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Gordon Connell

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Everything posted by Gordon Connell

  1. Ok, it's not exactly a headline but rail delivery is mentioned in the BBC story: Tesco shrugs off supply concerns as sales surge - BBC News
  2. Back in the 70s I used to sit in my grandparents garden in Elderslie watching cars being loaded on to transporters at the old station site. I was wondering if these were the same sort of transporters. I looked at @hmrspaul website and couldn't see any at that site in there (hope I wasn't just being incompetent). Have tried a quick Google search as well without success.
  3. Rapido UK N Gauge Conflat Wagons – Rails of Sheffield
  4. As reported on the BBC website: Adults turning to toys in lockdown drives model railway sales
  5. Agree with everything but with one change: Bad Move (from my viewpoint) - Not gone back far enough, though I accept there's maybe not as much mileage in wagons built Pre WWI.
  6. As reported on the BBC website: Government announce £401m boost for rail services - BBC News
  7. As others have said John Lewis is a well-known brand and my local one also has a toy section. This has included Brio railway lines, including Thomas, though to be fair I haven't been in a for a while, so it's possible there may be a better connect than might be at first apparent.
  8. Well, some of this seems to have been well posted in advance. Rail services to come under unified state control - BBC News
  9. Isn't one of the ideas behind such cars that you won't own them in future, but simply book one for any journey you need? Why you have (probably) already bought your last car - BBC News
  10. Possibly(?) The railway interchange trade / by Tom Foxon. Published by Heartland Press 1998. Depends on how long many years is!
  11. According to the International Energy Agency aviation is responsible for 2.8% of CO2 emissions. The Our world in data website says it's 2.5%. There is an interesting comparison from the Our World in data site between forms of transport, which goes on to argue that transport as a whole is heading for being the largest emitter by 2070.
  12. This is the DfT version. There's not much more detail but then it does say that Network Rail is finalising detailed designs. Government invests to transform journeys on Hope Valley line - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
  13. I was pleased to finally have my curiosity satisfied as to the identity of the platform with the long canopy that had appeared in so many of the linking bits. Haapsalu looked really lovely and whilst I realise the programme is about the architecture it would have been nice to hear a little bit more about the museum. Still, we have the wonders of the internet: https://www.salm.ee/muuseumid/raudtee-ja-sidemuuseum/.
  14. The trouble is I think it's going to take a while for it to become clear. I note there that this story was also posted on the BBC business pages today: Goldman Sachs: Bank boss rejects work from home as the 'new normal' - BBC News
  15. Yes, I was mildly intrigued that it was an environment, not a transport, correspondent that reported the story.
  16. Phase 2A approved apparently. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-56017605
  17. Yet another fascinating episode. I have to say that given the state of some of the buildings in Poland I was amazed that the turntable worked at all, never mind so smoothly!
  18. My favourite bit was Grant Shapps reply to the question about why the line wasn't being electrified. My emphasis added. "We're building it in such a way that we can use, probably, the very latest technology, potentially, in the future," he said.
  19. BBC News - East West and Northumberland rail lines get £794m boost https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-55770529 Gordon
  20. I would assume (always a dangerous thing) that as Hornby no longer have the licence, then they are no longer bound by any agreement not to use the tooling for other non-Thomas models.
  21. It's one way of keeping warm on a cold January day, I suppose.
  22. But you've only given us an hour to speculate!!!
  23. Sorry, I was trying to get across that they do still use Royal Mail. A few years back my magazine was delivered by another service, I can't remember who and I think I might have been in a trial area. Lost two mags in 3 months. I asked to be switched back to Royal Mail, which they did.
  24. No problems here. The only time I ever had trouble was when they stopped using Royal Mail. Gordon
  25. https://www.railwaygazette.com/uk/isle-of-wight-transformation-gets-underway/57194.article News about developments on the line.
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