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Inappropriate and annoying adverts

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  • RMweb Premium

Stay calm! The ads give you the incentive to make a cup of tea/coffee whatever.

I don't seem to be seeing these are so can we stop this and get back to some articles from some excellent modellers....the RMWebbers......

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I'm assuming that is supposed to be funny, Jamie, but as a dog lover, I must have lost my sense of humour.

I can see nothing but sadness when we have to make that decision in a few years time.


Edit:  It would appear Jamie's offensive post has been removed.  

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If anyone is really worried about the content they have lovingly generated being part of a site infested with adverts, there is nothing to say that it has to be hosted on RMweb. My blog dates back to 2005 and even though I'm now doing work for Warners, I've no intention of moving it, or the content over. It's far too much work for one thing!


(By content, by the way, I'm assuming people largely mean blog posts. Forum posts only work on a forum and a few thousand "MRJ hasn't turned up in Bracknell WH Smiffs" posts aren't ever going to be turned into a book.  :O  )


Anyway, here's how I do it.


The blog is hosted on Blogger.com, doesn't cost a penny to run and there are no adverts. The biggest alternative to Blogger is Wordpress. I have a blog there as well and while it is free, they do plonk an advert on your site which you see no income from.


In addition, I pay for a domain name www.philsworkbench.co.uk through LCN.com and this costs me just under 3 quid a year.


Although photos can be hosted in Blogger, I prefer to sit them in Flickr, use of which is now free although I pay for premium membership at something like $30 a year because it gives me access to a stats package.


All this can be set up reasonably easily. Blogger is better suited to those who like to poke and prod under the bonnet, you can do pretty much anything you like with it as HTML and Javascript can be embeded in the page. Wordpress is a lot less ameanable in this respect if you use the free service. On the other hand, it's slightly easier to set up for the non-technical person.


In addition to all this, I have a website where static content such as layout galleries sit. Again, there is a domain name to pay for and web hosting at £70 a year. That's more expensive than some because I eventually want to run a database on the site so I need a package that provides ASP support.


All this is funded by a single Google advert on my blog, which (after tax) brings in enough to cover all the bills. Just. Google adverts are context sensitive and sometimes I see very relevant ads appear on the site such as railway based holidays. This take a while to settle down though as Google needs to spider the site and match your keywords to the ones Adsense users are bidding for. When it works, I see a little spike in the few pennies I earn each day. This only covers the operating costs. Posts are written in my own time, for fun.


Statistical analysis is provided free by Google Analytics and statcounter.com


So, all my content, with the exception of forum posts, lives in places I control because I'm paying for them. If it matters, you could easily do the same.


The downside?

  • Well, the complication for a start. I'm a little bit technical so setting this stuff up didn't worry me. My first HTML was written in the mid 1990s and I've kept my hand in ever since. That's partly why I do all this.
  • Next, unless you like shouting into an abyss, you'll want some readers. On RMweb, blog posts are listed on several pages for people to spot. They also get promoted on Facebook to anyone following Andy Y. I have to do all the promotion myself. If I want to Tweet or Facebook, it's a manual process (Wordpress is better in this respect as you can do it automatically) and will only go to friends or people following me personally. Getting coverage anywhere else takes work.
  • Google takes while to spot you. RMweb is a big site but my blog had to stuggle out of the bog made up of blogs with 2 posts (1 - This is my blog   2 - I haven't updated my blog for a while...) I've just over 2900 posts up there now so I get a resonable ranking.

So, if the Google ad you only see if you're not logged in offends so much, there are alternatives other than shouting at Andy. I'm not the only RMweb'er to maintain a seperate web site but I'd argue that there are lots of good reasons to make use of this service, especially for the price you are paying for it. Any changes to the service are also carried out by a human being - Flickr users saw big changes on the site a few months ago that made the fuss here look like a vicars tea party but after all the noise, the people running it made no compromises.


Anyway, I hope this helps someone. I'm not in the business of encouraging people off RMweb, just explaining the reality (as it affects me) of what you are looking it without it.

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  • RMweb Gold

Soooo, as I see it you have two choices


a) become a hermit

b ) learn to live with advertising as a fact of life


Can I just take everyone back to the OP on this topic?


The objection is not to the presence of advertising on RMweb. Everyone knows the server has to be paid for and Andy Y needs to eat. We have had model and railway based banner ads on RMweb for some time now. We could have quite a few more if it is necessary.


