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Everything posted by mervyn

  1. Will leave management behind and bring biscuits next time Chris !
  2. Took my Victory for some minor repairs to Sully MPD yesterday evening now sorted and running superb again! Came away with a GPV !! (can resist anything but temptation) Top service from Chris ,Thanks very much for sorting loco out in quick time!
  3. Thanks all looks like a reading session is in order! only just got the signa track so still getting used to it, thanks for all the help !
  4. Just had another session but using the power cab this time can get the lights to stay on with the power cab ,but not my signa trak will contact the manufacturers and see if there is a way of making F3/4 do what I want them to ! will post reply on here ....
  5. Thanks for the reply John ,should have been a bit more clearer, when I press the F button they come on but when I release it they go off ,is there any cv I can reset to leave them on when the button is pressed I use a Powercab and a signatrak system HTH.
  6. I have fitted a Zimo chip to the Loco but cannot get the red/white lights to stay on can anyone tell me what I have to do to make them stay on ? Thanks ...
  7. A team from my local club has entered and been accepted they have a rule book to comply with, a budget to buy materials etc, and are being supplied with a ready built base board, I think that the filming is taking place in June over 3 days ,should be interesting viewing!!!
  8. Great exhibition yesterday thanks for all the effort involved! ,there is a great video from Robert Masterman on you Tube of the show .
  9. Happiness is sitting in my shed listening to my Alco fleet burbling away!......and the occasional chug as my RS1 lifts a freight out of the yard! happiness is Alco shaped!
  10. If you want some inspiration the book "Mainline to Industry" lists most of the mainline locos sold on for further use ...
  11. Hi Gordon yes you get three lengths of Peco 16mm track and a bag of hard plastic sleepers which have to be threaded onto the track and the plastic is a very tight fit on the track ! worth it in the end tho !
  12. Track now threaded ,thumbs in recovery mode !!!...hopefully wont need any more straights !..thanks for the idea of olive oil Kev !
  13. Just stumbled on this thread ,must say its inspiring ! I am meandering towards doing a coarse scale branch when energy and time allow so will keep watching this thread with interest ! Thanks for sharing Annie ! in the meantime more Maldon track to thread...sigh!
  14. just got some of this and there seems to be plenty of glue and iron filings but not much developer (blue corrosive stuff) anyone know what it is and if its available separately didn't want to buy lots more filings and glue just to get more developer!
  15. I remember seeing a picture of an NBL 600xx warship at Pantyfynnon and the comment was they had been transferred in lieu of 37s, which had been reallocated elesewhere, anyone know if they were ever used down here on any workings?? or quickly returned whence they came?...merv
  16. Looks like another cracker ! Thanks both Chris,s
  17. Does anyone know the size and a place that sells the size of Delrin chain that weaver models use? Thanks ...merv.
  18. You could seal the MDF then you could use water based products. I used Rustins MDF sealer ...other sealers are available!!!
  19. Had an e mail from Totally Thomas looks like it might be here next week!
  20. According to my absorbed engines book the B&M Livery was red ,then states almost a dark chocolate colour??? another minefield of "thinned then heat treated colour!....why not paint em black and have done with it !...any chance of a video of the new arrival?
  21. Now that the cat is out of the bag I can see that those lucky people" Dahn sarf "have got a nice Adams radial to look forward to! wonder if there is going to be a Brecon and Merthyr Liveried one ???
  22. you will probably need to use a larger screw for the tender coupling to be fitted to the Loco as the old Hornby electrical contact /coupler was a smaller diameter ,put a self trapper into mine .
  23. Chassis has arrived courtesy of Peters spares fitted and Loco now running Thanks for all the help!
  24. Thanks for the replies one resurrected evening star on the way!
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