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Everything posted by RedgateModels

  1. should have posted this earlier here's a couple of pics of Fourgig from the Member's Day
  2. which is confusing as she was born sometime after 8 ....
  3. is mainly doing pipework on the Duke

  4. Off to Darlington next week to visit a yellow sparky thing

  5. hmmm, neither worked - on my X10 Mini I'm running Opera Mobile and there is a "mobile View" setting but it's off. Saving the shortcut didn't help either. I have found a workround for Gmail by adding a /h/?nocheckbrowser argument to the end of the URL - wonder if ipboard has a similar feature??????
  6. hmmmm, I hope that I don't fall in to your category there In this particular case I think it's more of the Manangement using H&S as an excuse to stop the lower orders having fun at work - an all too common mindset IMHO. Another common reason cited is "cost saving" - used to get the workforce to conform to some corporate identity which actually costs more Anyway, I digress .......
  7. I humbly submit my offering: Riddles 2-8-2 rests after delivering empties to Summat Colliery in late 1958 ...... at least there's no tension lock coupling on the front
  8. Has a plumber in today fitting a new hot water cylinder and moving the header tank to the loft - I thought Monday was the gas man ......

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Horsetan


      Not bad. Only 2h 45 mins before someone came up with that line! :-D

    3. RedgateModels


      especially as I'd fed it already ...

    4. RedgateModels


      And he's got to come back tomorrow as there's an airlock he couldn't clear this evening

  9. What some so called professionals fail to do is as you describe. Miss the final step - the sanity check and you get silly controls that mean conkers are banned etc. We ran a course at work and one manager candidate was instant that we should include death as a consequence. They then went on to come up with an assessment that we would kill someone within a year. They could not see that their likelihood was way too possible. When questioned they admitted that we have NEVER killed anyone in 5 odd years of operation on the infrastructure or over the last 10 years that we have been maintaining machines. Here's another good one: a group of three employees are having a meeting in a room at a hotel that includes tea making facilities. This includes a kettle for boiling water - a hazard, yes. Now how about control measures? - you've thought of using PPE, training, a tray to catch spills etc etc - now ..... Lock the meeting room door. How can this control the risk? - you've reduced the number of people that can be exposed to the hazard to only three people - no members of the public or hotel staff can now get in. B)
  10. If you start reading my blog from here that should answer all your questions Yes it's nice to speculate about what might have been, a batch of 2-8-2 mixed traffic engines and a load of 2-8-0 standard eights for the freight work. Riddles did get it right though, the 9F was a far superior loco and the right decision in my opinion.
  11. Those who made it to the Member's Day will have seen the 2-8-2 quietly simmering away on Summat Colliery. For those who didn't here's a couple of shots showing off Roomey's "2 weeks into service" weathering that sets it off perfectly 🙂 Now, must get that article finished for Model Rail .....
  12. Duke assembled ready for tomorrow, it even runs!

    1. Horsetan


      Ah, now that's technically cheating, 'cos it was running when you started putting it together! :-D

  13. Quick snap of what I will be taking with me tomorrow Must drop a decoder in tonight if it's going to run on Summat
  14. oh oh! - I feel a cold coming on ........

    1. scots region

      scots region

      I recommend, watching achieve DVDs whilst in bed

    2. scots region

      scots region

      I recommend, watching achieve DVDs whilst in bed

  15. Not much to show really since the last update - although a lot of thought and planning has been done here's the Caprotti gear with plasticard slivers epoxied to the backs of the lubricator castings. These will fit into the slots in the cast lubricator mounts on the chassis. The rear mounting points will be bonded to the already fabricated rear bracket. The seconds shot shows the Hornby cylinders modified with the GA castings. The tops of the cylinders were cut away with razor saw and then the castings trimmed up to fit and again epoxied into place. I will drill holes in the rear faces of the castings to accept the two rods from the caprotti gear which will give a nice reliable 3 point fixing for the gear which will still allow for removal for painting and servicing. The firebox sides below the footplate have also been glued in place and the front running plate next to the buffer beam has been filed back to the correct angle. The casting as supplied still retains the Britannia arrangement. Should be at least together and running for Saturday
  16. No probs on my Xperia Android phone with the full version of the site. It never remembers the cookie between sessions to maintain the full version view, but that's a minor annoyance
  17. Big meeting with the ORR at work today - Safety Certificate due for renewal ....

    1. RedgateModels


      which went well :)

  18. got the 2-8-2 back from Dr Dirt (Roomey) last night - come and see it at the Member's Day!

  19. Same here with Opera. I think that the auto reload on back is an IE only "feature" that is not liked by many and is one of the reasons that folks use browsers other than IE. You can please all of the people some of the time ......
  20. Oh I'll be taking a break from Summat sometime to have a good look at your mirrored side panel - planning a similar thing on Fourgig - See you on Saturday
  21. Oh don't get me started on that! really bugs me this recent tendency for UK factual programmes to quote distances in Km only. I'm not ready for the scrap heap yet and was brought up decimal, educated with SI units etc but I still have an innate sense of how far a mile is. For someone to say such and such was 50 Km from so and so really just leaves me wanting. My car speedo is primarily graduated in mph, road signs say Neverland 50 miles, speed limits are in mph
  22. Another bit of modelling required to fit the Caprotti gear to the loco drive Brit chassis. The rear motion bracket was really part of the whole weighshaft/reverser assembly so a new bracket was fabricated from plasticard as below The cast gear is just pushed into place at the moment - final positioning will be done once the cylinders are assembled. That front mounting bracket will need some mods too - I first thought that it lined up perfectly, but that might not be the case! Two options Add some plasticard to the rear faces of the cast bracket Lose the cast bracket and cut a slot in the chassis to take the Golden Arrow resin front bracket Again, I'll make that choice once the cylinders are in place ....
  23. Pendulum from Glastonbury at the moment on BBC3

    1. Horsetan


      Have The Wombles performed yet!?

  24. slipknot - psychosexual

    1. Jim49


      I don't understand that, but then I've always lead a sheltered life.

    2. mason


      tasteful indeed mate

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