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Everything posted by Re6/6

  1. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    ...and sad ....... these people who were chosen to run with one seem to care so little about it or are just plain greedy. There would have been thousands of people who'd love to have been able to run with one and been able to keep it....despite what you might think about the olympics, I think that it's just plain disrespectful....but that's just my opinion.
  2. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    He could've photographed it properly at least. For an 'experienced' seller there's no excuse. If it's that mint, let's have a close-up of the paintwork.
  3. A few snaps taken at a meet of the German Railway Society held at 'Schloß Zobland' kindly hosted by Baron & Baroness Von Harrap of Axalp. A birdseye view of the 'new works' And of course the good Baron himself!
  4. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    Definitely suspicious. Perhaps he had a perception that it wouldn't get as much as he'd hoped otherwise I can't imagine why one would want to behave like this. A definite 'report case' to Ebay if one had any confidence whatsoever that they would do anything.
  5. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    I do hate whinging and for or a 'trader' with 39000+ sales he should know how to do a better job with his descriptive style. I always ignore 'shouty' lettering. ...........Also the stupid 'LOOK' always makes me want to ignore it.
  6. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    Yes, it's a quite creditable weathering job for a scrap loco..a shame it has been spoiled with the unrealistic white lettering.
  7. Excellent stuff Tim. I must say you've adopted a solution that I wouldn't have thought of in a month of Sundays!
  8. Just putting the 'spring' into Netherhope Halt for Sunday with some wild flowers and shrubs.

  9. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    Drat it Keith! I'll have to wait for the next one !
  10. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    Perhaps he should've taken the £115 bid offered ...but of course it's our 'Mr Cartmel' again!
  11. Being back is a mixed blessing! Been on here far too b***** long already!

  12. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    I agree with all you said Tony. Particularly about adequate and accurate description of what you're selling. I recently disposed of a large number of locos from the estate of a friend's father. Many were 'old school' (Mainline, old Hornby etc..) but there was a quantity of 'collectable' Wrenn, some mint boxed. I took particular trouble in the accurate desciptions and photos so that the buyer could see exactly what they were getting, even with the 'commonplace' stuff, with honest descriptions of how they performed and, where a good return was anticipated (after research) with close up shots of any faults and blemishes. Regarding postage costs, I always charged just postal cost of the packed weight by using the Royal Mail pricelist plus £1 (cost price) when any bought-in new postal cartons for higher value items where used. The buyers seemed very satisfied with the service (very good feedback) and more importantly I realised much higher prices that was expected. So the moral is be informative, describe the goods as accurately as you can, provide quality snaps (close-ups where appropriate) and the results could well be satisfactory. Mind you there are always those out there that you'll never please and I did have a couple! There are those that would moan about fees etc..for both Ebay and paypal but without the use of this sort of on-line auction and the convenience of not having to constantly contact the bank regarding cheque payment (I just don't trust on-line banking I'm afraid after a scare I had a while ago), Without doing it 'properly' I would never have got the level of success realised for the estate..
  13. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    I'll have to put up the four that I've got if that sells at that price!
  14. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    Unusual to see something 'in auction' rather than 'BIN' as far as I can remember. There are actually some items now with a start price of £0.99!
  15. Two sections of Balcombe Viaduct up for preparations for the the Taunton do. Still much to do!!

    1. 10800


      We'll get there

    2. Re6/6


      Oh yes!!

  16. Thank you Martin. A beautifully made film. ....plus some nice detail shots!
  17. Thanks Dave for your kind words. I do agree about the 'openness' which is essential. Earlier efforts have all been too 'dense'. I think that it's all down to the advice that I got regarding teasing and more teasing of the postiche or whatever is used.
  18. Many thanks Mikkel. Most kind, but I can't take all the credit, most of that is down to Gordon's book. Without that to inspire, my efforts would have had the old 'lumpen'look. Previously to these efforts I used 'adjusted' seamoss (Woodlands & Auhagen) and old dead bonsai trees for armatures. There are other 'weapons' in the arsenal that I have tried or am going to try, like heather (David's Gold variety) as armatures for Lombardy poplars and dried hydrangea flower stalks, etc..
  19. After the first attempt at tree making using Gordon Gravett's methods I wasn't happy at all with the efforts. Some had the 'broccoli tree' look whilst others looked too dense or with too much 'space' and with the wrong colour foliage! Using the Woodlands 'foliage' just doesn't cut it, at least until I can master a better technique in using it. The Monterey pine has been sidelined with it's dark Woodlands foliage, as it all looks too flat. The ones illustrated here have all had their original foliage stripped off and replaced with teased out postiche (theatrical hair) with Green Scene scatters added. When I was at a Netherlands show recently, I was advised by Mr 'Anita Decor' that when using postiche and you think that it's finely teased out, do it some more until it's almost falling apart and then you've got it right. The same armature with adjustments and the foliage re-done using Anita Decor brown postiche and Green Scene 102 scatter. Still not quite light enough! The pine needs a different style of foliage. The left hand one has had the Woodlands 'foliage' changed for Green Scene postiche and their scatter.(below) Before and after. The postiche still needs to be more teased out.
  20. You realise that now we all look forward to the visit of a Garratt next........!?
  21. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    When will these people realise that 'shouting' is counter productive. I gave me a headache trying to read it.
  22. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    Overpriced is the right word. I recently sold mine for £140, a realistic price as research showed values circa £150 at auction and 'proper' dealers.
  23. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    He's sold other D&S horseboxes in that price range. I've still got an old Hornby Dublo horsebox somewhere which I seem to hanging on to as a keepsake!
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