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Gordon A

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Everything posted by Gordon A

  1. Also differing boiler pressures and how hard the loco is working will effect the sound.
  2. As a regular visitor to Scale Four North I hope to see you their. Gordon A
  3. I had missed Tredethy Wharf, but am very impressed with it. Gordon A
  4. That is a nice country station Mark C. Your diagram is right. It is quite a compact layout. I like the picture. As you have a photograph showing the details of the prototype just copy the example. I would not like to change the point using the white point lever too often. Gordon A
  5. Depending on the distance between points A and B, you could place a trap point between these two points providing that a wagon derailed by this set up would not foul the main running line.
  6. I have a small H&F and medium size H&F. I think they are a good idea but do have a few limitations so I purchased and used the Midland Railway Centre folding bars as well. (midrailcentre.com)/sheet-metal-mini-folders-bending-bars ) Gordon A
  7. Are you going to include a control desk or something to cover what looks like a big hole in the front cab wall? Gordon A
  8. Hold the tube in a pin vice and either use a piercing saw or a slitting disc. Cut to over length and file back to length again using a pin vice with a file.
  9. A picture would help in understanding what you are talking about.
  10. Why not contact Dave Ellis of South Eastern Finecast? They have the Wills Finecast kits.
  11. The short siding off the main should have a trap point to protect the main. Gordon A
  12. As far as I know the Cobalt point levers are not available and have not been for some time.
  13. Providing you use the same code rail as your Peco track, and you develop the skills for point building then it should be fairly straight forward. You will need to identify the clearances for check rails and wing rails / crossing V. It will be worth your while to buy or make some jigs so that you are building to a consistent standard. Does all your stock have a consistent back to back and thickness of wheel flange? Gordon A
  14. I think the springs and axle boxes have become detached from the chassis and moved to the right.
  15. Interesting. I wonder how they are going to enforce the collection of the VAT? What is wrong with the current system of the carrier in the UK collecting the VAT off the customer?
  16. Could you use a light dimmer wired to a socket? This was an old trick before we had could afford temperature controlled soldering irons.
  17. Have you thought of adding the smallest touch of pink to pale faces?
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