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Status Updates posted by kevpeo

  1. I'm liking all the space in 7mm. Sound, two speakers, fully independent lighting and a working roof fan. With my wiring skills it's a miracle!

  2. I've a brother of sorts in Torquemada........

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      ...the dust and the gasoline...

    3. Barry O

      Barry O

      Is that to the west of walney?

    4. bgman


      Is that next to Paignton?

  3. Speaking of grumpy ######! Top of my ‘p*sses me off list’ are the w*nkers who go to MacDonald’s/KFC/pizza spots (delete as appropriate) and then chuck the remains/litter out of the car window. T**sers!!!! Feel better now!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. highpeakman


      THEY are everywhere! - Unfortunately

    3. cpman46


      Phantom dog poo chuckers!!

    4. Jongudmund


      I agree Kevpeo. Litter is a hateful antisocial thing.

  4. Shawplan 4mm 'Extreme Etchings' roof fan and grill. Why do I torture myself so?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horsetan


      It's all about the journey, not the destination.

    3. SHMD


      Are we nearly there yet?

    4. Horsetan


      You must be joking! There's miles to go!!

  5. has given in, and mowed the lawn for the first time this year!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. polybear


      Ahhhh...so that'll explain the red bits in the grassbox....

    3. SHMD


      I've let the chickens sort the lawn out this year. I now have no grass. Neither does my neighbour.

      Neither does my other neighbour!


      (I'm not charging for fertiliser though.)

    4. Horsetan


      This is nothing. Wait 'til you end up mowing the lawn. Twice. In December.

  6. is on his second cafetiere of coffee this morning. Can you tell I went to Foxfield last night? 37 423 & 409 were involved too!

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I'm glad you told us you went to Foxfield last night, as I'd otherwise not have been able to guess.

    2. Barry O

      Barry O

      at least you can remember where you went.. last time I went it took me a while to remember how I got back to Barrow...by train...

  7. is partaking in a little online 'retail therapy'. Well it is bits for the new layout!

    1. Barry O

      Barry O

      A new layout? Are you I'll??

    2. kevpeo


      some whould say sick!

  8. To work by train. Most of the day spent driving a train. Home by train. And I still fire the layout up for an operating session. What is wrong with me?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. big jim

      big jim

      could be me, most of vesterdays job was driving a van, on the plus side the middle bit was a class 60

    3. kevpeo


      A slightly bigger engine than mine then Jim!

    4. LNER4479


      Absolutely, precisely NOTHING (wrong with you)

  9. A first class 'compo' to myself and 37 401 thrashing away up front. Does commuting get better than this?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 11B


      Longsight open day gave us a few rare workings, but I don't recall what there was apart from the 60.

    3. kevpeo


      37 706 and 2 x 20's also featured. And a pair of 26's that failed before they reached the Furness line!

    4. BigAndy


      ...nope....can't think of anything better. Give it a good bellowing at!

  10. chillin' on the patio after a hard days weathering.Dont you just love global warming!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kev_Lewis
    3. kevpeo


      Cumbria always does have its own climate!

    4. DougN


      Lovely here in Melbourne Australia

  11. Has spent the afternoon driving a 'dumper truck'. How can something so slow be so much fun?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kevpeo


      I was two at that time!

    3. Bon Accord

      Bon Accord

      You should go to JCB world - they let you drive one!

    4. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      Try a 3.5 tonne FLT.

  12. Ah, the morning after the work x-mas do. Why did I agree to go into town with 'the kids' afterwards?

  13. is recording 20 214 tomorrow, while driving it!

    1. 11B


      Up hill is best but the view is poor! The windows been better on the return trip. Who's the driver teaching you? Have a good day.

    2. kevpeo


      Don't know yet.

    3. kevpeo


      It was Gary Marsh. Fantastic day!

  14. is packing up Loch Dour ready for its trip to Millom.

    1. gridwatcher


      Good luck.....!


    2. Barry O

      Barry O

      got your passport at the ready?

    3. kevpeo


      Got my mug and beer glass. Does that count?

  15. Why has my Windows phone decided to tell me it is Independence Day tomorrow? Am I supposed to celebrate not being an American?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Barry O

      Barry O

      obviously it doesn't realise that you may not be in the USA...

    3. trisonic


      Sigh...No wonder we celebrate Independence.

    4. Stubby47


      I'm with Muz on this -celebrating a birthday today !!

  16. Free-wheeling!

  17. has an 8 day NW rover in his pocket and is not afraid to use it!

  18. has 'gone petrol' again after 13 years. Bye bye big green diesel!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. New Haven Neil

      New Haven Neil

      Torqueless wonders, stay diesel!

    3. steve22


      After thirteen years, you will pay attention when you fill up, won't you?

    4. brianthesnail96


      It's OK, the nozzle won't fit... I tried it the other day! Not had a diesel for about 3 years, so I'm not sure why I grabbed the black pump...

  19. is off to never-neverland next weekend. Well Derby!

    1. andyram


      Nothing wrong with our fair city.

    2. kevpeo


      But what's 'the Flowerpot' like?

  20. has just sound fitted his first Swiss loco. Can you tell we're building a new layout?

    1. 11B


      We? Is this going to be a FMRC layout?

    2. kevpeo


      Yes. The long delayed replacement for Oberfriedhof!

  21. Who knew making better looking track was so tedious!

    1. Mattmaz


      I feel your pain :-S it's all worth it though !

  22. is painting a Tench.

    1. Mallard60022


      Mind the gills sans then!!!!!!!!

  23. has finally plucked up the courage to rebuild the

  24. I believed the lying words of a sly little bird!

    1. Tim V

      Tim V

      A cuckoo?

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