The objection is only to the new introduction of Google junk advertising on RMweb. It's unwelcome and makes RMweb look as naff as so many other web sites. As Andy Reichert said, it will do nothing to encourage new members to join, and nothing to motivate existing members to prepare and post new content.



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  • RMweb Gold

Can I just take everyone back to the OP on this topic?


The objection is not to the presence of advertising on RMweb. Everyone knows the server has to be paid for and Andy Y needs to eat. We have had model and railway based banner ads on RMweb for some time now. We could have quite a few more if it is necessary.


The objection is only to the new introduction of Google junk advertising on RMweb. It's unwelcome and makes RMweb look as naff as so many other web sites. As Andy Reichert said, it will do nothing to encourage new members to join, and nothing to motivate existing members to prepare and post new content.



I'm sorry Martin but as I don't pay any attention to the adverts they don't disincentivise me in any way at all and to be honest I totally fail to see why they should.  If people are so concerned about them might I again suggest that their concern could be greatly eased by the simple expedient of ignoring the ads - that might not do the supporting revenue stream much good but on the other side of the coin at least it shouldn't hassle those who don't want to be hassled?


there is, for example at the moment an ad at the top of this page for a sales rep at Gaugemaster - the only reason I know it is there is because I have just purposely looked back to see what ad is there.  As an ad it doesn't interest me in the slightest so I quite simply don't pay any attention to it, it is just background 'mush' which doesn't register, like most other ads.

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm sorry Martin but as I don't pay any attention to the adverts they don't disincentivise me in any way at all and to be honest I totally fail to see why they should.  If people are so concerned about them might I again suggest that their concern could be greatly eased by the simple expedient of ignoring the ads.


Hi Mike,


It's not about ignoring them, It's about association. Please do this:


1. sign out from RMweb.


2. now as an unregistered visitor to RMweb, go to this topic which I started: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/84687-d6320-at-parkend-in-august-1968/


Below my first post you will see a totally unrelated advert attached to my post. I have no control over what appears there and I don't want my name associated with it.


I'm sure there are others who will feel the same way.


there is, for example at the moment an ad at the top of this page for a sales rep at Gaugemaster


These banner ads are not the Google junk advertising we are talking about and are not the subject of this topic. I have no objection to such ads. I know RMweb has to be paid for.





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  • RMweb Gold

Can I just take everyone back to the OP on this topic?


The objection is not to the presence of advertising on RMweb. Everyone knows the server has to be paid for and Andy Y needs to eat. We have had model and railway based banner ads on RMweb for some time now. We could have quite a few more if it is necessary.


The objection is only to the new introduction of Google junk advertising on RMweb. It's unwelcome and makes RMweb look as naff as so many other web sites. As Andy Reichert said, it will do nothing to encourage new members to join, and nothing to motivate existing members to prepare and post new content.



My options a and b still stand. Adverts wont always be for things you like, but they will be there. Unless they were offensive, I really don't know what the problem is. I don't refuse to board a bus because it's carrying an ad for something I don't buy.

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Can I just take everyone back to the OP on this topic?


The objection is not to the presence of advertising on RMweb. Everyone knows the server has to be paid for and Andy Y needs to eat. We have had model and railway based banner ads on RMweb for some time now. We could have quite a few more if it is necessary.


The objection is only to the new introduction of Google junk advertising on RMweb. It's unwelcome and makes RMweb look as naff as so many other web sites. As Andy Reichert said, it will do nothing to encourage new members to join, and nothing to motivate existing members to prepare and post new content.




Actually I'd prefer to get rid of all the banner ads and junk at the top and keep the "Google junk advertising" even if I'm logged in. Like Mike comments,  I don't pay any attention to the ads either, unfortunately the banner ads at the top take up virtually the entire screen on my laptop. There are often cases where the entire screen has just 3 lines of actual content and the rest is just noise.

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  • RMweb Premium

Note that even for non-members, a certain combination of cookies and javascript code have to be able to work for the adverts to be visible.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Mike,


It's not about ignoring them, It's about association. Please do this:


1. sign out from RMweb.


2. now as an unregistered visitor to RMweb, go to this topic which I started: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/84687-d6320-at-parkend-in-august-1968/


Below my first post you will see a totally unrelated advert attached to my post. I have no control over what appears there and I don't want my name associated with it.


I'm sure there are others who will feel the same way.





