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Status Updates posted by newbryford

  1. Spoon feeding seems to be the new "thing". Just RTFM FFS.

    1. Hroth


      But in these trying times, being spoonfed is sooooooooooo comforting...




    2. Tim V

      Tim V

      Real 'men' don't read the instructions.

  2. The nights are drawing in......

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hroth


      Downhill all the way.....


      Time to start dropping hints about what you'd like for christmas!

    3. truffy


      Retirement and death grow ever closer. 

    4. Ian J.

      Ian J.

      What are they drawing, horses and jousting poles? ;)

  3. And now we know what C stands for.....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Clive Mortimore

      Clive Mortimore

      Clitheroe, that small place near Horrocksford.

    3. bgman


      Do enlighten me please, I've led a very sheltered life !

    4. newbryford


      It's a quote from the Bond film "Spectre"

  4. Don't you just love it when someone makes a statement and then when challenged suddenly goes quiet.......

    1. Mallard60022


      You talkin' to me.....?:tease:

  5. Status update  - searching


  6. Mellow greetings. What seems to be your boggle?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Look at you, you're a shambles!

    3. Barry O

      Barry O

      Cameron's strongarm ta! Drunk by all Bogglers.

    4. Brit70053


      My Cordwangle is masked!

  7. There's seems to have been an outbreak of snowflakes - but not of the frozen water kind

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. sem34090


      What he said. ^^^^

      Much as I abhor the overly-sensitive attitude of many members of my generation.

  8. Less than 3 weeks and the days get longer - can't wait.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LNERGE


      Then our troubles begin. I predict when my project nears it's deadline i'll be up to my knees on snow.

    3. Hroth


      Io Saturnalia!

    4. MartinWales


      You too Mick....!


  9. Common sense prevails - a local council has decreed that Father Christmas must be a man....

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      'Decree', that's what local councils like to do.

    2. Hroth


      Unless there's been some unlicenced genetic engineering going on!

    3. newbryford
  10. It irks me when people "rubbish" stuff without reason and then when asked why, they don't say.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mister Rusty

      Mister Rusty

      I totally agree with the o.p.


    3. Mister Rusty

      Mister Rusty

      I totally agree with the o.p.


    4. beast66606


      A guy made claims about me and has still failed to provide any evidence to back them up - because they are lies of course so there isn't any. Par for the course, type first, think - well never actually.

  11. Blackburn Exhibition - roll on 10am Saturday

  12. I've just had a "like" from Andy Y. I can go to sleep happy.......

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. PaulRhB


      "I prefer collecting Brownie points." I prefer collecting chocolate brownies . . . . and eating them.

    3. newbryford


      Brownie points - near impossible to earn, incredibly easy to lose.

    4. RedgateModels


      Did you check for your wallet reevesthecat?

  13. 10-6. One day to go. Let's hope Garcia gets the record with THE win

  14. Hawks 3, Sting 2. Well done lads. #COYH

  15. Man with the Golden Gun on TV. One of the best car stunts ever.

    1. Hroth


      Pity the rest of the film was so dull.

    2. cal.n


      You’re not thinking...?

    3. newbryford


      Have a think how you could get it to work with a Faller road system....

  16. Trip Advisor serial complainers - AKA keyboard warrior - don't you just love them

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. newbryford


      "for the deluded and malcontent" - Brilliant!

    3. Grafarman


      Never read 'em - prefer the 'sense of adventure' approach...!

  17. Is it just me, or is there a preponderance of threads where folks are just spoiling for an argument?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Metr0Land


      Get an adblocker that'll do the trick

    3. Hroth


      Thats an interesting point, but have you considered that....

    4. Mallard60022


      It's all my fault as I am a Socialist.

  18. Fast (for me) 4km run last night = legs that aren't working too well today

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Huw Griffiths
    3. mike morley

      mike morley

      When walking through the park on Saturday I was passed by a supposed FunRun that contained an extremely high percentage of people wearing worryingly grim and determined expressions. Their definition of a fun-run is obviously a bit different to mine.

    4. Mallard60022


      I prefer to wear Lycra when I run (rather than just a grim expression)


  19. The long summer must have got to some folks. There seems to be a rash of people removing their posts/photos just because someone has posetd a contradictory comment.

  20. Warm modelling shed = paint dries faster.

    1. mike morley

      mike morley

      Trouble is, as I discovered on a 30 degree evening a few days ago, the paint can dry on the brush while you're using it! What might have been an effect of the extreme humidity was that the matt paint also dried glossy!

    2. Hroth


      Completely agree, paint dried so fast that a figure I was "painting" turned into Mr Blobby...

  21. Well done guys - you did us proud.

    1. Mallard60022


      Sadly it was a case of three kittens on our vests after about 30 minutes. Rather sad as Croatia looked out of it at the start. Weird.

    2. sammyboy


      100% agreed mate.

      This morning I feel deflated and gutted, but proud at just how far we have gone in this tournament.

    3. Jack374


      I agree too, to get to the semis with a new manager is no easy task, let’s hope this is the start of good things to come

  22. Sleep...........zzzzzzzzzzzzzz....

    1. Jack374


      What’s that then?

  23. Do not wear a white t-shirt whilst using weathering powders......

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jack374


      Tut tut...people pay more for "weathered" items...maybe it’s the same with clothes?

    3. sharris


      Pre-ripped jeans seem to be a thing, so you might be onto something there.

    4. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Modeller‘s fashion? Then again, that’s an oxymoron, isn’t it?

  24. 3 pages on the "news" that RM have changed their banner colour.... sheesh!

    1. tetsudofan


      All rather bizarre....think I'll let my subscription lapse at renewal time.....

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