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Everything posted by Asterix2012

  1. Millholme did a Furness 0-6-0
  2. Anything Scottish might be popular.
  3. Nice work you are really capturing the look of these buildings
  4. Looking very good and some useful kit there. What other types of kit are you looking to do?
  5. I got these in a job lot off eBay and sold them on photo not too clear I am afraid
  6. I just received a copy of LYR wagons volume 2 and having a quick look through I wonder if this http://britbahn.wdfiles.com/local--files/gueterwagen-der-lancashire-and-yorkshire-railway/LYR_30_tons_Bogie_Covered_Goods_2.jpg could be made from three of the old triang insulfish bodies? And if so what underframe/ bogies might be suitable? sorry I cannot figure out how to include the image here
  7. Getting the same issue Did you get a solution? update Just as I typed the above it appears the issue has been resolved
  8. I expect Peco could replace any faulty tooling without issue other than time and cost, viability is another matter.
  9. The Fell diesel on the full size railway showed what happened when you have gears and coupling rods connecting the same wheels.
  10. I wonder if the trestle was for wagons without sheet rails, with the beam arranged longitudinally it would serve the same purpose?
  11. Quick look online found this A trestle (sometimes tressel) is a rigid frame used as a support, historically a tripod used both as stools and to support tables at banquets. So perhaps some sort of frame to shape the sheet to make water run off. With traditional tarpaulin if there are any dips water pools and drips through, it needs shaper over the load to avoid this.
  12. Having just taken a look through the photos in the Yeadon volume I have to agree with David. The window appears too low Perhaps also a bit small?
  13. Nice work Richard I like the idea of the bike chain degreaser I am going to try that myself.
  14. Just out of curiosity what version did K’s do? Another brilliant choice Dave
  15. I sometimes buy job lots for the odd item I want and sell on the rest. I find that sold individually with an accurate description the remaining items often get me most of my money back.
  16. https://caley.com/fitting.php Do them, on the parts section as “locomotive cylinder lubricators” There is no photo I am afraid
  17. I too am interested in how you get on with the foam board. Particularly in joining 2 boards together.
  18. eBay is a strange place sometimes. I see items that are still available new going for more money than they would direct from the supplier from time to time.
  19. Tom this is very inspiring. Where did you get the parts to improve Rheneas if you don’t mind me asking?
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