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Everything posted by E100

  1. Accurascale are going into scenic items now...
  2. I'm pretty sure the same designer has been doing the P2's so I suspect we'll see this development speed up now unless it's switched designers. The positive reception the P2 has received does encourage me.
  3. So those were the NER Hoppers I believe (the video was also Beamish based - see below), however that's not to say there isn't something else that caught Paul's eye whilst getting the most out of his unlimited ticket! I believe they are also working on something to pull the chaldrons as well based on a comment from Fran on that thread.
  4. I was half expecting O gauge as there's already a loco in flight apparently... ...It's got to be a loco surely. Been a bit of time since one of those has been announced and two have arrived.
  5. I was meaning in the context of Accurascale not any other manufacturers i.e. that Accurascale will continue this with future models where the smokebox lends itself to this finish. The comment about the unpainted option was a bit tongue in cheek... ...I did say almost after all... ...it was more a comment of you can more clearly see all the lovely separate components and how it's been put together, since it's something I find especially interesting. I think it's why we all love to see these EP's 😀
  6. I was wanting to ask if a strategy been decided upon with the decoder chips that have the different firmware? I.e. Are emails being sent to those affected by this or is it a case of if we notice it raise a service ticket and go from there? Am I also correct in saying that speaker clips are still a couple of weeks out with the final 37 batch? Cheers
  7. These samples are looking fantastic. Is it strange that I almost want one unpainted to appreciate all the detail all the more? That being said the manor with it's matt smokebox finish is hopefully a new precedent for steam engines from Accurascale.
  8. Completely agree having been on far too many class 170's packed to the gunnels (sometimes standing) between Inverness and Edinburgh. I've also read that they are deteriorating at a faster pace than was first anticipated so won't be as love lived a stop gap as first hoped. That being said I completely understand that the 68 + mk5's is contractually much less efficient that an DMU and only a modest sized fleet. This is why I suggest the WHL as a possibility where it could be effectively a captive enterprise. I believe only a couple of services are now split (though I would be sad to see that go) and I do suspect a new timetable could be foreseen in the next 5 years to bolster this increasingly popular route.
  9. We should probably get a new thread started for this but for now my thoughts are: To my mind they would be superb stock for the West Highland Line. There's enough sets to displace the class 156's. Plenty of room but not too long. Adds some first class that would be well used. Already run on a mk5 route and Scotrail have form with the class 68's from fife circle days. good amount of luggage space etc. I think Scotrail could also be interested from the perspective of any routes with partial electrification and a class 93/99 haulage. Great option for TfW to remove the mk4's depending on how wedded they are to dining option. Again it would retain the first class and increase capacity with a 'useable' DVT. The issues with training though are significant for TfW but I wouldn't be surprised. Doubly so if the ROSCO offer them at a reduced price. I think to my mind these are most likely as they are outside of the DfT and I can't think of a better place in England for the Mk5's to be than on the TPE route for which they designed - shocking I know! I'd be surprised to see these exported or scrapped. PS. A total curveball is to use a Stadler power pack type design and couple two of these together APT style with a mk5 set either side 🤣
  10. Fair enough. I guess D9016 was just that exceptionally popular!
  11. You do love stirring the pot to keep the froth bubbling 😜
  12. I guess the good thing is that if there are SKU's that are super popular you can at least do another run like with D9016 as they are just exclusives rather than limited editions.
  13. I’d doubt that very much. They’ll be more likely to continue with the current railroad version. It does the job very well for what it is and will suit the bottom line no doubt.
  14. You’re correct. The MK5’s were designed as a simple quickly deployable option at least a full year ahead of when 802’s were to be introduced because of supply issues and the pressure to introduce the ill-fated May 2018 timetable. Indeed they were planned to come to Newcastle initially. From riding on them I found them extremely pleasant in both classes and a crying shame that not more has been made of them.
  15. In other news, I've also had a courtesy call from Locomotion saying D6700 will be in stock soon.
  16. I'm in the same boat as well. They do seem to be a very popular model!
  17. @RapidoCorbs @rapidoandy are you able to confirm or deny the rumours of this having the smoke unit option?
  18. When can you start working for them?
  19. I’m sure this has been said before but the thing that is frustrating is that, as sold, the 2020 version was barely fit for purpose with lack of traction, among many many other things, but we dare not return it as well we wanted an up to date APT. It does leave a bad taste to see these issues so easily fixed as they shouldn’t have happened in the first place of course. If this were Accurascale/Rapido whilst I doubt it would have happened in the first place their customer service to date would suggest that original customers of the 2020 version would be advised to send their NDM in for a replacement weight / it sent out free of charge… …frankly I’m sure many of us would settle for a kit / copious spares being made available.
  20. A big thing seems to be available drawings for determining a potential models viability. Do we know if these exist for the different types of first generation DMU/EMU that are being requested and if so do they cover the full train? I'm just thinking aloud based on the recent decision by Rapido with the 04 shunter and what might be the deal breakers for doing these early multiple units. I just can't see Accurascale doing a prototype they can't be sure of getting correct. Assuming they can find good reliable info, I would like to think that in theory, once you have a good platform (e.g. motor type, decoder installation method, couplers, chassis to body connection etc) for first/second/turbo etc generation DMU's / EMU's it will become much more straightforward to then start cranking these out as there will undoubtedly be reasonable amount of crossover between types e.g. wheel size / bogies etc so CAD elements can be reasonably swapped and suitably amended as required. Obviously, IRM are working on the 22000 series and while the prices for these are towards the high end that will be partially due to the much smaller runs than most UK prototypes would attract as with the 2B's for example. I think it's only a matter of time and once they do, I can see the floodgates being opened by clever design choices to enable the rapid production of 'relatives' in each generation. I'm very encouraged by these 22000's as they certainly are incorporating all the features that one would expect in 2023 e.g. low floor motors, single decoder operation, outstanding lighting features (CDL for example).
  21. Very very tempted by one of these... ...or even both if budgets allow...
  22. It's Keith's faviourite basically is the rationale (from chat at Warley last year). I mean fair enough, if you're going to start a model company you may as well do what you like otherwise why are you doing it.
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