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Everything posted by trustytrev

  1. Hello, The 2 wire scenario with dcc can be summed up like this. One long straight length of track with 2 wires and X number of dcc locomotives all able to run together or alone independently of each other at same time. One long straight length of track with 2 wires and X number of dc locomotives NOT all able to run together or alone independently of each other at same time. Then again one could revert to clockwork trustytrev.
  2. Hello, Where did you see this? trustytrev.
  3. Hello, Try Laptop 5A psu on ebay. trustytrev.
  4. you may find this useful. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JST_connector trustytrev.
  5. Hello, Is there something I am unaware of or is this just a personnel wish list? trustytrev.
  6. Hello, Mine came with both chimneys when purchased new. I fitted the single chimney and still have the double chimney in my spares box. It came with just orange boiler bands which do stand out and look wrong. It looks like someone has redone the boiler bands on the double chimney one. trustytrev.
  7. Hello, I was referring to the electrical connection at the locomotive. I don't want to damage it by trying to remove it in an inappropriate way. Also thanks for the link John as one on a computer means I can actually enlarge it for reading more easily. trustytrev.
  8. Hello, Thanks for that. I didn't realize anything was below the Collectors club sheet which I had no interest in. There is one under it in the box. Thanks for the offer though. However I was looking for information how the connector is removed under the rear of the locomotive. trustytrev.
  9. Hello, I have been searching for a G2 service sheet but have not found one. Did Bachman ever actually produce one? Thanks. trustytrev.
  10. Hello, All this fuss about historical paint colours really makes me smile. Nobody has even considered or mentioned the fundamental action of stirring the paint in its container before use. I am sure the stirring of a painter in a workshop of old after a hard night before in the pub would bear little resemblance to that proposed by some clip board carrying checker in an office at the other end of the country. The chances for paint jobs to vary from one day to another or place to place is not really that unlikely. trustytrev. PS: a bit like the spell check that insists on American versions while I type this.
  11. Hello, I don't think anyone told the painters up and down the country at the time they were supposed to match the archives at York. trustytrev.
  12. Hello, Cleaning with a damp sponge lowers the iron temperature and increases the tip deterioration. The dry brass shavings cleaner method is much kinder to your iron and tips. trustytrev.
  13. Hello, https://www.diydoctor.org.uk/projects/solventweld.htm This stuff is available at Screwfix or most DIY stores for plumbing etc trustytrev.
  14. Hello, One can never have to many views of such bygone times especially when in colour. Thank you Derek.
  15. Hello, Looking at the bits shown gives me the impression replacements could be a problem. Are they some standard screw type I have not seen before? Possibly dearer in the long run due to low cost standard bits not being available from numerous sources to keep prices competitive. trustytrev.
  16. Hello, It is extremely difficult to purchase computer products /components that are not made in China.The same can be said about most electronic goods these days if one cares to look at circuit boards found inside. We recently got a tumble drier manufactured in the UK which has been nothing but trouble. Put bluntly it is total crap.Many have had fire and safety issues so I don't think claims about Chinese manufacturers differ much from British products in reality. trustytrev.
  17. Hello, I would have thought motion detection is a good idea. If nothing is moving what is there to film? trustytrev.
  18. Hello, I believe this is discrimination and the individual should be barred from RMWeb as surely it is in breach of the terms and conditions to use the site. trustytrev.
  19. Hello, And it will probably out-pull many modern steam outline offerings available these days as well. trustytrev.
  20. Hello, You can't beat a good bit of -pile. When you drop something it keeps you occupied till you give up and it doesn't disturb SWMBO when you move about. trustytrev.
  21. Hello, You may find joining MERG of interest as it gives you access to all sorts of railway modelling control and operation stuff. That is ordinary old fashioned dc through to DCC and everything else in between. There is a vast amount of information available and very helpful fellow members on the forum too. "The Electronics for Model Railways" by member Davy Dick alone makes the membership really worthwhile and value for money plus you can learn about anything one would need for a layout and its operation. trustytrev.
  22. Hello, I think it should be pointed out that not ever one uses Templot on a Windows personal computer. Like Martin,I like to decide how I use my machines rather than being dictated to by Microsoft or anyone else. They are after all my machines. Windows is only one operating system. Can you imagine Ford getting away with cars that only run on fuel provided by themselves? trustytrev.
  23. Better still someone may offer counseling as it all comes flooding back. trustytrev,
  24. Hello, I oomed and ard for quite a while but eventually bought one of these on ebay. It has a Hakko soldering iron with silicone heatproof cable and also a heater blower.I also bought some Hakko tips on ebay and a brass wool tip cleaner. It all comes from China nowadays anyway. It is one of the best buys I made and can tackle just about anything.
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