These banner ads are not the Google junk advertising we are talking about and are not the subject of this topic. I have no objection to such ads. I know RMweb has to be paid for.







Hi Mike,


It's not about ignoring them, It's about association. Please do this:


1. sign out from RMweb.


2. now as an unregistered visitor to RMweb, go to this topic which I started: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/84687-d6320-at-parkend-in-august-1968/


Below my first post you will see a totally unrelated advert attached to my post. I have no control over what appears there and I don't want my name associated with it.


I'm sure there are others who will feel the same way.





These banner ads are not the Google junk advertising we are talking about and are not the subject of this topic. I have no objection to such ads. I know RMweb has to be paid for.





I see what you mean Martin although I haven't noticed the sleeper ad (once I started looking for it) come up at anywhere other than the foot of a page although I'm normally signed in.  Now while I can understand your annoyance at having it attached to your post I must honestly say that I would hardly even notice it if I was reading the thread as my interest is in the content of the posts, not what might lie between them so mentally, and physically, I would simply scan and scroll scroll past it.


In fact I only realised that the sleeper ad was appearing at the foot of the page on some threads after it had been mentioned in this thread - I had been ignoring it so completely until then that it hadn't really registered on me at all.  But then that is really my general attitude to advertising - most of it doesn't even register with me.

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  • RMweb Gold

In fact I only realised that the sleeper ad was appearing at the foot of the page on some threads after it had been mentioned in this thread


Hi Mike,


I don't think you understand Google ads. You may be seeing an ad for railway sleepers, but not everyone is. They are seeing an ad for something else, based on what information Google has hoovered up about them and thinks they might be persuaded to spend money on.



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In fact I only realised that the sleeper ad was appearing at the foot of the page on some threads after it had been mentioned in this thread - I had been ignoring it so completely until then that it hadn't really registered on me at all. But then that is really my general attitude to advertising - most of it doesn't even register with me.

We had a marketing guru give a lecture to our final years a couple of years ago who said that the informal measure of people's attention to avertising of any form was measured in "microgiveash1ts".


This appears, from many comments here, to be true.

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[...] Google has hoovered up about them and thinks they might be persuaded to spend money on.




Although there is a slight flaw in the system because once you have bought something they aren't clever enough to work out that you may no longer be interested in said items. For example I've just spent a couple of days searching for sewing machines as a birthday present for my better half. Her previous machine was handed down from her Mum 25 years ago, I bought one a few days ago for her and unlikely to buy another for at least another 10 years but Google are still chucking Sewing machines ads at me!! That said it doesn't bother me one iota - it just gets filtered out as noise.

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I'm wondering what would happen to the revenue stream if half of the viewers employed ad blockers and the other half ignored them?

Dunno; I'm just looking at the reports which show that they are clicked, quite often in fact.

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  • RMweb Premium

Dunno; I'm just looking at the reports which show that they are clicked, quite often in fact.

I often click on ads by mistake, not so much on this site as some others. Does the number of people clicking on ads contribute to site revenue?

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Below my first post you will see a totally unrelated advert attached to my post. I have no control over what appears there and I don't want my name associated with it.

I can understand that perspective; I will try and isolate the value of that position and give further thought to that.

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  • RMweb Premium

I'm one of those that use Adblock on my personal browser and I see no ads here, but even without Adblock one would only see 2 ads per page; well... check out (for example) the "Waily Fail" website with and without adblock, the difference in both clutter and downloading speed is MASSIVE!!!!

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Hi Mike,


I don't think you understand Google ads. You may be seeing an ad for railway sleepers, but not everyone is. They are seeing an ad for something else, based on what information Google has hoovered up about them and thinks they might be persuaded to spend money on.



Anything I looked at on Amazon would appear down the RH side of Facebook showing 'video' cameras and various DIY tools. Why would this annoy me? One cannot stop the world and get off.

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  • RMweb Gold

So, if we click on an advert, it doesn't cost us anything, it doesn't cost RMweb anything and Warners & therefore Andy gets paid (more).


Therefore, isn't there an onus on all of us to click on at least one advert per day ?

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  • RMweb Gold

So, if we click on an advert, it doesn't cost us anything, it doesn't cost RMweb anything and Warners & therefore Andy gets paid (more).


Therefore, isn't there an onus on all of us to click on at least one advert per day ?

Logical, lateral thinking of that sort has no place in a thread like this. Please desist.

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