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The Stationmaster

RMweb Gold
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Status Updates posted by The Stationmaster

  1. Asked today to get some 'Old Jamaica Ginger Beer'. I told my son that I couldn't find when we were there the other day.  He explained that it's in the 'foreign foods' section - and it was.  That seemed at interesting take on foreign as it's made in a factory at Kegworth, Derby.  Maybe Tesco know Derby wasn't on the GWR?

    1. Blackthorn


      If you feel like a trip across the Atlantic there is a shop  in Acton. Ontario called Sweet Molly's that has a good supply. I  get my mum to ship me some every time.

  2. Merlin magic! A Spitfire yesterday and the Lanc today and saw that as it turned and dropped for low level run along the course of the river (we have no dams locally😇)

    1. Hroth


      There's nothing like the sound of a Merlin. Unless its four of them in perfect synchronisation!


    2. Ian Hargrave

      Ian Hargrave

      One of the advantages of living within sight of the National  Memorial Arboretum is the occasional Spitfire visit. Latest was the Jubilee Weekend when one flew low over my South Derbyshire field walk on its way to buzz it. I heard it before it appeared. Easily identified and unmistakable..that Merlin sound.  A couple of weeks later on our way to Edgbaston for that wonderful test match which had thrills sublime,my grandson noticed Fort Dunlop from our New Street bound 170,so I was able to tell him of the Spitfire connection……I was somewhat chuffed. It certainly added to the occasion……grandpa’s 16th birthday present to him.


    3. RJS1977


      The Lancaster will be visiting South Oxfordshire several more times in the coming weeks - we've got it booked to do flypasts over Wallingford on August Bank Holiday and then for both days of the first weekend in September (BunkFest Music Festival).

  3. Well done for getting us back to life Andy. Trust all is now well ans I hope you recover from your spoilt weekend.

    1. Mallard60022


      Agreed. Must have been a real PITA.

    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Seconded, Mike. Good work, Andy, I’m sure you could well have done without this charlie-fox indeed...

  4. Happy Christmas one and all.

    1. bgman


      Thank you Mike may I reciprocate to your good self and your family.

    2. Mallard60022
    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      And also to you, Sir!

  5. Lovely short film this afternoon on Channel 81 of a pannier tank hauling an auto trailer arriving at Aston Rowant on the Watlington branch. Same film also included a brief shot of 61163 in lined green lettered 'British Railways' going off shed.

    1. Hroth


      Talking Pictures never advertise their snippets properly. I kept missing their showings of Night Mail... :-(

  6. Well taht's SWAG down teh swanee for a second year running as Notwork Rail decided to spend the critical part of this afternoon not working on the GWMl so it looked impossible to get to Taunton before 21.00 (via Exeter). Havea good day tomorrow folks.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bgman


      Sorry to hear that Mike, erm, can I have your cake please ?

    3. Northroader


      As consolation, try alsrm show reading rivermead next sat. 6th

    4. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      BGman is welcome to my slice of cake but I'm not paying!!!

      Ah, a nice reminder for Rivermead next saturday thanks - always a good show but not in the same league as SWAG of course.;

  7. Disaster at Glastonbury -- bulk tanker of cider stuck in the mud. Will they need help to lighten the load?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Porcy Mane

      Porcy Mane

      Ah-so, they're developing wind power too.

    3. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      Like the Irish accent there Porcy, top stuff!

    4. Porcy Mane

      Porcy Mane

      It's the way I smell em.

  8. Terrible disaster at Glastonbury -- bulk tanker of cider stuck in the mud. Will they need help to lighten the load?

  9. Merry Christmas everybody

  10. Train of Events, Channel 8 14.00 today - for those who can get that channel

    1. Re6/6


      Oh bu**er. I missed it.

    2. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      Can you get Channel 8 London Live down your way John?

  11. Cor, just noticed - it will soon be British Sausage week 2015, thread started in Wheeltappers

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      The Cumberland Jousting event looks particularly interesting.

  12. Cor, just noticed - it will soon be British Sausage week 2015, thread started in Wheeltappers for those interested

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I thank you for that. Bolognese for supper today, though.

  13. Due to go ashore in 4 hours time, for a couple of months this time.

  14. Just about to cross the Arctic Circle - heading south

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. beast66606


      Are you mapping out a new route to by-pass Dawlish ?

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Well, Admiral Thomas had asked him to undertake a secret mission vis a vis a certain large Teutonic battleship, but it seems the bird has flown... ;-)

    4. Castle


      Ppppick up a penguin for me!

  15. Still getting occasional snow, off sea eagle spotting later today

  16. Still getting occasional snow, off sea eagle spotting later today

  17. The Barents Sea is still very bumpy

    1. Ian Hargrave

      Ian Hargrave

      PQ17 revisited? Enjoy the adventure,

    2. MarkC


      Are you on the Hurtigruten?

    3. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      Yes Mark - now almost down to Troms

  18. 7-5-5 and switch closed

  19. The Stationmaster is off on holidays - another week at sea but not sure where of course!g

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. gwrrob


      Isle of Wight ferries are quicker than that.

    3. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      Bit further than Ealing Lido I hope Nidge - and FGW/NR had better get us to Swansea on time this year, please!

    4. gwrrob


      Your'e back then sir !

  20. A Happy Christmas to all RMweb'rs and their families

    1. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      Merry Christmas Mike (and June!)

    2. Rugd1022


      The very same to you Guvnor ;O)


    3. gwrrob


      Happy Christmas Mike.

  21. If you were thinking of going to Fawley (Mc Alpine railway) this weekend - don't. The event has been postponed until September due to the weather.

    1. Debs.


      Opt for a Wigan divertissement then! :-)

  22. Any body know a good plumber, with solar expertise, in the Thames Valley. I know CHAPS has a good reputation for their work but their T&C are ludicrous and their admin is abysmal (like making appointments which turn put not to exist when you are actually expecting the bloke to do the job). Not a good day!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. beast66606


      Mike - you have a PM.

    3. 10800


      I know of several who think the sun shines out of their backside, does that count as solar expertise?

    4. Horsetan


      Pimlico Plumbers?

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