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N Gauge Class 390 Pendolino (post Kickstarter) with Rapido

Revolution Ben

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I think the problem is that there is a prospect, (okay at a higher price) of a model either way. Id personally rather wait for Rapido to produce or announce their model so I can ore order, monitor the progress and have time to save up. Stupid outlook I know, but I think it's something a lot of people are thinking.


Yes, it is a stupid outlook. There is also a fair prospect of no model if everyone thinks like this.

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  • RMweb Gold

I think the problem is that there is a prospect, (okay at a higher price) of a model either way. Id personally rather wait for Rapido to produce or announce their model so I can ore order, monitor the progress and have time to save up. Stupid outlook I know, but I think it's something a lot of people are thinking.


I really hope not - part of the point of the Kickstarter campaign is to prove that a market exists. If people all sit back, don't pledge and wait for Rapido/AN Other to produce it then we are back at square one ie it won't be produced.


Cheers, Mike

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I have been following this with great interest even though it is outside my sphere of interest (steam era in 4mm) and really hope it succeeds as it would possibly open the floodgates to other schemes if it comes off (bearing in mind there has already been one failed project) - for this reason I hope all of the hard work bears fruit.

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  • RMweb Premium

I think the problem is that there is a prospect, (okay at a higher price) of a model either way. Id personally rather wait for Rapido to produce or announce their model so I can ore order, monitor the progress and have time to save up. Stupid outlook I know, but I think it's something a lot of people are thinking.

Great Western



However, there has already been the chance to save up as this project has been around since August/September. Personally I think a lot of people don't want to pledge as it is an unknown method of getting something and people by their nature fear change.





Edited by PaulCheffus
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  • RMweb Gold



However, there has already been the chance to save up as this project has been around since August/September. Personally I think a lot of people don't want to pledge as it is an unknown method of getting something and people by their nature fear change.





If you're not living life on the edge, you're taking up too much room!..... :dancer:

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  • RMweb Premium


I had my own personal 'surge' (very nice it was too  :locomotive: ) last Thursday, after pledging for the 11 car non-dcc set in hour one of day one I added a Poppy-Pendo :D

I've had an email from Rapido Trains to say the N gauge scale GMD-1s have shipped from China and are expected by them next week - excitement :senile:


Regards, Gerry 8)

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Yes the thread goes back to August or Septemeber, but by your own admission and continued publicity at shows etc, many thousnds of people still don't know about the project. With less than a week to go, who is going to have no seen the PR stuff and then have the cash to pledge?


I really hope the model goes a head, but with over 300 people already signed up, I think that goes to show there is a market.


Great Western

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With less than a week to go, who is going to have no seen the PR stuff and then have the cash to pledge?



Probably very few, however I would imagine the success of this project now depends largely on people that have had exposure to the PR and are either in two minds as to whether to pledge or are simply planning to pledge last minute. Can only speak for myself, but despite being aware about the project since before the kickstarter launched, I didn't get around to pledging until today. Indeed, I probably would have left it until the last or failed to pledge at all solely because the perceived chance of the project succeeding seemed (and indeed seems) quite low (this is despite knowing full well there is no financial risk involved in pledging..). I reckon this chance of succeeding probably informs people's decisions more than is perhaps logical - if the target looks achievable with a few days to go it might well swing others to pledge, if the opposite is true pledging may well be seen as futile.

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  • RMweb Gold

Probably very few, however I would imagine the success of this project now depends largely on people that have had exposure to the PR and are either in two minds as to whether to pledge or are simply planning to pledge last minute. Can only speak for myself, but despite being aware about the project since before the kickstarter launched, I didn't get around to pledging until today. Indeed, I probably would have left it until the last or failed to pledge at all solely because the perceived chance of the project succeeding seemed (and indeed seems) quite low (this is despite knowing full well there is no financial risk involved in pledging..). I reckon this chance of succeeding probably informs people's decisions more than is perhaps logical - if the target looks achievable with a few days to go it might well swing others to pledge, if the opposite is true pledging may well be seen as futile.




I am sure you are right that people are swayed by wanting to back a winner, but the big problem with that is that if everyone behaves like that we get nowhere!


I really can't emphasise enough that no money is taken unless the Kickstarter campaign is successful.


