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Wickham Green too

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Everything posted by Wickham Green too

  1. I've never figured out why they felt those Power Cars needed to be fitted with buffers !
  2. "Return to Any Suitable Colliery" p'raps 🙄
  3. Both lines approach on tight, steep curves so any chord would have to be a fair way down the hill - outside the town ( which is down the other side of the hill ) ... you'd have to replace Bodmin General with a station on the chord called Bodmin Parkway ......... oh no, someone's used that name already ! ( photos 2/7/11 )
  4. Unfortunately, if we're going to take into account the growth in car usage we're going to have to accept that Padstow's railways are long gone. ☹️
  5. Hmmm ...... you can almost hear a train coming .... Little Petherick Creek ; 3/7/11
  6. Definitely Scottish 'cupboard' doors ...... the references to 'disc' wheels are misleading - you can ( just ) see that they're conventional split-spoke wheels with a disc applied : not sure why this was done though it would prevent the use of a sprag between the spokes.
  7. Really ? ........ the LSWR and Southern managed to get to Padstow without reversing at Bodmin !
  8. ... because Scottish wagons tended to have 'cupboard' side doors and 'loopy' end door hinges - though a wagon for house coal might not have end doors, of course !
  9. Eddlewood Colliery was open from 1875 to 1910 so is a possibility ..... but if your layout's after that date you might have to think again !
  10. As always, it's worth considering the type of coal ..... the Co-Op would have wanted good household coal ( rather than stem coal, coking coal, anthracite ) - was that available in Fife ?
  11. What's the betting all those straight-out-the-box wagons have the same running number !
  12. While I do, indeed, live in the south, I would have absolutely no use for a 450 ( or 444 ) either ..... my money would be on Electrostars ........................... though not REAL money, of course, as they're far too modern for my layout !
  13. Buffer issues have been discussed ad-nauseam up-thread ............ they're moulded integral to the headstock so if you wish to add packing I think it's up to you !
  14. Hmmmm ? .............................. not the largest of classes nor operating over a particularly enormous area - and not having a huge range of livery options, I have my doubts.
  15. Actually, looking at the passenger in the first image, it might have been a MILK Bar !
  16. That is a possibility - but with no gangway door and inward-opening passenger doors ( without droplights ) that wouldn't be the safest place to linger !
  17. As round-section tiebars, I'll use wire as I did with my SECR Open vac-fit conversion. ( etched flat tiebars are available from Cambrian )
  18. The window spacing of the All-Steel shouts 'First' to me - it's far tighter on the 'K' class. Operationally, we have a main line propelling move without any specific accommodation for the Guard ....... fully vac. braked so fine from that point of view but is the chap who's nominally in charge of the train travelling on the - very comfortable - cushions or is he slumming it on the footplate !
  19. Looking very unloved ............ how can a BAR car be unloved ??!? ☹️
  20. A tricky bit of moulding to get a suitably thin base - and a consistently good fit !
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