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Dating, women and the 'hobby'...

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My better half has always entertained my enthusiasm for the noble sport of Railway Modelling.

That said my spasmodic flitting between regions eras annoys her as she's happy when I set up my oval of setrack to run my dilapidated stock which spends 97% of its life sat in a cupboard (or 6 under the parents house!) and she can play with them!

She particularly enjoys my 33/1 which has directional lighting and my 59 which basically pulls everything she attaches to it (including 4 mk1's, a rake of PGAs and several 12 ton vans!

She also is happy for my 08 to sit on a shelf in the dining room for all to see; I don't hide my interests as most people who spot my locos and other rail related paraphernalia pass comment to her and not me anyway.

She's openly said she'd rather the modelling I do try and do over say PC gaming or watching tv because she likes creative stuff herself (I bought her a sewing machine at 21 and a semi-pro kitchen mixer at 22 so you can see we're both older than our ages!)

And, I don't go out partying (she occasional does under the auspices of 'wedding planning' with the bridesmaids) nor do I sit plugged into a console at all hours, just my iPhone on Flickr and RMWeb looking for inspiration which is infinitely preferable to sitting looking at Facebook or similar such drivel, so she tells me!

Needless to say she's a gem!


Edited by Paragon
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My better half has always entertained my enthusiasm for the noble sport of Railway Modelling.

That said my spasmodic flitting between regions eras annoys her as she's happy when I set up my oval of setrack to run my dilapidated stock which spends 97% of its life sat in a cupboard (or 6 under the parents house!) and she can play with them!

She particularly enjoys my 33/1 which has directional lighting and my 59 which basically pulls everything she attaches to it (including 4 mk1's, a rake of PGAs and several 12 ton vans!

She also is happy for my 08 to sit on a shelf in the dining room for all to see; I don't hide my interests as most people who spot my locos and other rail related paraphernalia pass comment to her and not me anyway.

She's openly said she'd rather the modelling I do try and do over say PC gaming or watching tv because she likes creative stuff herself (I bought her a sewing machine at 21 and a semi-pro kitchen mixer at 22 so you can see we're both older than our ages!)

And, I don't go out partying (she occasional does under the auspices of 'wedding planning' with the bridesmaids) nor do I sit plugged into a console at all hours, just my iPhone on Flickr and RMWeb looking for inspiration which is infinitely preferable to sitting looking at Facebook or similar such drivel, so she tells me!

Needless to say she's a gem!


Does she have a sister ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

My good wife has no known hobbies, or ever has had. She watches endless soap operas, 70s sitcoms and other tv which I find unbearable, and a tribe of siblings, cousins and their miscellaneous offspring who I (mostly) remain on tolerable terms with, although I don't spend longer than necessary over it. Lately, she knits endlessly.


She takes no interest whatsoever in any of my pursuits, or ever has done. Then again, my sometimes protracted absences at sea or at work, seem to rest very lightly upon her.


I suppose it's one of the benefits of marrying relatively late (30) that we are still ambling along after 31 years, have three grown children and generally, never thought that things might be otherwise...

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  • RMweb Premium

My good wife has no known hobbies, or ever has had. She watches endless soap operas, 70s sitcoms and other tv which I find unbearable, and a tribe of siblings, cousins and their miscellaneous offspring who I (mostly) remain on tolerable terms with, although I don't spend longer than necessary over it. Lately, she knits endlessly.



Then she has a hobby (or two) - watching soap operas, or knitting.

If she can knit whilst watching a soap opera then she's making double use of her spare time and proves the oft- misguided fact that the female of the species can allegedly multi-task - respect!




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Allegedly? Compared to the male of the species, females are far superior multi-taskers.


 A cynic might say this is because they never finish a job before starting another. :jester:  When I  consider the number of part completed modelling projects I'm responsible for however I'm forced to concede this may not be just a female trait.