Cheers, Mike

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  • RMweb Gold

Yes the thread goes back to August or Septemeber, but by your own admission and continued publicity at shows etc, many thousnds of people still don't know about the project. With less than a week to go, who is going to have no seen the PR stuff and then have the cash to pledge?


I really hope the model goes a head, but with over 300 people already signed up, I think that goes to show there is a market.


300 is not enough to make the risk worthwhile! Fortunately a considerable number of people would like more than one set!


It is not as if the PR has suddenly been sprung on people in the last week of the campaign.


It is a difficult one regarding timing - you have to balance the timing to give you the best opportunity for exposure (for us The International N Gauge Show and Warley) with the fixed time limits allowed by Kickstarter vs when people are most likely to be able to pledge and all the while try to maintain momentum. 


Cheers, Mike

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  • RMweb Gold


Hi Great Western,


I think you're right.


I'm certain that despite our best efforts (13 pages on this thread and more on the one before plus banner headline, threads on N Gauge Forum, DEMU forum, Nea Railway Modellers, MRE mag, editorial coverage in Railway Modeller - full page this issue - Model Rail, Rail Express and BRM, full page ads in MR and BRM, profile on Twitter, facebook page, presence at Warley and thousands of flyers printed and handed out by our supporters at numerous shows) there will be many many potential buyers who have not heard of this project.


If you add to that the apparently well-ingrained conservatism in the British market and huge reluctance to commit to anything unknown I think it's an amazing achievement to have reached the point of being nearly two-thirds pledged.


However, with our N Gauge Society RTR projects we have shown that the pre-order system is nothing to be afraid of.


In the future when, I hope, there are many N Gauge Pendolinos running on layouts or gracing display cabinets giving pleasure to their operators and owners, it will be thanks to those who had the commitment and dedication to pledge now.


Kias - I suspect there are plenty planning last minute pledges - either to get us over the line, or because they wanted to wait - but I think most will understand that if everyone waits to see if it's a success then it won't be! It needs people to pledge now...!




Ben A.

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  • RMweb Premium

The only justification for the late pledges I can see is about knowing what financial position you'll be in when the money is taken.


I pledged on day one for a 9-car DCC set, then upped it to an 11-car. Right now that's a scary prospect, as I've had a load of unexpected expenditure come my way since. I may have to scale it back, but I'm desperate not to do so unless we reach the funding goal regardless. That, and I'm sure the short term pain will be worth it in the long run...


Still the last week has seen a good surge, and if it does continue then it's looking not at all unlikely.

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The only justification for the late pledges I can see is about knowing what financial position you'll be in when the money is taken.


I pledged on day one for a 9-car DCC set, then upped it to an 11-car. Right now that's a scary prospect, as I've had a load of unexpected expenditure come my way since. I may have to scale it back, but I'm desperate not to do so unless we reach the funding goal regardless. That, and I'm sure the short term pain will be worth it in the long run...


Still the last week has seen a good surge, and if it does continue then it's looking not at all unlikely.

That's my issue to, hence why I might wait until the pretty much the last day before saying yes or no.


Great Western.

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I pledged back on day one. I have to admit that I struggle to understand why not pledging until the last minute achieves anything for the project, unless the pledge is a purely philanthropic one to get the project over the finishing line. In practice being one of the people starting the late surge which is needed now could be a great way to be part of the pledging solution rather than the pledging problem.

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  • RMweb Gold

I think the problem is that there is a prospect, (okay at a higher price) of a model either way. Id personally rather wait for Rapido to produce or announce their model so I can ore order, monitor the progress and have time to save up. Stupid outlook I know, but I think it's something a lot of people are thinking.


Great Western

This view doesn't make any sense. Without this kickstarter being a success, there is next to NO PROSPECT for the Pendo to be made in N for the foreseeable future. By not reaching the target, or getting appreciably close to the target, no pendolino.


One of the main concerns at the start was that DJM hadn't produce a product, and so we were pledging for an unknown. Now Rapido are on board, we have a guarantee of a high quality well detailed  model. 

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I think all the views and concerns all have valid point if one person has said it on here then how many have the say view regarding the kickstart.


I think it is fair to say that Mike and Ben have answered all the concerns and questions they possibly can, but for some people they will always be only buy  a model once they can actually see if for their own eys which sadly makes them no use to use at this time!


All we can do is push things for the last few days and see where that gets the project and then take things from there!

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  • RMweb Premium

That's my issue to, hence why I might wait until the pretty much the last day before saying yes or no.


