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chris p bacon

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Everything posted by chris p bacon

  1. Even though it's had that tender for 79 years and run with it........
  2. I ordered a power supply from them, there was a problem with delivery so they phoned to advise within a day and gave me a couple of options (different product, money back) if I didn't want to wait, I opted to wait as time wan't an issue and it arrived a week or so before it's revised due date. Very good, good product and would use again.
  3. My memories going ! I'd completely forgotten about that thread Thanks.
  4. Further back up the Thread is 'Steve1980' drop him a message (there's a mail sign under the avatar)
  5. The options at present are, scratch build some 6 wheelers, or there is the diagram 3D card kit which can utilise Mike Trice's 6 wheel under frame parts (search for the Diagram 3D thread) D&S kits might also be persuaded to re-release some of his kits.
  6. Welcome. Do you have a nearby club you could visit ? There are some really good friendly ones you could get advice from and give you ideas.
  7. Oki Doki, I thought it a D183 but couldn't remember if Dan did one. Was talking to Dan yesterday.....I'm bankrupt now.
  8. Should have listed it as "Swindons Finest".....
  9. What's the origin of the engineers coach Gilbert?
  10. Do Liquorice allsorts count ? I seem to be addicted to them.
  11. Is it easy to re-badge them as Ford's ? Hat Coat Gone.
  12. I'm sure that was "Not the Nine O'Clock News"
  13. I find it funny that nobody boo'd Gatlin in 2012 but they do now. Nothing has changed in the interim. My thoughts are that once caught and confirmed, you're banned for life.
  14. Yep. I remember Lord Carrington (he became that after a term as FO minister in Thatchers government) signing for one ship and he was well liked, but when Bob Horton was chosen he was universally hated by everyone. I asked why he was chosen and Ron Henderson (Hull inspector) said " Some get it by merit others by brown nosing, don't ask to borrow his handkerchief" Stuffed BP when Chairman and was walked from the building by security then went on to be Railtracks first Chairman on a 3 day week.
  15. Yes, Respect was built in Kawasaki. Dad was CE at handover and first voyages of Norness, I've got some piccies I'll post. I might have posted some of these before, this is one of the 'R' class under construction "British Ranger" it is the one I have the fondest memories of as I saw pretty much most of its construction (I was 14) I was allowed to wander wherever I wanted in the yard and spent a lot of time with Mr Ichikawa the Mitsubishi head honcho. Keel laying. (Dad is in the middle in front of 'No', that's him looking cheerful) I did have to pass a safety test before wandering and had to have full protective gear on. Handover, now can anyone guess the one on the left and his link to railways? Sea trials. I have in the loft a lot of paperwork relating to the builds as Dad brought them back from Nagasaki, some are quite technical papers but others are simple things like a letter written asking for the floor to be repainted as the cleaners swept up when the paint was wet, and the finish wasn't good enough. I remember Dad moaning about it and saying "For 19 million pounds I want it right" More to come.
  16. There is no "if's or buts" you need regs for a habitable room in the loft, (especially a 4th floor) A hobby room is a habitable room. Don't be tempted to just board it and wing it as most fires start on the ground floor and 3 floors above you'd be in trouble very quickly, talk to Building regs about what you want and be realistic about costs. Lofts don't come cheap, even a basic conversion will set you back £10,000 and you'll lose quite a bit of area on the 3rd floor creating an access. If you're required to fit a sprinkler system, they're quite straightforward but need a 32mm water main for the flow, most domestic houses in the UK are built with a 25mm main which would be insufficient.
  17. I shall bore you all senseless with these soon. I've been digging out Dads and my pictures of these as they were the class that he oversaw the build of in Nagasaki in the 70's Resource, Reliance, Ranger, Resolution and.....the other one? He was also overseeing some French ones "Chinon Ceaux" IIRC? Excellent thread, Just swapping pics from another hard drive to contribute.
  18. I hope you mean 'Shannon' from the Sandy & Potton Railway.
  19. I'm trying to justify a J50 but they just didn't get as far as Sandy (as far as I know) I have a D16 to build, although it is a way down the pile.
  20. Did you put fruit in or just have it plain?
  21. If you go to the High Level thread http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/85210-high-level-kits/page-10 Post 246 It seems the problem is possibly at the server.
  22. Hi Stewart. if you have a 19" wide hole I'd pop a lintel above just to stop any movement in the future. As it is single skin it's really easy to just put a single 'L' shaped one in like this https://www.lintels.co.uk/birtley-steel-lintel-mbl-750mm-10104-2804918 All you need do is chain drill the mortar joint which will form the top of the hole and to extend either side of the hole by 150mm and slide it in, we wedge with bits of slate then some mortar to finish. For the hole itself just chain drill the mortar joint and chain drill a brick in half to start the hole. Don't get too heavy handed with a hammer as it will soon break the face of the bricks off, Also work from outside to inside for the majority.
  23. JK.....Is Stirlings Single related to Cornwall......coming up after the break, we've got DNA......... Actually I've just realised....is there a resemblance between Andy York and 'Big Steve' on the Kyle show.....................not that I watch it of course.
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