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Everything posted by Scottish-Exile

  1. Keep looking through the list from when it was first announced, but there's nothing I want, which is probably a good thing for my wallet. The only two items I'd be remotely interested in, are the Arriva liveried DMU's Dapol 121 and Bachmann sound fitted 150, both of which I already have. While there is clearly money off, and they are now cheaper than what I paid upon release, it is not sufficient discount for me to think, wow! a bargain, I'll add another to my fleet. I paid £297 for the Class 150 when it was released which was the standard discount to RRP that everyone was offering. Hattons now have £28 off (9.5%) so as I say, a saving, but in the scheme of things, not enough to have me shouting Bargain!. If it was truly a Sale of the Century and say 50% or more off, then I dare say I'd be caught up in the whole 'sale' hype and buying some of these.
  2. I've got the 'newsletter'. I use that term loosely. I will respect his request not to publish details. He says it will be on his website in the next few days. If you think this thread is toxic now .....
  3. Website says scheduled between June-September 2019. Time to start saving some pennies.
  4. Your annual reminder that these went on sale again at Lidl today. Usually only available for 2 or 3 weeks before Christmas so be quick if you need one. Cheaper this year too at £49. They were £59 last year. https://www.lidl.co.uk/en/MiddleofLidl.htm?articleId=18487
  5. Yup, I believe DB have only ever been in fixed rakes. RevolutioN have a helpful consist diagram on their website: http://www.revolutiontrains.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Ealnos-sample-consists.jpg
  6. The preserved ones as I remember them: 55 002 in 2 tone green, circa 1981 55 009 in Blue as currently preserved 55 022 in Blue, silver grills etc I dare say 55 019 might just sneak in as well or possibly 55 018. As a collector, most of these will just be destined for a display case with only very occasional running. As such I'm also keeping an eye on eBay as I expect a glut of Bachmann models to start appearing which would be a cheaper option, although I really do like the idea of these high definition models.
  7. Better late than never. Picked up my ScotRail DBSO's yesterday so while packing them away, took the opportunity to take some pics of the BSO. As previously stated, the Guards and Passenger compartments can be turned on/off independently of each other. The guards compartment is stunning when illuminated, with the cages/ bars etc showing up clearly.
  8. I too am surprised at that. They're all being produced by the same company in the same factory at the same time. Just the end point of sale that is different. Doesn't help that 2 of the ones I'm considering are the 'specials'.
  9. I've been thinking If I get rid of the living room and dining room furniture, knock down the wall between them, do away with my kitchen, bathroom and bedroom ... then I should have enough space to build a railway for one of these
  10. Yup, logic would suggest this is the case but with the sums involved, I need to be sure before placing my order. In respect of Kernow, they are making an obvious price differential between the non/tail lamp variants whereas on Revolutions website you'll have seen the same price listed for all, which gives me further caution.
  11. I'm in the same boat (post #21). I'm waiting to push the button to order a rake of 16 DB wagons. If there is no tail lamp then it's a simple 4 each of A-D If however let's say 'D' was tail lamp fitted, then the order becomes 5 x 'a, b, c' and 1 x 'd' but we really need to know which is the tail lamp fitted before we can order
  12. Thanks for that. I recall seeing it now at Model Rail Scotland. A great layout and well done on winning the trophy.
  13. Anyone got pics of this layout The Trenches they'd care to share ?
  14. I'll happily pay the postage this time after struggling home on the train with 22 TEA wagons that I thought would be fun to collect at Warley. Won't be making that mistake again!
  15. Ouch. Glad it's the DB livery I'm after. Went to order today but I'm confused as all 4 are showing the same price (£37.50) so either there is no Tail Lamp version or if there is, there is no additional mark-up on it. I've posed the question on the Revolution thread. Don't want to order 4 of each running number, A, B, C & D and end up with 4 tail lamps!
  16. According to the first post as copied above, it suggests that these £50 & £58 Kernow prices are also Early Bird pre-order prices which could rise.
  17. Wow. So I spent all day there yesterday and yet missed most of these Don't recall seeing Devenport Road and that leisure centre looks amazing.
  18. <Pedant mode on> Royal Scots Grey is 55 022 not 55 002 <Pedant mode off> Will be going for Royal Scots Grey, Alycidon and KOYLI as these are the 3 I am familiar with in the preservation scene. Deltics having been long gone from BR when I first got into trains.
  19. I'm about to order a rake of DB Liveried MMA's having seen the stunning sample at Warley yesterday. On the website there are 4 DB versions listed (A, B, C & D) offering 4 different running numbers. All are priced at £37.50 reduced from £41. From this I am guessing that none of these feature a flashing tail lamp? I've looked at the other liveries Revolution are doing and again, it seems that they are all just listed as £37.50 With the Kernow exclusive liveries, they have a £49.95 standard and £57.95 for the tail lamp version along with a bulk price for the 4. Was there anymore info at Warley or can Ben / Mike comment?. There was too much gong on yesterday for me to fully take it all in. I'll probably order 4 of each wagon A-D to give me a decent rake of 16, but obviously, I only want 1 to be fitted with a tail lamp not 4, if indeed one of these variants is the tail lamp version.
  20. Yes, but only from £37.50 to £41, so still far cheaper than the £50 Kernow ones. Thankfully it's the DB Livery I'm after.
  21. That was something that was bothering me yesterday. Whilst every stand had a very prominently displayed Reference Number, very few - Both Layouts AND Traders - had a display name. It's impractical to carry the guide around and keep referring to it all the time. Indeed, I bought my copy as I was leaving rather than carry it all day, and read it on the train going home. I had printed off the floor plan and list of exhibits from the website, but that didn't help as the index was in Alphabetical order, so if you were at say E12 (Random number) then it was not easy to go through a list of exhibits to see what stand or layout you were at.
  22. Saw your post on the Revolution TEA page which directed me here. Just spent an enjoyable two hours with a coffee reading through the 20 pages of your layout build. Stunning work and inspiring me to get started. A perfect relaxing Sunday morning read after the frenzy of Warley yesterday.
  23. If I do Warley next year I might go dressed as the Fat Controller or someother comic themed railway character. Best of both worlds !
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