Another thing females are better at is communication, allegedly. I don't know about you but I endeavour to please my loved one in all I say and do.(She's a third Dan blackbelt in Tia Kwon Do so I've got a strong reason to do so.) But I'm always getting it wrong.

If females are so good at communication why the hell don't they tell us what the hell they really want! :cry:


Or is it that being male I'm just too poor at communication to understand what she's telling me? (Of course that's it, I KNEW IT WOULD BE MY FAULT it always is.) :jester:

Edited by iainp
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  • RMweb Gold

Allegedly? Compared to the male of the species, females are far superior multi-taskers.


Nope, I multitask all the time I can both listen to the wife and ignore her at the same time.

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I would take the view that watching junk tv isn't a hobby, by definition. It requires no input, no skill, no outlay and you cannot affect the outcome. Addiction might be nearer the mark, or possibly anaesthetic... this isn't to imply she is stupid, or lazy. She has a whole shelf of Thomas Hardy and Bronte novels, and she has read them all, to my certain knowledge; a feat of intellectual determination and/or sheer stamina which I have never managed to even seriously attempt. I occasionally invite ironic comments by offering that I once read Silas Marner for GCE O Levels, apparently this dirge was written by someone else... although SHE appears to think that Shakespeare wrote A Man For All Seasons, so we are quits on that subject.


Knitting is an odd one. It seems to function primarily as a means of social exchange, the onset of which is heralded by either a retirement or impending addition to the extended family. Certainly no child old enough to express an opinion will ever be seen wearing any if the resulting garments.

Edited by rockershovel
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My latest lady (after a few false starts) knows about it and rolls her eyes a bit every now and then, however she would rather I was doing something creative rather than drinking my income away down the pub.


She also stopped being so critical when she found out I could design her jewelery using the same 3D printing software im using for my O9 kits

Edited by Edge
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  • 1 year later...
  • RMweb Gold

My squeeze, a recent addition after the old one faded from the scened, is supportive; she says that having a hobby shows intellect in a man and purports to find this attractive.  In my flat the bedroom is shared with the railway, so her tolerance is essential; support is a welcome bonus.


As to my intellect, I am not in a position to supply informed and unbiased comment, and the same goes for my attractiveness.

Mrs SG is being rather supportive of the hobby recently and has been encouraging me to buy things. Should I be worried?


attachicon.gifTMEC Guide Untitled.jpg


Be afraid.  Be a very fraid.

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My girlfreind has been getting very interested in my hobby, got to say it's great to share it with her. She's acctually building a 4mm scale allotment scene mostly from scratch and it's bloody good, much better than I could have done!!!!!!!!!!!


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My girlfreind has been getting very interested in my hobby, got to say it's great to share it with her. She's acctually building a 4mm scale allotment scene mostly from scratch and it's bloody good, much better than I could have done!!!!!!!!!!!


Will it fit in a cake box?...

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It was Chris,  (my second wife) that got me back into modelling after discovering boxes of 4mm stuff in the loft and telling me I should be doing something with them. My first wife was happy to buy railway related things but she didn't really want me to do anything with them - hence them ending up in the loft.


Since my return to railway modelling Chris has taken up painting railway subjects and we both share our hobbies. We always go to shows and exhibitions together (both railway and art) so I get lots of encouragement.

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I'm really lucky - the missus has no real interest in trains but will support me in any way she can. She recently helped me set up, operate and packup my layout at a recent local show.


She used to accompany me and my dad to shows quite a lot before entrance prices rose above a fiver and could appreciate a nice layout (her method was to form an opinion without trains being present)but equally would let it be known if something on display wasn't, in her opinion,up to scratch - subtle she aint.


Having said all that she still tells me I'm a "sad act" for watching model railway Youtube videos - I think she's kidding tho..


When I'm not playing trains I play chess on Chess.com a lot (my avatar is a clue)- and she thinks this is actually quite cool - go figure!! ... I'll never figure out women!

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