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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Just a blog headline, the (middle tier) drivers quoted seemed to be commenting rather than complaining. Looking at the practices so far, there's not much info to be drawn as an onlooker, its just drivers getting the feel of the track with the tyres their teams are considering using. No point in getting excited by the times posted either. Its what happens in Q1/2/3 that matters!
  2. Stroopwafelsmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...... Pop over the top of a freshly brewed mug of coffee, turning as required, until they're soft and chewy. Lovely! Many UK supermarkets stock 'em, they're quite acceptable!
  3. Hroth

    Panic buying

    I was going to mention its "use" in boating. We used to keep a jar of it (and its "coffee" analogue) on the family narrowboat for use during winter maintenance visits. Going back to thawing milk, the other reason for a possible "odd" taste would be not waiting for it to completely thaw out and using it while there was still a core if ice in the bottle, you'd then have a sort of "condensed" milk...
  4. Trademarks are big business. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-54298068 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-54905416 As for the Mouse, its about time Disney buried the zombie, instead of living off IP thats nearly 80 years old.
  5. Hroth

    Panic buying

    It depends on how its been defrosted. If its just been defrosted by being left out on the draining board or nuked in the microwave, then its not going to either last as long, or taste "normal". The best way to defrost frozen milk is to put it straight into the fridge and it'll defrost over 24 hours or so. and be more or less in the state it was in when put in the freezer. Given comments about the bottle splitting when frozen, inspection should show if there's a split, otherwise place the bottle in a measuring jug while defrosting to discourage floods! That stuff DOES taste vile! But it has its place... (I didn't know you could still get it!)
  6. I've used several Smallbrook Studio items on my "Midsomer Brevis" O-16.5 layout, which is currently in storage so I can't take any current pictures and don't have any previous ones to hand! However, the "Thor" locomotive featured in one of my Cakebox Challenge 2018 entries so I've been able to copy one of those photos across. the "scene" itself has now been dismantled, but the major components have migrated to Midsomer Brevis as intended. The bridge is DAS on foamboard, the figures cheap ones off ebay, the flat wagon behind the loco consists of coffee stirrers on a Dapol wagon chassis. The track is a piece of scrap Peco code 100 flexitack with every other sleeper cut out to give it a more "narrowgauge" feel. As far as the mechanism is concerned, its false economy to use an old Hornby 0-4-0 loco as the donor, ones produced over the past 5 years or so have better running qualities. While this does notch the price up a little its worth it, and still far cheaper than buying an Electrotren loco for the chassis.
  7. I wonder if he is related to Zebidee?
  8. Hroth

    Lockdown #2

    We're currently (1-7th November) at 210 per 100,000 though this is decreasing slowly. Some districts are generating most of that figure, most are well below. Its mainly the poor/deprived areas that are suffering. Death rates have spiked alarmingly.
  9. I rarely recognise the "celebrities" so its more like a normal show as far as I'm concerned!
  10. Noooooooooooooooooo....... That would be more akin to endless repeats of Pointless!
  11. Here's an easier one I just thought of...
  12. I'd just set a timer to remind me at 10:50 to go and stand on my doorstep At the eleventh hour... on the eleventh day.... of the eleventh month to remember the brothers of both my grandmothers, who fell during WW1 and who I never knew. And everyone else who has suffered from all sorts of wars since.
  13. Hroth

    Flat Earth

    I blame the current crop of "flat earthers" on the various projections used to put maps of the earth on a plane surface. From Mercator via Robinson to Polar projections All provide a skewed worldview. The polar azimuthal equidistant one is obviously the inspiration for the model above! The model even implements the Ice-wall that holds all the water on the flat earth. It'll be interesting to see if "Planar Warming" has any effect on it...
  14. Hroth

    Flat Earth

    Krull. https://wiki.lspace.org/mediawiki/Krull The literal "cliff-hanger" of the last section of "The Colour of Magic".
  15. Hroth

    Flat Earth

    The back-story for my Midsomer Brevis O-16.5 layout is something like that...
  16. I suppose you could use pop rivets with Hornby O gauge tinplate track.... True. If you have one. If you can find it. But with screws you don't have to lever the track up to reposition or reclaim it. Also, if you put a sort of "damp proof course" of thin polythene between the track and baseboard, then the ballast won't stick to the baseboard either! That would work with pins too, of course. I appreciate that even small screws would be a visual problem as they would be proud of the sleeper when screwed down. Horses for courses, I suppose.
  17. Replenished by eating lots of greens. I wonder if they like Brussels Sprouts?....
  18. Well it caught my attention! I'd not really thought about the use of screws as track fixing devices, let alone for N gauge, but back in the mists of time, Hornby Dublo recommended the use of half-inch roundheaded No3 screws for fixing three-rail track to the baseboard, something which I am going to take up as I bring my 3 rail layout back from storage... As for using track screws with modern track, there's a certain attraction as it cuts down on the banging and the chance of whacking the rails or your fingers with a hammer. I've just had a quick look at ebay, sellers recommend 6mm length for OO gauge, though I feel that another couple of mm would be more secure. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Model-railway-track-screws-various-lengths-and-gauges-screwdriver-track-pins/153529249418 They're not expensive, it could be worth getting a small packet just to experiment with!
  19. Until the Trump can find his Big Boy Pants, we can all sing along to Andy Stewart...
  20. By time I've done that, I end up with a large gift-wrapped cardboard box full of all sorts of stuff! I've started already...
  21. Hroth

    Flat Earth

    It's all true, for a given value of "true" On the extreme edge of the probability curve, earths are flat, carried by giant elephants on the back of a world turtle. Turtles swim, they don't need to stand on anything. The turtle is a "she" as determined by the Krullians The eggs are laid around a nice warm red giant star Simples! or even Oook! * * "I think that covers everything without recourse to the Library!"
  22. Endeavour is late 60s by then, so a nod to the corporate identity is possible, though I'd have done it as a white panel bearing the black logo and "Ticket Office" over the window. Of course the colour scheme would be a more dingy grey and white, rather than green and cream!
  23. Hroth

    Flat Earth

    As the Beatles sang... We all live on an oblate spheroid Earth an oblate spheroid Earth an oblate spheroid Earth We all live on an oblate spheroid Earth an oblate spheroid Earth an oblate spheroid Earth ithenkyow!!!
  24. Perhaps he could be tempted to leave by the thought that he'll have a presidential pension once he leaves office, he'll never be "poor" again. Also he'll get a secret service bodyguard until he dies. A great saving there too! Someone tell him to stop blubbering and hand him those Big Boy pants!
  25. I see what you mean but the approach to the fiddleyard reminds me of the municipal golfcourse before you get to Hoylake, rather than the semi-abandoned market gardens and Rycroft Road as you approach Meols... As for the footbridge across the Joint, connecting the upper and lower parts of Ashton Park, its not visually exciting! Looking at the lower picture, there are some steps in the distance. After WW1 a decommissioned MkIV tank was placed there for some reason. It wasn't looked after (who would want a reminder of the carnage of the Western Front in their public park?) and eventually taken away for scrap in the early 30s.
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