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Matt C

RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by Matt C

  1. Go into your browser history. You should be able to track down which page gives you the warning and then send Andy the link to the relavent page ?
  2. No layout. Did you not hear ? Andy and Phil were at the show. . . Those guys have just dropped off the emergency Cake supplies !
  3. Best would probably to drop a message to @Crosland he's your man for the Sprog
  4. Gremlins. Little beggers get in everywhere ! It used to be that most kit was hardware. You controlled it with mechanical/ electrical nobs, switches and buttons etc which just worked, until they broke and you needed a new one. Nowadays its mostly circuit boards and software controlled by lelectricery. You tap strange symbols on a screen which sends out bits and bytes and that makes things happen. BUT them there Gremlins live in the electricery and they like nuthin better than causing fuzzy wuzzy signals that begger up yer bits and bytes so that things that should happen don't, and thing's that shouldn't happen Do ! Then just when your frustration levels are red lining they begger orf and things just work again. It's why the Mantra " did you switch it off and back on again?" Was invented by some lawyer bloke called Murphy 🤓 P.S. your REAL problems start when you have Gremlins fitted with Stay Alives ! 🤬
  5. Not sure if I can explain it but I'll try you have what I'll call an operating command and a programming command. An operating command is normally used on the main track so your controller says to loco number 1 'Move' Loco number one is sat on the track drawing power through the chip and 'Listening' to the commands (electrical pulses) being sent out, hears a command addressed to it (loco no 1) and Moves. Now loco number 1 is on the programming track drawing power through the chip and the Controller says "change CV1 from '1' to '2' did you do that ?" The chip in loco 1 changes CV1 from '1' to '2' and pulses to say yes I've done that. Now you put the dummy car on and again the controller says " change cv1 from '1' to '2' did you do that ?" The dummy car chip recieves the electrical pulses which changes the CV but it has no moter so it cant pulse back a reply. As the chip cant reply to the controller's quiry "did you do that?" The controller cant tell you whether it was succsefull or not it cant 'Read the CV's" Probably clear as mud but hopevit helps 🤪
  6. I applaud Bachmann for the initiative. I think anything that encourages young people to have a go can only be good for the Hobby in general ! I find it sad that there are a few making negative comments about the High prices of the more expensive Railway items rather than looking at what appears to be a wide and varied range of products aimed at bringing in and encouraging new customers into the model making community ? I wonder if this could be expanded out into some 'Pop up' Shops ? Approach the council with a view to take over an empty unit in a struggling high street for a Month. Move in with a mobile 'shop'. Run workshops etc as per the one in Hinckley maybe inviting Any Model Shops from surrounding areas to send a 'Volunteer' for a week to help out/ promote thier own permanent local business. This would also have the benefit of showing that local business the Full range of products available from Bachmann and show what is popular in THAT particular area which might encourage the local shop to widen thier own ranges ( possibly filling some space left by missing Hornby product?) Most local businesses just don't have the space/ resources to do anything like this so Surely a win/ win for Bachmann and the local supplier ?
  7. What ?? The sound of filling nappies ?!!!!! Oh right yeah, rattly axle not splattery nap.... Ok I'm gone 🤪
  8. How about something like an 'Owners Club' review section ? Where each model launched gets a listing under its Manufacturer ? A separate area that is ONLY for owners of a model to give an objective, simple review covering things like (some as mentioned) Accuracy Performance Reliability Durability Support And maybe a % out of ten for overall impression Make it CLEAR It's for ACTUAL, one time reviews, with a possible follow up post IF something happens to change your Original thoughts, I.E. It broke, started running poorly after a short time, unknown problems show up, or your overal impression changes after a period of time. NO " well I didn't buy it cos IMHO that rivet is a 1/2 inch too low" As all that guff has normally been covered/ repeated to death in pre production topics. Clear instructions and ruthless culling of anything NOT following the required quidelines or off topic/ meaningless posts. Nothing to stop the Mods copying in any posts they deam relavent/usefull from elsewhere in the Forum Just a thought 🙂
  9. I found this barcode ?? 6251001220438 Not sure if it will help 🤗
  10. Obviously not big or RED enough Guys. . . He knows. . . Read back the last 5 pages and if you DON'T see your problem then post it here. . Otherwise please give him a break
  11. @AY Mod. . Andy why not put a big BOLD message here saying site maintenance going on things are reloading, come back in 24 hours and tell me what isnt working . . . And then lock the Ruddy thread and give yourself a break man !!
