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Everything posted by Chris116

  1. Henry is a green engine! That thing must be James who is the red engine.
  2. The term now state:- "Free travel on bus, Tube, tram, DLR, London Overground, TfL Rail (excluding between West Drayton and Reading) and most National Rail services in London We've changed the hours you can travel to reduce crowding on our services and help social distancing. You will only be able to travel from 09:00, Monday to Friday. You can still travel any time on weekends and public holidays. " The above quote is copied from the tfl website.
  3. The Caledonian coaches are in batch three.
  4. Three heats with each driver taking part in two of them before an all in final for both the Superstox and 2L Hot Rods gave me eight races of cars I like and eight different winners at Aldershot this afternoon. The weather forecasters should be sacked! It showed a 1% chance of rain all day and we had three VERY heavy showers during the middle of the meeting. Thankfully by the time the finals took place the track was dry and none of the races suffered too much from the rain. Now waiting for my train home.
  5. My first Stock Car meeting of the year at Aldershot today. Train from Wimbledon to Aldershot and then a 30 minute walk to the track. Everyone on the train being sensible with masks and distancing. Looking forward to a great afternoon.
  6. My wife has stocked her sewing box with a large number of scissors that the NHS were happy to throw out and she caught between nurse and bin! I also have some for use on the model railway.
  7. Best wishes to Beth and anyone else who is suffering in any way. I now know why the weather is going down hill, they have started to play cricket! I just hope it does not rain tomorrow around the Aldershot area as a wet track can spoil the racing and I am looking forward to my first Stock Car meeting of the year with the Superstox and 2L Hot Rods in action as well as the Bangers. Feeling a bit hungry now as I woke late and have been shopping quickly as rain is forecast so I have not had any breakfast except for a muggatea.
  8. Two years after I passed, I finally told my teacher what I had done. He congratulated me and said that the first year on one examination board was the only one where that would have worked but he said I had done well to spot the repeating pattern so he thought I deserved the grade I was awarded. Sometimes there are advantages in being the first to take a new exam or syllabus! I have for the rest of my life referred to them as Multi Guess exams!
  9. I took "O" level Physics the first year they had multi choice questions. Not one of my best subjects but having gone through the paper carefully I had answered about 50% of the questions and was happy with those answers but the rest of the questions all had two answers that seemed right to me. Having gone through the whole paper two or three times I noticed that there appeared to be a pattern on the answers so I went through using the pattern and found all my either or choices fitted into the pattern! Got an "A" in Physics much to the surprise of my teacher.
  10. Like most railways now, the London Underground calls those who travel "Customers" but the nice new barriers at the platform ends say that "Passengers" must not pass that point. I pointed this out to a manager a few years ago and asked if the sign meant that my "Customers" were allowed on the track and only "Passengers" were not allowed? He didn't see the funny side when I suggested that the signs were right and that the people who travel are "Passengers" and the sooner we were allowed to call them that the better. What I did not tell him was that I always called those who travel "Passengers" and they were not going to stop me doing so.
  11. Can you get the system to triple post every day so you can put more of those interesting Swiss photos?
  12. When I first looked at the British photos they all showed correctly but now they have links that do not work!
  13. It was showing an 0-6-0T loco about an hour ago. Picture has been changed.
  14. I thought you turned them up to full and then slowly reduced to deafening for best results!
  15. Moorgate with my favourite Metropolitan line trains which as a kid I called "Browners"!
  16. A rabbit, preacher and Priest enter a bar. The bartender asks the rabbit: What'l you have? The rabbit says "Nothing thank you, I'm only here because of auto-correct.
  17. That is Ryde Esplanade which is not the terminus. Ryde Pier Head is the terminus although I suspect the railway would be happy to make Esplanade the terminus and save the cost of maintenance on the pier section.
  18. A few years ago I went for a day on the IOW Steam Railway. I got to Ryde Pier Head via Wightlink to be told that the trains were not running due to the tunnel being flooded. They then told us to walk to the other end of the pier and buses were running to all stations on the electric railway! When I got to the Bus Station at Esplanade I said that I was surprised that the buses were serving all stations and was again informed that the bus would stop at all stations. I then asked when the road to Smallbrook Junction had been completed, at which point the member of staff told me to stop being stupid and that they were not running a museum. In reply I pointed out that the tube stock was actually older than the steam engine that was due to be used that day so maybe it was the electric railway who were running a museum! In the end they gave me a return ticket to Wootton on the bus and I had a very enjoyable day.
  19. A year later and I saw Lainey Wilson at C2C 2019 performing "Microphone". A song about a boyfriend who dumped her and then paraded his new lady at her concerts! Never upset a songwriter as they will get their own back!
  20. One of my favourites from C2C in 2018. Sarah Darling performing "More issues than Vogue".
  21. I woke up to find SWMBO had woken a little earlier than me, which is unusual. Mugatea and for her and muggacoffee for me started the day. She made a very good point watching the news. Why, if wearing masks in shops is a good idea, are the government waiting for ten days after the announcement before implementing the rule. Surely it should be brought in as soon as possible? I have noticed that on the buses I have been on the capacity limits are being totally ignored by drivers and passengers. Also masks are being worn by most people but a high percentage only have them over their mouth and not their nose. It also appears that the masks are removed so they can make a phone call!
  22. More a case of turning a through station into a terminus and making sure it could not be reinstated easily.
  23. My wife has recently sent two packages to her daughter in Wisconsin full of baby clothes she had crocheted for the great grandchild that arrived in March. The first took four days to reach Chicago but then took another eight days to get to Milwaukee and two more to her daughter! The second was sent a month later and took the same time but instead of sitting in Chicago it took a trip to New York before going to Milwaukee! I am not certain if I should blame US Customs or USPS.
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