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Everything posted by Dagworth

  1. what happens if you strap two cats together back to back? Andi
  2. I'm wondering if the design of the lighting unit is such that the lamps cannot lose heat, are the shades closed or do they have a vent to allow air to flow upwards through them? Andi
  3. But remember that million to one chances turn up nine times out of ten Andi
  4. Thinking of how theatrical smoke machines work it would be more effective to have a heated chamber under the chimney and a separate reservoir for the fluid with a small pump (it only needs to deliver tiny amounts of fluid at a time) if the chamber is hot enough then the fluid should vaporise very rapidly giving a good blast from the chimney, and the pump could be driven to deliver a stream of tiny amounts of fluid to create puffs of smoke at different rates. Andi
  5. Amazing work, really impressed to see this and not quite sure how I'd missed it! Are you going to model the traffic lights on the junction end bridge? Gave me a hell of a scare one night, coming up from Otford I'd had greens all the way and then saw the red of the traffic light on the bridge in the dark. Emergency brake application until the green signal came into view! Edit, they aren't on the bridge, but on the road next to the line and it's a pelican crossing https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.3943545,0.1760958,3a,75y,286.25h,92.24t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sWXtZng9vL2QAroIJjC4tlg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en Andi
  6. Nice to see another GE layout, I will be watching your progress with interest Andi
  7. Cheltenham Model Centre has some in stock if you want the real thing, both second hand and new old stock Andi
  8. Miss a step son? No, I hit every $%^%£ one! Andi
  9. https://www.gloucestershirelive.co.uk/news/cheltenham-news/farmer-killed-accident-rail-crossing-2969493
  10. It seems that some IC versions have the white light surrounds while others have yellow. (Mine has yellow) Does anyone have a photo of a 90 in IC with yellow light surrounds? Andi
  11. The last line of the article makes clear that masculinity can be explored in many ways, one being our railways "If there is something positive to be taken from the Market Deeping disaster, it might be a chance to look at the world of modellers not merely as a bunch of sad anoraks, but a space in which masculinity and mental health can be positively explored, a novel and creative form of #selfcare." Andi
  12. I feel for those who had exhibits in the untouched hall too, they must be going through a whole range of emotions. Andi
  13. Pictures in the local paper show layouts pushed over, heartbreaking for the exhibitors. I have no words. Andi
  14. You’ll have to wait a bit longer, I haven’t finished it yet. Andi
  15. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.7785016,-0.807681,3a,75y,263.39h,84.08t/data=!3m5!1e1!3m3!1sWpL8gwi7niqj6wbt4_hI8g!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo3.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DWpL8gwi7niqj6wbt4_hI8g%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D142.48215%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100?hl=en
  16. Ooops, over a year since I last posted on this thread. The layout is still being worked on, albeit very slowly. I'm suffering a really debilitating bout of depression at the moment so I'm struggling to find any enthusiasm for doing anything at all. Hopefully as the days get longer and my treatment progresses then work on the layout will resume properly. Andi
  17. Nothing wrong with Llandudno, I've just come back from a long weekend there with some band. Only trouble is that a lot of my friends who were there seem to have gone down with the Llurgy, hoping I don't! Badge
  18. Most of these came from eBay and never for more than £4 a piece Andi
  19. Sorry all, I single-handedly put the price up on second hand HAAs about ten years ago and it’s never come back down. I’m still after a few more but these days I won’t pay more than three or four quid apiece. Andi
  20. If RMweb has to go offline again I'll send you mine as well Phil, I've done one so far, twenty four to go! Well done on getting us back up and running so quickly Andy, hope you can have a day off for New Year. Andi
  21. http://www.gamesontrack.co.uk/indoor-gps-our-real-time-positioning-system.html for one. I saw a different version in operation at Utrecht earlier this year. Andi
  22. Those aren't antlers, they're pantlergraphs!
  23. https://gingespotting.smugmug.com/Wagons/F-TOPSCode/FFAFGA/i-pw9mvrZ would suggest that the numbers were cleaned, they'd need to be so TOPS could be updated Andi
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