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Benjamin Brady

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Everything posted by Benjamin Brady

  1. Hi, That is the only way into legends now, so you've got your directions perfect. All being well we should have signs out to get you there.
  2. Good Morning, A small project this week to keep myself busy. A test build of a wcml relay room that's being produced by a member at our club and available to buy. This shall be on display at our show over on his stand. https://www.pjmmodels.co.uk/ I've got to say it went together very well, it's the first time I've tackled painting engineering brick and the result was satisfactory. The figures on the other hand were causing me issues but they look acceptable for setting the scene. Original this was meant to go on Weaver Hill where the crossing keepers cottage is now. Maybe it's an excuse for another exhibition layout ;).
  3. I am with others in wishing to see more EMU in OO. I suppose Hornby were not wrong when they said electrics don't sell. The Bachmann 350 ended up in the bargain bin and was being sold off at £80. Looking at how much the class 150 is selling at now the 350 would be around £400. I think N gauge is excellent now for emu, I am seriously tempted to start getting some n now, especially as the quality is excellent and you can get the units. With the 85 and 90s and the 86s from Heljan I think the first gen emus would be the obvious choice. A 304/305/308 etc. The 308 would have a good scope. GEML/West Yorkshire and they even ended up on the cross city in WYPTE red. 305 ended up in GMPTE. These could be modelled in 3 car later conditions which might well keep the price down. I think though the concern now is the price point a emu would come at. After all there are not many DMUs left to do now 😂
  4. Weaver Hill is all set ready for the exhibition minus the 444 which did look well on the layout.
  5. Good Evening, It is time to start making some preparations for the next show which is also our own club show. A busy weekend for sure. Our 3d printing master has offered to print some cars for the car train. The test print focus has turned out well and there shall be a whole batch of them to follow. I think maybe the front windscreen needs a little less blue, but when it is running around the layout it should look okay. The addition of the revolution car wagons makes the car service all the more authentic. There is not a great deal else to do on the layout at the moment. I am sure something shall crop up though.
  6. I have to say I would really like to see the pre mallard set with an refurbished 91. I ordered the current GNER set as it was originally advertised as pre mallard. I was not really happy with the way Hornby changed their mind and after speaking with Hornby was informed it was down to the name chosen for the 91. Still not great from a customer perspective but what we expect with Hornby, the GNER set does look good but not as neat as the pre mallard.
  7. Another photo from Folkestone, a visitor who we have seen at a few shows asked if they could run their 444 on the layout and we were happy to oblige.
  8. Morning Dave, The penguins went down surprisingly well at the show and plenty of people were taking photos of them. I'll hopefully upload some more photos this week with the ones I took with the proper camera. Cheers Ben
  9. Good Morning, We are all set for day 2 at Folkestone now. The layout is behaving itself in its normal fashion. A MK3 off the Wrexham and Shropshire set does not want to run along with a container. Another enjoyable show and a chance to get the layout out. A few more figures have been added and the road has been closed due to an escape of penguin's.
  10. I am rather hoping it is being worked on in the dark and we shall end up with an outstanding model like the 158. One of these 3 month announcements and it shall appear, although some more 158 liveries would be nice also.
  11. Good Evening, A project I've had to do for a long time now. Since the first run of Bachmann Class 90s in fact. I have always wanted to have a go at 90027 and this afternoon I've finally managed to get around to it. This shall be used on the sleeper at Folkestone show this coming weekend.
  12. We are all set up at Redditch now. Stock is all on but not tested so we shall be there early in the morning to do that. There were a few issues with the joints but that's been rectified so hopefully there won't be to many running issues. We are running a 2010ish theme, west coast mainline we is the normal now. Maybe some east coast stock shall get a run again one day.
  13. Morning, There is nothing more than can be done now. Like always time ran out on a few projects but we are all ready for the show and shall leave this afternoon ready for setting up just after five. We are looking forward to the weekend away.
  14. There has been a fair bit of work going on over the past few weeks on Weaver Hill. I shall try and take a photo of some of the alterations today. The signal box that was only in place for a few shows has been removed and a crossing keepers cottage placed in its location instead. The idea being before the line was Quadrupled by the LNWR a level crossing was used vice the over bridge added at the turn of the 20th Century. Also still on stock some late night renumber last night was also taking place
  15. I don't mod n gauge but just to have a 377 I can see myself adding a SE one to the cabinet. It worked with Revolutions Class 92 and it gets run on the club layout now and again so why not the same with the 377. However if it did turn up in 00 I'd willingly go bankrupt 🤣
  16. A few finishing touches required but it is getting there now.
  17. Is this your personal layout or shall we be seeing it pop up at any shows. As posted on the Immingham area group a really well present layout.
  18. This is great, A simple and effective layout and the weathering of the stock is spot on
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