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Tim Dubya

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Everything posted by Tim Dubya

  1. It's been a while since I looked, but the SRG (Phoenix Kits) website was updated in November and is now stating that they have an "active" sales operation. ..."The Group also produces the 'Phoenix' range of coaching stock kits for modellers working in 4mm scale, and has an activeSales operation, which whilst catering for the Southern modeller also includes many kits and components for the GW, LMS, LNER and BR modeller."... I know Chris had quite a hectic year in 2014, so this is welcome news! Cheers (Just chased up the order I placed last March and will post back on the latest turnaround times once I get a reply from Chris).
  2. Got a bit in Bath but it's going now. Shame, was looking forward to a stroll to Midford and Wellow along the S&D path. Having just read Ivo's books was going to take some 'then and now' photo's in the snow. Never mind, I suspect there'll be plenty of opportunity in the coming weeks?
  3. all the birds love my fat balls

  4. 73001, what a very naughty locomotive!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      tried to roast it's crew, an inspector and Ivo Peter's by blowing back at Midsomer Norton in December'65 (just been reading Ivo's book S&D in the '60s).

    3. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      come to think about it, I was blown back at Midsomer Norton in the '80's myself, but that's an entirely different story...

    4. Horsetan


      ...and probably not a clean one either.

  5. small one's are more juicy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Londontram


      In my experience I've found good and bad in all sizes

    3. Horsetan


      Did they have misplaced apostrophes?

    4. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      I like to get in as much punctuation as possible, whether it's appropriate or not.

  6. ... needs to creep back into the ward now

    1. petethemole


      Nurse Ratched sees all....

    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Hamilton Academicals

  7. I often dream of trains when I'm alone I ride on them into another zone I dream of them constantly Heading for paradise Or Basingstoke Or Reading I often dream of trains when I'm awake They ride along beside a frozen lake And there in the buffet car I wait for eternity Or Basingstoke Or Reading I often dream of trains till it gets light The summer turns to winter overnight The leaves fall so suddenly The sun sets at four o'clock Exactly what I'm dreading I often dream of train...

    1. Londontram
    2. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      not my words but yes, as you say...

  8. time is round but space is curved

  9. has managed to get more spray on the garden furniture than the baseboards... and the Mrs is due back any minute, whoopsy!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kev_Lewis


      Been there. The handle on our wheelie bin is still BR bauxite!

    3. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      it's fitted then

    4. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      Class Kev!!!!


      Railmatch weathered Black Bins here. :)

  10. Bulleid rhymes with succeed, Maunsell rhymes with cancel

  11. locking fishplates.. yum!

  12. must not quote Bob Crow on RMWeb after drinking cider... thanks to who ever deleted it overnight, (how embarrassing)

    1. Horsetan


      Been on the Diamond White again?

    2. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      Thatchers Cheddar Valley... and not the ESR variety either (it was your sighting of the late great Mr Crow that kicked me off).

  13. has finally relieved Not Jeremy of 'that' 7F, wooo wooo!

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Glad someone's given it a good home!

    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Is it the nice blue one, by the way?

    3. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      she is indeed no:88 in the blue.

  14. Those Wild Swans are awfully clever writing all those books about trains whilst floating about.

  15. Got a (unsigned) postcard with a picture of Not Jeremy on it.

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      You'll have to go private to have that treated, the medication is beyond the NHS budget...

    2. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      Thanks, thought so, it's the Dennis the Menace strain I'm afraid!

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Oh dear, hope your premiums are up to date, then...

  16. Tried that myself with an SAE earlier in the year, absolutely no response at all. (To be fair, he may not have got the letter, owing to the appalling postal service we have in this country). Did finally catch up with him at Railwells in August, so I could actually buy something from him.
  17. work Xmas do tonight, must try and behave this year... or at least get home in (some of) my clothes.

    1. Horsetan


      What, d'you normally end up going home in someone else's clothes....?

    2. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      only if I'm lucky!

  18. Dear Mr Oxford Rail, please can we have some of these lovely Maunsells for our Radial tanks to pull along their branchline(s). (or Hornby or Bachmann or DJM etc,etc,etc). Got the Roxey kits to build, but a bit worried about getting reported for cruelty to etched brass ... Cheers
  19. OT, I know but... I used to print colour exhibition photographs and the same argument discussion happens there. (Where as, get four different people to print the same B&W neg and you end up with a discussion about the merits of each others prints). Anyway, nice little article here by Aidan Campbell about "scale colour". Cheers
  20. Hi Phil No idea at all I'm afraid, although Steve Sykes may have already answered your question. Cheers
  21. these trains, they're like buses...

    1. muddys-blues


      Nah, Trains run on rails, buses run on pneumatic tyres and have the freedom to go where they are steered by the driver ;-/

    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Well, perhaps those awful guided buses on the St Ives branch (Cambridgeshire, not Cornwall) are a bit like trains, or at least they're trying... (very trying, I expect)

  22. Get yourselves over to Smaller Suppliers now :-)

  23. Get yourselves over to Smaller Suppliers now :-)

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