  12. Another Evergreen ship runs aground https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-60754135 Unsubstantiated reports mention the Captain cussing and swearing about 2 "Mysterious Containers" that put him way overweight !🤬
  13. You will find that neither the edited link that I've posted OR the edited link you have posted will work (the original link is still embeded underneath) but if you click on either of them, you then get the broken link page and THEN editing the Community/ out. . It will work.
  14. Not sure if this will help some members who rely on web browser bookmarks or speed dials to access RmWeb pages. If you have saved bookmarks in your browser that are broken, click on it to open. . You get the broken message/ page not found etc but if you do a quick edit it SHOULD then find the correct page so looking at this example which wont work and carrying out the edit on the version below it :- https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/topic/106732-4digit-dcc-address-problem/ https://www.rmweb.co.uk/topic/106732-4digit-dcc-address-problem/ (Remove. COMMUNITY/INDEX.PHP? ) It should then work bringing you to the correct page on the current live site. It's worked for me on all bookmarks I've tried so far. P.S. don't forget to save your NEW bookmark and delete the old broken one. HTH others
  15. This is Accurascale. They are still working to get the mechanics just right so the tail slowly lifts and the correct amount of S*"the drops out with that fresh smell ! There's lovely 💩
  16. The Wife was re doing the budget to mitigate the rise in the cost of heating oil. She mentioned if I re Sold the two Deltics I've ordered, we could afford a few ltrs and stay warm 😵 I've compromised. . . Bought her a new Jumper ! 🤗
  17. Looks like @AY Mod is still unpacking and trying to remember where everything went 🤗🤪 👋
  18. Yes I Agree with this. You may find that although you get a message telling you no internet your tablet IS actually connected and you should be able to see a small green connected symbol at the top of the App ? Also if you connect a network cable between the Z21 router and your house router, ( if its within range) you should find you also get internet access on your tablet even if its connected to the Z21 wifi. My settup is :- An old router connected via powerline network adapters to my house router which gives me wifi and cabled internet access in my workshop where the layout is, and then an ethernet cable between the old router and the Z21 router which gives IT'S wifi and any connected devices access to the internet. Yup THREE routers but it means I don't have to re configure the Z21 Router. If you wanted to though you could just use powerline adapters to get an internet connection from your house router direct into the Z21 router and cut out the middle one ?
  19. Is it asking for a password when you try to connect ? You should find an 8 Digit pin number on the bottom of the router, this is the password you need to enter, unless the Z21 ? Is second hand and for some reason the router has been reconfigured. You should also have a network cable running from the Z21 to a lan port on the router ?
  20. Looks good. I find if I DO need to I can simply unscrew and remove a ferule from the block to isolate a small group of wires ( and thereby a section of track/ tracks. It takes just a few moments to snip off a ferule to repair or replace a wire, then re group and re Crimp. A bit of thought in which wires you include in a group helps with isolation when needed in the future
  21. I am using one of these Perciva crimpers. Im gathering multiple droppers and crimping them into a suitable sized Ferule and then clamping the ferule into a Choc block attached to the Bus wire. It's fast and easy to crimp multiple wires in awkward spaces and gives a good, solid connection (I've not been able to pull a crimped wire free) it solved my problem of trying to hold two/ three or four droppers together under the layout whilst trying to screw them into a block. I'm sure this would work well with your proposed method as well https://www.amazon.co.uk/Preciva-0-25-6mm²-AWG23-10-Self-Adjustable-Connectors/dp/B07X8FGDV4/ref=sr_1_6?crid=2WS9J8ZX21V8F&keywords=preciva+crimper&qid=1647369625&sprefix=persiva+crimper%2Caps%2C333&sr=8-6
  22. Andy you need to stay on Holiday. . . Your getting more stuff sorted on Holiday than when your here !
  23. Ahh I see so you probably should have said "speak for yourself, not for ME" as you have no right to tell him what he can or can't say on an open forum on behalf of others ? That's for THEM to say Anyway as I'm not buying one ( can't afford it) and AFAIA your not buying one ? Why don't we leave the thread to those who actually are. It's getting quite tiring reading pages and pages of negative comments posted by a few members who aren't buying one but can't help coming back time and again to repeat the same comments the moment someone dares to post anything positive Oh and no I'm NOT telling anyone what, where or when they can or can't post, I'm SUGGESTING maybe it's time to give it a break back to the Fell
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