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Millers Dale in the 80s - BR Peak Line in N


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I agree the mid 80s liveries were the ones I remember most. Im not keen on everything being blue. All a bit samey but the mid 80s with the railfreight, intercity and large logo blue and the like is more my scene.



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I do like Railfreight livery on a 47, probably the livery that suited them the best (and they've had plenty!). Sadly never seen one though as they were a bit early for me.


Think it's one of those liveries that seem to suit everything, looks great on 37's, 56's and 58's too.

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Oh Ash, you missed a treat. Railfreight grey 47s were commonplace when I was a nipper.


Youre right though it suited everything. Wasnt so keen on the red stripe version though except on the 37.

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I remember the first Railfreight class 47 was 47050. I first saw it not long out of works on a ballast train near Sway where I used to live.

Yours looks great Cav, I will have to do one for Llanbourne one day.


Cheers Peter.

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Cheers Peter, a Railfreight one on llanbourne would be great. Would you do 47050?



Probably not Cav, I like them with the orange cantrail line and 050 had a white cantrail line. It would need to be a Crewe based loco too, might be a while before I do one as I have a Large logo one to do first and an Inter City one to renumber to 492. I have other locos to do as well.


Cheers Peter. 

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Yes I like the orange cant ones too. Luckily 190 is such a loco. Just placed an order with kernow (after a pointer from jack00, cheers) for another of the new tooled 37s. This one will get the railfreight red stripe treatment. Just need to decide on a number!!



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Thanks Jack. Im hoping to get things motoring over the next few weeks. Ive had a lot on lately which has slown progress and this past week Ive fallen ill which is most annoying. Planning on getting the other two spans of the first viaduct done this week and making a start on the other. Once Ive done those I can start with track for board one (the south east end)

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Just read your post on airbrushing acrylics. I sympathise as so often I've had the same thing happen when thinning the humbrol acrylics. I tried all kinds of things, thinning with IPA, thinning with water, thinning with mixtures I the two, adding retardant to the mix etc etc. I think the only thing that really works is using the Tamiya thinners in at least a 50/50 ratio. Better than that though, just use Tamiya acrylics or Vallejo as they both seem better formulated for spraying (doesn't help you with rail blue though!).


Anyway, best of luck with the peak and getting well!



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Cheers Guy. Glad its not just me then! I know have a nice new bottle of railmatch rail blue enamel which is my paint of choice so hopefully the 45 will not have suffered too greatly from incident!



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Hi Cav,

It looks like a good one to do but whats the date of the pic? does it fit with your time period it might be a bit too tatty and that black headcode box might have been a late addition. 


A nice 31/5 behind too, that could be tempting.


Cheers Peter.

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Youre quite right Peter. The black headcode was added in 89. I have a pic that shows the loco in august 88 which is perfect for MD and it had a yellow headcode and lots less grime!



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Ive got so many locos on my need list its not funny! These include intercity 47, blue 31, blue 37, blue 47, blue 08 or 03, class 56 and or 58, old school dmu and a new fangled 156 or similar.


The list goes on!

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The loco was refurbished from 37121 in may 1987 and as such gained its railfreight grey livery then, being rail blue before that. So just over a year on I would expect it to be in pretty good nick.



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