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Life in my workshop




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A GRONK (11)

Finally finished. All that is missing is the couplings but I leave these off as there are so many options. I ran it on my little test track an all seems very good. The final assemble was straight forward, with just a little fitting to get them right. This is even after time spent making sure it was all OK before painting. I am sure someone alters bits whilst you are not looking just to have a laugh at you later. It is all a bit fiddly getting the screws in , there are 10 in total some quite hidd


N15class in 08, 350hp shunter

GRONK (10)

It has been a while since the last post. Things have progressed but I have had trouble with mail going to and from the UK so decided not to send anything until The parcels sent were received and some I was due arrived. This means I have missed selling this for Christmas. So progress is slow due to loss of interest. All this also means other projects are delayed through lack of parts.   Back yo the gronk. The painting is done the transfers are on. Everything sealed with satin varnish. F


N15class in 08, 350hp shunter


Just a quick update to show the start of the painting. The body is just resting on the footplate. Most of the painting has now been done, and I have started to reassemble the whole thing.   At the moment I am struggling with getting it to run. It was working fine before I did the painting, although the clearances were tight. Now the wheels and cranks want to catch on everything that is attached to the outer frames. When it is sorted I will be posting again.   I am pleased wit


N15class in 08, 350hp shunter

A GRONK (8 )

Having not been in the workshop on Monday, I was hoping that I would of got all the brass work finished yesterday morning. Well usual story takes twice as long as you think.   I had a good day today, fortunately I had to be at the house all day as we were getting some furniture delivered. The castings for the body were reasonable except some were missing, not the end the world but it adds to the time, as they needed to be made.   The ladders went together better t


N15class in 08, 350hp shunter


I was hoping to get all the brass work finished today. But every time I looked a picture I saw something else to add, and never got the parts done that came in the box.   I at least got the handrails and doors sorted out. I would of like one of the doors ajar, but the sides are very flimsy without them.   Also today I fitted the radiator filler pipes, most of the electrical conduit to the front. The rear lamp irons were also fitted, along with the one in the middle of the rad


N15class in 08, 350hp shunter


Well I am hoping by now you have guessed what it is?   I have been sorting the body out. In the photos the body is just resting on the footplate, in reality there are eight 10BA screws that hold the two together and it lines up better with less gaps. This is to make painting easier.   I found the bonnets end formers a bit flat on top so the gaps are filled with solder. I also found the vertical straps over the top were a bit wide, or my forming was poor, but with cuttin


N15class in 08, 350hp shunter


Manage to do a little more. I have carried on with the two sets of frames, the inner set will be painted very shortly and set up to be run in.     First up the castings were added to the front, they went to gether quite well, no major problems. The one buffer looks droopy in the photo so I need to checj that. You can now see how the small angle holds the sandpipe.         At the rear the brake cross shaft, bearings and cylinders have been


N15class in 08, 350hp shunter


I seem to be getting somewhere with the chassis etc now.   I have done the brakes on the inner chassis and this is now all ready for the connecting parts to the outer frames. It would of been nicer if the pull rods etc were in etch nickelsilver, I could of changed but I want to make it as close to the way it was designed. If it was for me I would probably spend the time.     Now I have to make the link between the part above and this part of the braking system, so


N15class in 08, 350hp shunter


Here we are again. The instructions in the kit are exploded diagrams of an indifferent quality.They show the brakes fitted to the outer frames as on the prototype.   But this will make getting the wheeled chassis almost impossible to get in and out. So I decide to fit to the inner ones. First problem was making out the hangers especially as the front one is off the frames, this then leads to a bit of butchery to the outer frame set up. Then there is the opperating shaft and vac cylinde


N15class in 08, 350hp shunter


I have actually got on and cut some metal. As usual I started with the chassis. After a bit of cleaning up, it was time to see how we are going to do things.   Firstly there are no holes for the brakes so these are marked and drilled. I also noticed that the bottom of the chassis is straight but the outside frames are shaped. I decided to loosly fold up the frames and see how it looked. I do not think it was a problem, but decided to shape the bottom of the inner chassis, just make sur


N15class in 08, 350hp shunter


And now for something completly different. This is also a first for me, having never built a diesel. I have painted one or two but that is it.   The instructions say it will build the 13000 series, but needs work to make the airbraked etc. For me thats not a problem as I have BR green paint but would have to get other colours in. It is a GE Models, Acorn kit, drawn by Jim Haris well the chassis has his name on it. The etch do not look to bad, I have found one fault while punching


N15class in 08, 350hp shunter

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