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Everything posted by vaughan45

  1. Rogue opticians masquerading as winter footwear (5)

    1. eastwestdivide
    2. locoholic


      Freeman, Hardy and Specsavers

    3. Hroth




      No, thats a flightless bird(3)

  2. Say's something about our rail network, when people yearn for the return of blue & grey

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BoD


      and don't forget your individual fruit pies.

    3. thaddeus


      I long for the days before Prue Leiths environmentally damaging sandwich boxes and dodgy recipes

    4. Hroth


      D'you think we could get her for Cultural Appropriation?

  3. Bottom Ash

    1. bgman


      I'd recommend a trip to your doctor and get it checked out !

    2. Hroth


      Curry last night?

    3. vaughan45


      No, looking for a balancing figure for recycling data, looks like bottom ash created by incineration can be variable.

  4. BRM induced migraine!!

    1. Hroth


      Don't look through the "glasses" the wrong way....

    2. vaughan45


      There's a right way?

    3. Mallard60022


      Not just my eyes then?

  5. Oh Dear - No railway spreadsheet password protection

  6. Much like accounting in the NHS which is based on hypothetical activity / financial flows and assumptions that wouldn't be permissible in most private organisations - except certain global organisations that must remain nameless,
  7. Splinters = many pricks, Splint - well I will leave that to your imagination.
  8. Not sure about that but, it did involve a young Arthur English, who much later was Mrs Slocombe's pussy Mr Harman in 'Are You Being Served'. Miss Brahms
  9. Don't know about camels, but my wife's always got the hump (or two), First broadcast in Variety Bandbox 1949
  10. Wasn't that a type of ice cream a bit like Mr Whippy (or Mr Softee)? Ben & Jerry
  11. If London vs Brussells = Bulgaria, what is the value of X?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. mark374


      3.1415926535 8979323846

    3. ian


      Who wants to know?

    4. Metr0Land


      You are number 6

  12. Forest of Dean Beavers (released today)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Why were they imprisoned in the first place?

    3. bgman


      Has anyone informed the trees ?

    4. Patrick
  13. Forest of Dean Beavers (released today)

  14. Having used both in the past, following a number of DCC80 failures, I binned the small number I had and went over to using only single or double T.V Hex Frog-Juicers from then on, until I went back to the dark ages and stopped using DCC.
  15. Too much bran cake...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kylestrome


      A moving experience?

    3. DonB
    4. Hroth


      Another member of the Horsetan club....



  16. Hmmph - subscription copy not arrived - so later than Smiths again
  17. Ringworm vs Ringmain

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ian J.

      Ian J.

      Ring Cycle vs One Ring

    3. SHMD



    4. Hroth


      A burning Ring of Fire.



  18. Gerbils vs Hamsters

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. newbryford


      Either way, they both need sellotape to stop them splitting......

    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Blood Sport!

    4. Kylestrome


      What’s the score?

  19. Today I is wearing virtual underpants with no gusset Y. Fronte (Belgie not a Frenchie)
  20. Wasn't Rocky-Soo the illegitimate daughter of Rocky Horror?? Frank N Furter
  21. Obviously you have missed the intrinsic beauty of the simplicity and the cold clarity of the execution then, Cannabis Oil Bet you thought I were dead or excommunicated
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