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Everything posted by Boris

  1. is a popular tag!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kris


      Boris has been tagged, tisk tisk. If you're removing them it sounds like you were tagged by group 4.

    3. Boris


      Yeah, it was the false leg you know!

    4. Ramblin Rich
  2. its not a kitten, its a ninja!

  3. The HMRS sheet is really good as it has all sorts of stuff on it for the blue era modeller which makes it well worth the £16 asking price.
  4. You were correct, unfortunately I think someone has had a bit of a brain fart and rolled in a nice continuous arc right accross the top of the loco whereas there are 3 distinct arcs on many loco roofs. Thankfully on a 20 its a simple fix, another loco would probably be a pig of a job. I must admit to now not being a fan of one piece pre-rolled bodies and this will be a major governing factor in future kit purchases.
  5. Yes, the joys of incorrectly pre-rolled bodyshells. Looking at photos there should be a regular gentle curve to the bonnet top, running into a sharper one about a foot to 18 inches above the handrail. Since the photo was taken the bonnet top has been altered down using a method that would probably make most finescale modellers cringe but works well on car doors! Rather than attempting to re-roll the bodyshell it was easier to use this method as the nose also gives a template to work to, it now runs parallel to the nose top rather than the big hole thats there in the photo.
  6. Okay, the loco actually looks loco shaped now, but I have had to cut the cab floor away to allow access to the cab for glazing and interior fitting once some painting has been done, The cab just about sits correctly, although the bonnet does solder up nicely to the running plate. Big problems encountered with the nose end though, being totally unable to make the thing fit without an enormous gap somewhere, the problem has been tracked down to a large differance between the surface area of the lip on the nose and the inside length of the bonnet. I have fitted it as best I can and am now waiting on delivery of some filler to disguise the holes. The camera can't disguise the fact that the loco looks naff. Holes aplenty, although I could clean some solder away whilst waiting for the filler to arrive.
  7. Ok, whilst waiting for more airbrush propellant to arrive for weathering the GUV I have decided to re-open the PRMRP class 20 that has been festering on the shelf (and occasionally off it) for a couple of years. So far we have a chassis that runs and a thing that looks like an Anne Summers reject pretending to be a body. I have managed to poke and prod the body into resembling a class 20, but I am resigned to the fact that some parts of it steadfastly refuse to go together correctly and will require a certain amount of car body filler. Some good stuff here like measuring from the cab centreline to the bottom of the cabside, one side is longer than the other, not modelling error, there really is more material on one side than the other. I think I will be taking the plunge and tack soldering the body to the frames tomorrow so I can see where exactly I am at. Photos to follow.
  8. is going to use his enforced time off work to make even more obscene suggestions to his PRMRP class 20 kit.

    1. Boris


      Mainly involving the going together type of suggestion.

    2. Stubby47


      Careful it doesn't get deleted ...

    3. Boris


      If Andy and the Mods can delete the blue haze in the modelling room I will be VERY impressed.

  9. I know its irritating, buts whats wrong with train station, after all, you catch a bus at a bus station, and the tube at a tube station.
  10. How about "its nearly Christmas" from TV/radio etc in September!
  11. managed to get another thread deleted by being overenthusiastic. Oops.

  12. can't believe somebody broke into his cellar and stole a load of junk! Cheers guys! But next time you don't have to force the lock!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Boris


      I dunno, getting that crap out the cellar is quite lucky, I would have had to waste valuable modelling time going to the tip otherwise. The cellar isn't exactly secure which is why I don't keep anything decent in it!

    3. 49395


      I wouldn't want to break into your house, the risk of a "KABLAMO" based incident is far too high...

      You never know, they might bring it back...

    4. Horsetan


      Sooner or later, they'll realise their mistake.

  13. hold a chicken in the air, stick a deckchair up your nose, buy a jumbo jet, and then bury all your clothes!!!!!

    1. Trains4U


      Paint your left knee green, then extract your wisdom teeth, buy a pink corvette and pretend your name is Keith...

    2. Boris


      Skin yourself alive, learn to speak Arapahoe, climb inside a dog, and behead an eskimo, eat a Renault Four with salami in your ears, casserole your gran, disembowel yourself with spears

    3. Raffles


      ...and I've never met a nice South Afric- sorry. different song.

  14. How about "do you want fries with that", could also go some way towards the UKs Tellytubby problem. While we're on with it Tellytubby should be banned as well.
  15. smurfs will be shot.

  16. was going to put something witty and rude up here, but totally forgot what it was!

  17. has just bought the toilet cistern of his dreams off ebay. MMMmmmmMMMmmm, Japkap!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Welly


      I'm happy with the bog standard cistern myself ;-)

    3. Trebor


      second user, eugh....

    4. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      that is just class

  18. Heard some more yesterday "interfacing with customers" and the "staff/customer interface point", how about "talking to folks". As for the second one I am not quite sure what the person in question actually meant, the shop till, the shop floor or all the customer serving members of staff? Personally interfacing with customers sounds a bit racy to me, at best it sounds like giving them a good snog, at worst, well, use your imagination! I think all touchy feely marketing speak should be banned, possibly along with customer care courses Oh yes, and the phrase "internal customer" should also be banned, they are colleages, workmates or whatever! Now internal customer sounds VERY rude.
  19. person in holiday cottage bangs on front door tonight "my telly is on the blink, can me and my wife come and watch yours for an hour or two?". Thankfully Mrs Boris answered the door and dealt with them, she is far more diplomatic than me.

    1. halfwit


      Cheeky beggars!

    2. Boris


      Thats along the lines of what I said but with language that was a tad more colourful.

    3. Horsetan


      Chavs on holiday.

  20. However a mobile phone is like any other tool, extremely useful when used correctly and in the right place. I was quite surprised to find that the instructions on using mobile phones on the lineside were only included in PTS information relatively recently.
  21. free, Boris is free! Time for mischef!! - note mischief is the art of annoying Andy, mischef is the art of making a mess in the kitchen!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. halfwit


      I don't exist.

    3. Boris


      Awww, yes you do, its amazing whats inside my head.

    4. halfwit


      No really, I don't. If you think I do, well, time to see a professional...

  22. I know a guy who did this on the Settle line, got the reg and a decent photo of the trespasser and the BTP prosecuted the offending person. It does work. When I first did my PTS many years ago we were told you needed at least 3 things on the lineside, a PTS, a hi-vis and a valid reason for being there. Unfortunately taking photos is not a valid reason for being there!
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