Great Western.

Not had a rush of folk to sub you then ;-)


Like many, I think you're being far too optimistic with regards to the likelihood of a model appearing regardless. If you can't afford a whole set why not get the 2 coaches to use as a 'delivery' set? Every little truly helps, that's why I've not reduced my pledge, if too many people think like you that they'll just wait for the 'inevitable' model to come out of this there will be vast numbers of disappointed modellers I say. Not least the 368 backing the project already!

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  • RMweb Gold



Hi all,


If you want a Pendolino I can't see any real reason not to pledge.


If we succeed and you've pledged you receive a model at a price most think is very reasonable. You're part of something new and exciting. You get to contribute to the decision over what actual models are produced (how often does that happen?) and get to see and hear of new developments before anyone else.


If we succeed and you did not pledge you will probably still be able to buy from one of our speculative supporters but they will surely want to sell at a fair profit, or you can wait a further two years and buy from any retailers supplied by Rapido and pay their price based on an RRP of around £70 more.


If we fail you pay nothing, but your pledge along with all the others could take us to the threshold at which Rapido decide to go ahead anyway.


If we fail and your pledge along with all the others isn't enough to convince Rapido to go ahead then we are back to square 1, except any future scheme would probably struggle to enjoy similar backing and press attention as I suspect there will be an element of Kickstarter fatigue.




Ben A.

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This view doesn't make any sense. Without this kickstarter being a success, there is next to NO PROSPECT for the Pendo to be made in N for the foreseeable future. By not reaching the target, or getting appreciably close to the target, no pendolino.


One of the main concerns at the start was that DJM hadn't produce a product, and so we were pledging for an unknown. Now Rapido are on board, we have a guarantee of a high quality well detailed  model. 

I don't think you can say DJM is an unknown, Ben & Mike didn't view him as a risk, they just got a better offer from Rapido which in the circumstances they couldn't turn down.


Whether it was DJM or Rapido the model would be sound, it just comes with sound now....

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If we fail and your pledge along with all the others isn't enough to convince Rapido to go ahead then we are back to square 1, except any future scheme would probably struggle to enjoy similar backing and press attention as I suspect there will be an element of Kickstarter fatigue.


Ben A.

This is a good point. Whilst it's tempting to get ideas of this paving the way for kickstarter projects for all kinds of things, we have to appreciate the relative simplicity of this model (one livery, no major detail differences between the class) make it a good choice for this type of campaign. All the more reason to back it and prove this method can work!


I used the Class 90 as an example in an earlier post, as a personal wish of mime, but the fact the real thing has carried over 20 liveries would make it a nightmare to organise. Who decides which get produced? Also the likelihood of Farish downscalling the upcoming Bachmann model mean that whilst on paper it would probably have a good case, the reality is somewhat different.


So Ben and co, seeing as the pledge period ends Sunday and you might want another challenge now you've got a taste for it, has anyone registered the domain www.ogaugependolino.com? Just saying!!

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So here's the dilema. Do I, don't I? Do I model N? No. (Don't really like it to be honest but don't tell). Do I like Pendo's? No. (Never taken much notice of them in the flesh) Do I want to support this project? YES! There's clearly a desire for the Pendo to be produced & if Rapido are doing it then it will be first class. And if Biff is doing the sound for those that do it will be stonking - my Biff OO Class 60 is by far the best sound loco I have seen yet.  So I pledge for 4 9 car sets. 1 gets kept as I'm a collector. 3 get sold on. A nine car set is £255 if purchased now. I stick it on ebay at £300. Suddenly I become one of those greedy profiteers? ebay & paypal take 13.4% so the profit is actually under £5.And I've had to pay shipping to me for the sets so the profit is about, erm, zero. How does that go down with the folks on here? Or do I just buy a set for myself & pop it in the cupboard?

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  • RMweb Gold

I don't think you can say DJM is an unknown, Ben & Mike didn't view him as a risk, they just got a better offer from Rapido which in the circumstances they couldn't turn down.


Whether it was DJM or Rapido the model would be sound, it just comes with sound now....

I wasn't saying DJM was unknown. I know DJM is NOT unknown. I was saying that the complaint by many at initial launch, was their perception that DJM was was an unknown quantity. And now that there is an established and known high quality manufacturer on board, people are still hesitant. Like I say, doesn't make sense.

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