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Mark Saunders

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Everything posted by Mark Saunders

  1. Reading the above you are judging yesterday by today’s standards especially injured and disabled men; there were lots of jobs on the railways that could be done by Green Card men such as stores, mess room attendants and time keepers.
  2. They were not unknown on British Railways many depots used them and DB now use Euroscotches in all yards which are the same but with a handle on to facilitate safe placing!
  3. The original rising from the dead for TV beating Bobby Ewing by decades!
  4. That’s the problem with the way popularist politicians work, drip feed the anti information to the CSDC ( can’t see don’t care) as it doesn’t apparently benefit me brigade so it shouldn’t happen.
  5. The whole political structure of the country has changed from when the last of the old guard who fought the war was replaced by the current species who are educated in a totally different way of thinking backed up with American business thinking!
  6. The minerals are the ones adapted for coil traffic with the addition of coil cradles, the outward sign is the removal of the end door stripe. Similar conversion was done using unfitted 16t minerals for RTB and BR had some 21t minerals treat the same (I do not know if they are BR or former PO wagons).
  7. and wonder why there was no written safety assessment before leaving your front door with filed flight plan; plus no approved method for tying your shoelaces.
  8. I would hate to be the person in 100 years time who writes the history of HS2 and the associated blame game involved!
  9. The Leith General Warehouse grain hoppers were one of the outstanding wagons they ran around Edinburgh with.
  10. and now it’s only going to Euston if someone puts money into the project!
  11. Remember the proposed Northern connectrail service from Teesside to Newcastle was to be routed via Stillington!
  12. If it follows the way Government works it will be cancelled and the properties purchased sold off only to be bought again when it is reannounced! The same happened with the A1 motorway upgrade north of Dishforth to Barton.
  13. Have a look at Sunderland North tunnel it’s more inverted third rail than overhead wire for the Metro units!
  14. Anyone who wants to build an extension on a house knows it may need planning permission and an architect plus building regulations all of which cost even before a spade hits the ground!
  15. Russ that was on the BDA's and it was Bill Dodds, loads inspector and Granville Jones BSC traffic manager.
  16. Cheap printers are a way to sell more ink, especially the HP ink scheme!
  17. A lot of reporting on infrastructure projects is comparing apples and oranges! Build properly build once!
  18. The only thing wrong is the top flap doors as there was a small batch of Palbricks rebodied on this size chassis!
  19. Many of them were rebodied as minerals for use by the NCB in South Wales, Kent and also Yorkshire.
  20. I hope that it is better than the revised Peco/Parkside kit chassis as the mounts are moulded into the solebar, making it unsuitable for mineral wagons!
  21. It's Conference season and it sounds it's more like he is placating the membership!
  22. Temptation is terrible, thankfully there isn't a Lambton one !
  23. It will happen eventually just look a how far York ROC has spread it tentacles recently and even then it doesn’t need to be joined up!
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