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Wickham Green too

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Everything posted by Wickham Green too

  1. Buffer issues have been discussed ad-nauseam up-thread ............ they're moulded integral to the headstock so if you wish to add packing I think it's up to you !
  2. Hmmmm ? .............................. not the largest of classes nor operating over a particularly enormous area - and not having a huge range of livery options, I have my doubts.
  3. Actually, looking at the passenger in the first image, it might have been a MILK Bar !
  4. That is a possibility - but with no gangway door and inward-opening passenger doors ( without droplights ) that wouldn't be the safest place to linger !
  5. As round-section tiebars, I'll use wire as I did with my SECR Open vac-fit conversion. ( etched flat tiebars are available from Cambrian )
  6. The window spacing of the All-Steel shouts 'First' to me - it's far tighter on the 'K' class. Operationally, we have a main line propelling move without any specific accommodation for the Guard ....... fully vac. braked so fine from that point of view but is the chap who's nominally in charge of the train travelling on the - very comfortable - cushions or is he slumming it on the footplate !
  7. Looking very unloved ............ how can a BAR car be unloved ??!? ☹️
  8. A tricky bit of moulding to get a suitably thin base - and a consistently good fit !
  9. There's a brief glimpse of the building at the start of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1i5VIWp7HQ ...... the bridge certainly looks right.
  10. Not just bendy - but bent on my O15 ....... did wonder if the plastic packaging had pushed them upwards - but I don't think so.
  11. .... but will the reassembly instructions make any more sense ??!?
  12. Off hand I don't think any of those locomotives operated on the Longmoor Military Railway when built .............. though I'm willing to be corrected on that..
  13. They probably realise that not all railway modellers hold a Firearms License !
  14. I don't expect a serious gap problem with the three-links when I get round to them !
  15. At first sight we've got two identical Kitchen Cars with the kitchen ends coupled ............ but the all-steel vehicle leading will be a Kitchen First and the wooden-bodied one a Kitchen Third so positioning is probably important.
  16. ... and we'll all happily watch the video you post on the appropriate 'HOP 21 by Accurascale' thread ! 😊
  17. Recess for the angle cranks transferring lateral to longitudinal motion ?
  18. I don't think those are 08 wheels - firstly they look less than 4'6'' and the crank shouldn't be waisted ............. industrial loco of some sort ?
  19. Seems rather pointless having it there with no words of explanation. First though was that it was from a preserved loco where the smokebox has been replaced ......... but you'd expect the fittings to be transferred ! - does it have a tube plate or has it been blanked off ?
  20. Rather depends whether you consider moulded-on door & grab handles to be shabby, I suppose ??!? ( no hurry as far as I'm concerned - unless I have a sudden urge to change my modelling period )
  21. 63' non-gangwayed Mk1s OUGHT to be done first - as an intermediate step if nothing else.
  22. Well, my vans don't seem to have reached the Forest of Dean yet - so you're doing well ! Yes, I think the matter of safety loops has been raised before ...... there weren't any ! : the crossbeams ( which should be an elongated lozenge shape ) had a safety chain at each end connected to somewhere behind the solebar.
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