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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. An amazing spectacle yesterday, 3 major incidents including a crash and fire, a car being flipped upside down and an engine letting go and catching fire. One can only applaud the fire and rescue crews for doing their jobs so effectively, and the advances in car safety and driver protection, in particular the engineering that produced the halo frames and the racing suits that almost certainly prevented on track fatalities or life changing injuries. Hope we don't see anything like that again anytime soon. There was a race too? Who won? * * These are not serious questions....
  2. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Its nice to know that and as its pre-early 70s, there's no car tax or MOT required! Oh....
  3. Its not just that policemen and doctors seem to get younger, fondly remembered people keep dying. Farewell Dave! You do have to be of a certain age to remember The Green Cross Code Man, I do like the dinky robot. As for the Brizzle accent, I thought Darth had to sound alien? After all, when Hollywood want a villain, they cast a British accent... We need more public information films like that!
  4. I just thought, telling the blokes that Victoria bit her* could be a little too advanced for the average Australian mens room... * The thought that she might like being bitten by Victoria would just not compute.
  5. When I saw the "release the Kraken" nonsense, I thought they obviously haven't read John Wyndhams "The Kraken Wakes"... Though I suppose that they'll claim that rising sea levels are "because Kraken" rather than the result of global warming anyway!
  6. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Well, the Austerity is a Hornby loco, so one out of three ain't bad... The others? A Bachmann L&Y 2-4-2 tank and a Heljan Class 14 "Teddy Bear". The damage on the Bachmann is quite clear to see, but to describe either the Heljan (missing coupling rods, damaged handrails, missing couplings, missing buffer one end, missing ENTIRE buffer beam t'other) or the Austerity (damaged handrail, missing couplings) as "very good condition", "seem like new" is pushing things a bit! Oh well, there's 5 days for lunatic bidders to push the prices up, which is ok for the Charity but they're worth about a fiver each, at most...
  7. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Looks like the railway equivalent of the assymetric Nissan Cube...
  8. Possibly made under licence somewhere and imported if not brewed in-country. Then again, "Ice Cold in Alex" wouldn't work with Army ale from a NAAFI....
  9. A flexible working approach that resulted in Quintishill...
  10. Or as Nigella might have put it, "Drink, Pee, Repeat!"
  11. aka "Percussive Maintenance" Used to work quite well on 405 line tellys...
  12. I put loose change in jars of various denominations when I fillet my pockets each evening. Eventually the "silver" coinage builds up to be packed into bank bags and I deposit them into the "locomotive" account... However, the 1p and 2p jars just grow, and now the weight of coinage is too much to lug to the bank to dispose of*. There must be at least £40 worth of the little bu@@ers and that works out at about 14.25 Kg of the hateful objects... * I'll get around to it. As the local branch of my bank is to be shut in the new year, I'll dump the lot a few weeks before they close, so THEY can have the fun of disposing of them!
  13. Hroth

    Flat Earth

    Worrying, when you recall what happened to the last one...
  14. Which all goes to explain the Series 1 Landrover in the sideroad outside the bar as they drive the spy away...
  15. Hroth

    EBay madness

    There are now 20 watchers... ( There were 21 when I looked an hour or so ago, but someone seems to have chickened out... )
  16. I've always thought of that song as the creepy stalkers anthem...
  17. So Maradonna is standing at the Pearly Gates awaiting admittance, and here comes God with one of his gloves for a try on... (Meanwhile, Lucifer is standing off to one side, sniggering. He knows how its going to go down)
  18. Perhaps someone could have loaned the operatives from the Utah Department of Public Safety some gorilla suits...?
  19. Hroth

    New Hornby Rocket

    I've travelled in a similar vehicle behind the replica Planet at MOSI Manchester. Only a couple of hundred yards and I wouldn't have appreciated it if Planet had escaped Liverpool Road Station and made it all the way to Lime Street! I suppose we've become too accustomed to creature comforts nowadays...
  20. Hroth

    New Hornby Rocket

    I've just confirmed payment for the two I preordered from Derails, so I'm looking forward to them arriving soon. I run my standard edition Rocket set as a "special attraction" on a fictional Heritage railway*. I've not dared to open up the first class coaches, but the opens will get passengers in modern garb, enjoying the ride! * Rule One rules, yay! Whats not to like?
  21. Nice to see the availibility of coal intended to be kept in baths....
  22. Leaving both glam rock and Saville out of the equation... We had proper winters back then, and the ever-accurate Daily Mail spent the early 70s predicting an oncoming Ice Age. Double glazing? the previous occupants of our house had fitted louvered windows to several bedrooms and the icy winds of the 70s winters blew straight through. We didn't get central heating until the mid 70s, but at least the circuit included the bedrooms. The insane windows went too. BriNylon from Brentford Nylons! Dead trendy! Who was the oik who advertised the stuff for them? Google says - Alan Freeman!!! Then there was uncomfortable nylon underwear, and quick to yellow drip-dry nylon shirts. Become your own Van De Graaf generator! NO not Van Der Graaf Generator... Sovs and Half Sovs. Literally worth their weight (Troy oz) in Gold! (I've several of each, inherited from older relatives)
  23. No, but I've been told that finding two on separate occasions makes you feel that the Police are looking sideways at you...
  24. Nice photo! Vans for Cadburys? Thats a very mucky Stanier Mogul, the EMUs on the stabling sidings will be in the green livery with red buffer beams. The goods is coming off the Joint, which had lost its passenger services in 1956, the last one being in the hands of an ex-GWR Large Prairie 4122 in September of that year. The Joint would be closed for goods in 1962, with the track lifted by 1964. Given the apparent OHLE flashes on the loco, that would suggest a date between 1959 and 1962. Yet another photo of WK taken from the bridge on err Bridge Road!
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