

Nice and informal, even had a few words with Andy sat outside on the wall just before lunch arrived.

Big thanks to all for organising the meet. wish i could have stayed longer but had to be in work for 3 o'clock.

Forgot my camera :O , so loads of photos please.

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  • RMweb Gold

hi Andy and all on here,

Kat and I had a grand day!! Gromit would have been proud. Excellent feel and good to chat to loads of people, look forward to next time and hope to get a 3mm presence. Well fed and the sample of RM web cake went down well and the bar a good idea. As others have said on last few posts thanks Andy and the team of the faithful few and the great catering crew!

Met and made friends which it is all about. the 3mm DMUs I bought along now on bench for a bit more TLC.


Robert and Kat- at home resting !

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Regretably illness in the family curtailed plans to go this year. Pretty well gutted as it was one of the show highlights, maybe the highlight, of last year but it proved impossible to make it. Good to see so many of you enjoyed it and thanks to Andy for all his efforts again. 'Hopefully I'll be better placed to come next year.

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  • RMweb Gold

Ravensclyffe is safely home.

Huge thanks to my marvelous crew, you were fantastic!

Great to meet so many friends old and new.


Andy Y, what more can be said... Thanks to you and your awesome team.


I couldn't find my camera during the day (found it while packing down) so if anyone has photos of Ravens please post them either here or in the layout thread. Ta.



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Just on the train home from a great day in Stafford. Nice to catch up with some familiar faces, and put some faces to familiar names! Pixie, Bryn, Backofenvelope & Eldavo the name but a few.


Like wise Tom, it'll be really good to see Ropley in the flesh soon too!


The rather long freight train making its way around during the afternoon wasn't my doing though, honest!


I blame Bryn personally.


Thanks to all for a very enjoyable day, just one video from me of Julia's Highclere with Bryn's get everywhere 24 and a selection of wagons.






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As others have said, many thanks to Andy Y and his team for a great day. Great to put names to a couple of faces and souce some info, will be popping in on the Staffs Railways Circle next week, thanks guys!


Now to get modelling again!!

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Been home about an hour now. Had a fantastic time, good company and good grub!! Shame I had to leave before the cakes appeared!!

Well done to everyone and especilly Andy who I think deserves a knighthood!

Look forward to seeing peoples pics, I'll try and post some tomorrow.


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