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AY Mod

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Status Replies posted by AY Mod

  1. Hi Guys.....This could spell trouble or be the best thing out?  Been given an iPhone, so sending this from my first time from a none laptop device! Regards always Bob

  2. Hi Guys.....This could spell trouble or be the best thing out?  Been given an iPhone, so sending this from my first time from a none laptop device! Regards always Bob

  3. It would appear DCC Concepts might have a problem they have yet a acknowledge. Can I assume if you had any contact with them they advised they decoders were out of warranty, which is what happened when I contacted them.

  4. Need some help. Have now installed most of electrofrog peco points to tortoise switch motors. Have 2 with frogs that appear to be dead, all others are fine. The 2 points in question are brand new peco points suitably prepped for operation but frogs are dead. Motors wired correctly and installed under baseboard. Any thoughts?

  5. If it looks like a Class 25, then it must be a Class 25.



  6. The Handforth Parish Council Planning & Environment Committee. 

  7. The Handforth Parish Council Planning & Environment Committee. 

  8. Don't think I'll be volunteering to be a passenger on SN10 - not until that landing issue is resolved.

  9. Feeling right royally down this evening - I have a call tomorrow to look at some software development, I have a ready made solution to the problem I will be faced with but there is another way to do the same thing and I am attempting to get my head around it.


    But can I get it to return even the most simple dataset as it should do - no I cannot, spent two days, seen some progress but not enough.


    Sometimes I feel like I am a total failure and my imposter syndrome is banging all the drums it can muster at present to make me feel much worse.


    Hopefully, now I've said this out loud I will knuckle down and sort it.

  10. Flippin bug has put me in hospital. 

  11. Flippin bug has put me in hospital. 

  12. Good Morning

    Sorry to trouble you, and I'm sure I should have worked this out.

    Many of the people whose posts I follow have a link to their layouts which shows on the bottom of their posts.

    How do I set this up for myself please?

    Yours Sincerely

    Caroline Middleditch

  13. After seeing last night's total insanity on the other side of the Atlantic, I have a modest proposal: for the sake of the salvation of Western democratic norms, Twitter needs to appoint Andy Y as their new global moderator.

  14. What to do first?


  15. Well I enjoy the virtual exhibition.

  16. Does anyone have any good images showing the roof of 90035 with its DATS pantograph on as I am looking at making it?

  17. Five years ago today, we announced to the Irish market that we would be producing a two-axle ballast hopper. Things rapidly got out of hand...

  18. By their posts on RMWeb shall ye know them

  19. She is the latest in technology
    Almost mythology
    But she has a heart of stone
    She has an i.q. of 1001
    She has a jumpsuit on
    And she's also a telephone.

  20. She is the latest in technology
    Almost mythology
    But she has a heart of stone
    She has an i.q. of 1001
    She has a jumpsuit on
    And she's also a telephone.

  21. I am currently processing. Activities and results may not be complete.

  22. Each individual new post appears on the list instead of just the thread as it did before. I can't find the option to change it back to threads.

  23. .


    I know that the update to the site is continuing, but just to note that the "mark all messages read" button is missing in action.


    By the way the update looks good, so far.  Good luck with the rest of the work.



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