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Everything posted by kandc_au

  1. Rich, Do you leave the tape on for days either before or after painting? I found that was a no no as well! Khris
  2. Sorry I don't remember your name, BUT what masking tape are you using? Khris
  3. David, Could it be that the drawing is inaccurate? Failing that, if it is still standing, maybe a plumb bob ladder and tape measure are order of the day if the station staff will allow it! NO, a laser up from the edge of the platforn would be the starting point to see how far the overhang is! Khris
  4. Guys, At the end of the day what is termed as a crawl, to one person may be moving fairly quickly to another. Those in shops, deal with people of all persuasions, and again the above is true for them. There is no guarantee when the loco is returned that the same person is going to be handling the return item either, ALTHOUGH if that were the case one would hope that the message was communicated to the OP! Khris
  5. Hi Tom, Not to drag the fence wire part of this along BUT, have you seen the pic on the Scalefour Society Faceache page of "Sidmouth" Nth Devon where it appears that they have wired the fence! Khris
  6. Have you tried contacting Brassmasters to ask? If it is a debit card, so long as there are sufficient funds in the account it should work! just my pennies worth. Khris
  7. Lofty, What did you make the 70'ers end steps with? Khris
  8. In fairness, Dave Jones has said time and again any issues you go through Hattons....be it for spares or anything else. The basis being they buy from him as contracted and all problems issues/ spare parts requests go through Hattons. Anything he sells directly goes through him. Khris
  9. Will that be one board Tom ...or two? The new section that is. Khris
  10. Can anyone advise when the 9' bogies became the norm please? Khris
  11. Hi all, Does anyone make the 7' bogie in white metal? When were the steps removed from the 7' bogies? Khris
  12. Ian, Do you have any pics of those and/or the bridges? Khris
  13. Truth be known between you and Prothemus who started this thread, you two are the ones who got me motivated and rereading the thread got me going again when I lost my mojo! K
  14. Are you sure your Landlady wouldn't like you working at her kitchen table! We could all put in a good word for you On a more serious note ....Looooks good! Khris
  15. Can you elaborate? From what I can see from the drawings and pics it appears to be correct! Just had another look.....wouldn't be a missing window per chance? khris
  16. Lofty, Hopefully seeing others working won't depress you. The first 2 pics from the top are: D95 BE as is. D88 Flat Ended E128 BE D118 BE This last pic is a 54' A18 first after conversion from articulated unit. this was made up from a Composite. All have since had a coat of primer to find any issues in the joins, then will be painted. Khris
  17. Thanks Chris....that clarifies things Khris
  18. Chris , You have me bamboozeled. Do you mean that the early stock is no longer worth the effort because the newer stock is much better quality and worth the effort to upgrade? khris
  19. New setup looks good EXCEPT for the header, which looks to bland/plain/terrible! Khris
  20. In this thread I still struggle when reading a TT with coach formations showing a first in the formation. one can only assume it was whatever! Would this be correct? Or where it says First would that vehicle be a composite??? khris
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