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Everything posted by stewartingram

  1. Hunslet-Barclay weedkiller train at Peterborough 20227 Bedford Stewart
  2. Too many modern ones on here - lets redress the balance a bit. Hitchin c1962 D8306 Crewe diesel depot 09-04-1967 D8151 Toton 31-07-1966 D8021 Cambridge c1964 D8007 Northampton mpd, having just had it for haulage from Bletchley Cambridge Cattle Market 27-01-1965 Cambridge c1964 D8165 Derby 09-10-1966 Stewart
  3. I always regard any car reg with a suffix or (prefix if reversed) letter as new....! Stewart
  4. Rare but not unknown, I have spotted them at Cambridge. Stewart
  5. OK, the $64000 question? I'm a GE section modeller, not LM. However I possibly wish to get a Bachmann 4f, as I feel my old Airfix one is dated. I have no idea what version I'm looking for however, so where do I look? We had 44521 allocated to March (31B) towards the end of steam, and correctly or not, the Airfix one has been renumbered. I also am incorporating a bit of M&GN flavour in my layout, so have perhaps two choices. Can anyone assist me please? Stewart
  6. Some years ago I parked up at Hunstanton, the car park was not surfaced, and was located where the old loco shed had been. I found a couple of lumps of coal there, & put them in the boot, for use on my GE section locos. Quite ironic that many years later (ie now) I am building a layout based on Hunstanton! Genuine steam coal from the actual prototype. Stewart
  7. Ok I'll set the scene - I was at school just south of Cambridge station, c1960-65; we viewed the line from the bottom of the school premises at breaks, and from the cattle market at lunchtimes. I had started 'modelling' (cringes at the thought...) whilst there at about the time of the demise of Hornby-Dublo (c1962?), and my monthly magazine was Modern Railways (or whatever it was called at that time) as it did carry some trainspotting gen. I remember the quote in it of GE lettering appearing, around the same time as maroon ends and yellow cantrail stripes, though I stress not all at precisely the same time! Now bearing in mind the comments on the other thread about memory and lifetime, and in particular one of the latest concerning compressing relevant memories of a journey, I reckon we must be talking about c1963 for the intro of GE prefixes? Certainly crimson/cream was confined to memory (in normal use anyway), and diesels were the norm by this time. I am sure that it must have been the maroon period. Stewart
  8. I certainly saw Peaks (probably 46 but in those days we didn't know the difference) and 55, also 47 was seen as a running-in job in early days. Later on they became regular. I went to school in Hills Road Cambridge c1960-65 and frequented the Cattle Market area as well as seeing them from school. Never saw a 37 on them though. Stewart
  9. In my day at school in Cambridge, c1960-1965: 7 coaches, centre on Buffet (usually Gresley), end ones Brake 3rd or Bk 1/3 (uncertain which). I only remember mk1 stock apart from the Buffet. Early diesel days; D5300-19, Baby Deltic, D6100's. Superceded by Brush 2, with occasional GN "heavies" (Deltic, D200, early D1500, and of course D0280 as a regular. Latter day steam included A4 etc on running in turns. At one period the train was extended to Ely. When things started getting boring, Brush 4 took over! Then things turned blue.... Stewart
  10. Now theres an idea - that's got rid of one 50, too many of them around.... Stewart
  11. I'm modelling Hunston, (the Norfolk pronunciation of Hunstanton), with a trackplan slightly altered to fit the garage (and loop through the garden). Though my main interest is naturally ex GER, I've included workings from the ex M&GN lines (so prevalent in north Norfolk. In MY world, the M&GN did not close in 1959, and we see through trains from Leicester beginning to be diesel hauled - class 28 from Leicester included! Stewart
  12. I'm familiar with the prodecures of investigattion in the UK, but can anyone explain (in simple terms) what the procedures will be over there for us please? Stewart
  13. Time was when an incident like this would have sounded the death-knell for the line. Haven't attitudees changed recent;y? Stewart
  14. OT but notice how the cars are parked? Most have backed in to the spaces (as the Highway Code prefers and I was taught by the Police training), whereas nowadays most people go nose in first. Stewart
  15. But what a funny railway - naming some of its tanks! (told you all these GW engines were the same!) Over here on the proper railway, where we painted things dark blue, we didn't need to tart them up with flashy copper bits
  16. I thought all these GW Panniers were the same anyway..... hat, coat,..... Stewart
  17. Hope you didn't spill your tea whilst having a running session..... Stewart
  18. Headlamps are appropriate for a station pilot duty - either 'loco assisting train' or alternate red/white. Common sight at Cambridge. Stewart
  19. 'Twas the olde, REAL railway........ Stewart
  20. Was Sarah Siddons actually working, or just there for insurance purposes? It was difficult to tell when I saw them arrive at Amersham yesterday. Stewart
  21. 1202, B1 at Cambridge is a down train. Mill Road bridge in the background, & 31A "dump" on the left. Stewart
  22. Could it be a traverser in say Crewe Works?
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