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Everything posted by kevinlms

  1. Of course! Thanks for stating what ought to have been obvious!
  2. Why would anyone wire a DCC layout in such as way that the entire current, for the whole layout relies on the blade contacts? That's the idea of a bus, so that current is only locally from the nearest dropper.
  3. Thanks for clarifying and also that I wasn't making it up!
  4. The paper I usually buy is a good Australian made brand, so not some obscure no name import.
  5. Equally (4)6201 is correctly named 'Princess Elizabeth' as that was the present Queens title at the time of naming. Does anyone know why the loco wasn't renamed, when she became Queen?
  6. I'm no expert on this layout, but my index reveals the following. Perhaps a starting point for you? West Coast Narrow Gauge - 1 Railway Modeller 1991 April West Coast Narrow Gauge - 2 Operating the Craigcorrie & Dunalistair Railway Railway Modeller 1991 October West Coast Narrow Gauge - 3 Railway Modeller 1992 June West Coast Narrow Gauge - 4 The locomotives Railway Modeller 1992 November West Coast Narrow Gauge - 5 Colliery modelling in 4mm scale Railway Modeller 1993 May West Coast Narrow Gauge - 6 Peat bogs, eerie tales and coal Railway Modeller 1994 May West Coast Narrow Gauge - 7 Creating Inverlochan Railway Modeller 1994 September Return ticket to Dunalistair Railway Modeller 1998 August Also of interest? Constructing Polet Description of a model loco named Polet, built by his friend Christopher Payne Railway Modeller 1997 June Follow up letter, expressing surprise at a loco named after himself! Railway Modeller 1997 August Backwoods Miniatures' Atlantic A big Barclay in OO9 Railway Modeller 2002 April
  7. I Had lots of photos ready to go! https://xkcd.com/2335/
  8. Quite likely that is the problem with OP's originals!
  9. I don't know. I just read that David De Gea is getting 375000 pound a week. A bargain in my opinion! Now Arsenal to go and the cups back at the Bridge!
  10. AKA newfangled, expensive nonsense! Providing proper brakes, interlocked signals and points would make locomotive crews and signalmen irresponsible, by not bothering with time intervals and instead relying on the equipment, to do their job for them!
  11. I can think of someone, who would be better off with crayons, than a Twitter account!
  12. But that issue of the braking was surely due to the lack of brakes controlled by the locomotive crew. In the early days the braking was done by brakesmen on individual vehicles. A train might of had 2,3 or even 4 brakesmen, which was difficult to coordinate. So not surprising that controlling trains coming down, was seen as a significant problem.
  13. These materials were cheap, so it was OK! Of course if the true costs of the health care issues were taken into account, then the sums are quite different.
  14. How many of them run model railway shops?
  15. They should be arrested for 2 reasons. 1 Breaking social distancing rules. 2/ I think you can guess!
  16. I managed to update an elderly PC from Win 7 for a totally no clue friend. I discovered that the automatic updates had been turned off and so nothing since March 2017! Apparently the computer shop had done this when it got upgraded, presumably from some other Windows version. P***ks! Unsurprisingly lots of dodgy stuff found by Malwarebytes and removed. Took a while to get all the Win 7 updates, with a problem with a particular KB. Eventually worked out how to manually install it. Then to Win 10. The PC is rather slow, only 3G of RAM, but it's running 2004!
  17. Until you get the first problem in attempting to find out why your trains aren't running properly, or at all. There are many requests for help to do exactly that on RMweb. Funny how much money people spend getting started in the hobby, but baulk at buying cheap, but essential tools. A cheap multimeter will more than adequately meet demands. Of course there are also ridiculous threads, like the one on 'accurately' measuring DCC voltages, which do a total disservice to the hobby, by making it sound much harder than it really is.
  18. But if it was Bond, James Bond, he would go flying up the ramp, over a passing train and conveniently land safely on the other side (perhaps by activating the fold out wings) and keep going. Only the bad guys following, would hit the train!
  19. Paper has a coating on one side and my printer proved to me that it was essential to print that side first, on double sided printing. I didn't believe it after I read the paper instructions (who needs and reads instructions for using paper?), tests quickly revealed that it was fact. I agree with you about using non genuine cartridges, as I've never had an issue.
  20. Is there any other phone charger that isn't made in China any more?
  21. Extended warranty. My wife purchased a tablet and after a couple of years it just died, so it got shoved in a drawer, as you do. About a year later, she remembered paying for the extended warranty. So she dug out the receipt and YES, 1 week to go! So straight down to the retailer and without any questions, she got the full price refunded.
  22. I had a ink jet once that sometimes would print a line of gobblygook, then spit out another page and repeat. So a single page of text, would empty the paper tray trying to print it and other times, it would print totally normally. Now I remember, it only ever occurred when I printed double sided and invariably it was the 2nd side. It took me far too long, to read the instructions ON THE PAPER pack, to find out that the paper needed to have one side printed on first. Once I changed the way I put the paper in with more care, it was perfect. I don't know how much paper I chewed through, before I found the solution, since I didn't do much double-sided. No one believes me, when I tell them this fix. But it is 100% true! Probably, this isn't your cause, but look out for the impossible! I would delete your printer (presumably Windows?), restart the computer to clear any leftovers and re-install it.
  23. But Meccano could have gone out and photographed them at any time, back then. Maybe they did take a small number of photos and confused themselves. After film was relatively expensive then.
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