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Porcy Mane

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Status Replies posted by Porcy Mane

  1. The World's your lobster, Terence

  2. KLF ah ha, ah ha, ah ha!!

  3. A woman goes into her bathroom and is shocked to find an elephant in her bathtub. She asks the elephant, "What are you doing in my bathtub?" The elephant responds, "No soap, radio!"

  4. A woman goes into her bathroom and is shocked to find an elephant in her bathtub. She asks the elephant, "What are you doing in my bathtub?" The elephant responds, "No soap, radio!"

  5. So, we effectively had all of the Black Sea to anchor in - and we have managed to snag a wire on our anchor...

  6. So what exactly has Roger Daltrey got to do to get his knighthood . I'm bewildered.

  7. is now 'on the waggon' and will be eating iron rations henceforth.

  8. This evening, I am rather full of bean stew.

  9. Pigs in blankets are flying off the shelves as I speak.

  10. Am just off the Tunisian coast, bound for the Black Sea. Have had a moment of quiet reflection, paying my respects to those seamen who lost their lives in this area whilst attempting to resupply Malta during WW2

  11. Someone has bent my Trombone........

  12. Regional variations in theory.

  13. Unfortunately I have already made arrangements for 19th of May and so won't be able to make it. Sorry.

  14. I have decided that the taste and lower acidity of dill-marinated herring is better than roll-mops.

  15. The taped Xmas music playing in Sainsbury's is not only too loud, it also includes a track sung by a man whose voice is seriously off-key.

  16. It's all a bit Krapotinskaya at the moment.

  17. Just picked up 6 Olive mermaids

  18. Come on babe why, don't we paint the town, And all that jazz...

  19. welcome bake modeling mojo where have you been for the last year

  20. welcome bake modeling mojo where have you been for the last year

  21. Today my garden looks as fine as Kew, Stowe, Wisley or Hampton Court.

  22. The Met Office has issued a national alert for Yellow Snow. No, really, most of the UK is going to be covered in Yellow Snow https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/warnings#?date=2017-12-10

  23. The only thing that helps me keep my slender grip on reality is the friendship I have with my collection of singing potatoes.

  24. I wish I was a spaceman, the fastest guy alive....

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