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GWR 850 CLASS (18)

Well, finally reassembled. All in all there where no problems getting it running.   The first job today was to fit the pickups, these are of the back scratching type made from some copperclad and phosphor bronze shim. It run very well on the rolling road and my short test track, the time spent sorting the washering of the gearbox paid dividends today.   The back head and floor where finished while the chassis was being run in. It also still worked when the body was screwed do


N15class in GWR 850 CLASS

GWR 850 CLASS (17)

Started on the rebuilding of the frames today.   Why do things that worked before stripping down fail to work on rebuilding? It is just so annoying. I was more fussy then usual with getting it all to work prior to painting.   The motor and gears now run smoothly again, with rewashering. The compensation needed a little tweaking to operate properly. The dummy valve gear to me looks good now it is painted and back inbetween the frames.       I di


N15class in GWR 850 CLASS

GWR 850 CLASS (16)

Reassembly has started although slowly due to lack of time.   I have done the transfers and the number plates. The panniers are now screwed onto the footplate. I shows that the panniers are a different green to the cab. I have since varnished this assembly and it all now looks the same. Saves stripping it all down again.   Next up will be the chassis and get the two parts to mate properly. It did before painting but that was a couple of weeks ago.   I still need to


N15class in GWR 850 CLASS

GWR 850 CLASS (15)

I have painted the 850, there is still some detail work to do and of coarse the transfers. This will be done next week, not that there will be much of next week as it is a holiday for the wife on Monday and Friday, so that curtails a lot of next weeks model making.   I am pleased so far. I feel it is all going well. I am looking forward to getting it back together. Hopefully some time next week we might have it done.   Here are the pictures, I did forget to take a photo of th


N15class in GWR 850 CLASS

GWR 850 CLASS (14)

Here is the result of Fridays work. Just the beginning of the paint job. I have started the colour today but that's another post.   Here is the loco in bits in primer.   It gave me a chance to look at my 0395 without doing much as I needed to get my head around where I had got too.


N15class in GWR 850 CLASS

GWR 850 CLASS (13)

Tis ready for its clean up and paint.   I finally got to grips with the smokebox door and made new hinges for it. The rest of the tanks had the castings added. The handrail has been made since the photos were taken. I am pleased with it so far. The water filler clamp handle brass castings are a bit fragile but look lovely. shame the water fillers were not cast in brass too, would of been much better.   I did start the big clean up but still some way to go. I also had to do a


N15class in GWR 850 CLASS

GWR 850 CLASS (12)

Just a bit more done. I have managed to add the castings to the footplate, I now need to clean it up before painting. I think Thursday should see things finished for painting. I was hoping it would be sooner but I am limited with work shop time tomorrow.   I did start to repair the smokebox door hinges today, but I I think it was a waste of time, should of cleaned them off, and remade them. I will do this next time at the bench.   Not much of an update today, so here are


N15class in GWR 850 CLASS

GWR 850 CLASS (11)

Been a bit short of time this week, I lost a couple of days through shopping and interviews concerning our adoption.   But managed to get the panniers closer to being ready for finishing. I decide to to do the filling on the curves before I add the white metal castings. I know it means a lot of cleaning prior to soldering but it is easy to sand without all the details in place. You will see the scrap in the smoke box to allow me to screw it down. Still a little to the underneath of the


N15class in GWR 850 CLASS

GWR 850 CLASS (10)

I am now down to the detailing of the loco, most of the hot soldering is done, there are a few cab details in brass that need doing but thats it apart from the wight metal parts now.   I added the remaining steps, and handrail knobs. There where not enough short ones in the kit but plenty of longer ones that are not used. The tanks are now fitted at the smoke box end to the footplate with two 12BA screws.     The front end is just awaiting the smoke box door,


N15class in GWR 850 CLASS

GWR 850 CLASS (9)

Got some more done.It seems to be coming on nicely.   I think the bunker now looks right. The bunker front has a cut out in in it on the drivers side. Has any one any idea what it is and if there was anything in it or backing to stop the coal falling out.   I have made the bunker removable for painting it will be held in place by two screws, the panniers will be held in place by three. I have fitted some of the detail to the front of the panniers. I think if all goes well tom


N15class in GWR 850 CLASS

GWR 850 CLASS (8)

I think GW loco men must of been underpaid so underfeed going by the width or the cab entry.     Some time was spent looking at photos to see what went wrong. There is no drawing with the instructions. Over size bunker side sheets. I have a couple of bang on side shots. Using a pair of dividers I worked out it was 2/3 bunker and 1/3 opening. I will need to sort out the handrail so it takes up less space, and work out how to hide the old handrail holes and get rivet detail in


N15class in GWR 850 CLASS

GWR 850 CLASS (7)

Did some more on this over the last couple of days. It is taking shape nicely I think.   Why do kit manufacturers do this?????     If it was half etched all the way where the bend is it would be fine, as long as it is in the right place and big enough. But no they do bit of it so it will not curve properly. This does not help the modeller at all. Full thickness material is easy enough to bend.   Look at the tank the top two half etched abortions where alm


N15class in GWR 850 CLASS

GWR 850 CLASS (6)

I bet you all thought I was never going to get back to this.   I have made a start on the cab. First job was to add the beading to the side lookouts these fitted nicely. I did not like the idea of soldering the sides to the edge of the spectacle plate, so I added a brass angle down each side as per the prototype. You will also see I have decided to go for a half cab, I will most probably go for No 1905 1907 with a dean bunker with Great Western on the tank sides. I may make up both bun


N15class in GWR 850 CLASS

GWR 850 CLASS (5)

I have got the motor and gears fitted to the chassis, I have also added the the reversing arm, lift links and counterbalance weights to the valve gear. I have had a major panic with it though. I am not sure if the motor will fit inside the firebox clear of the cab and front wall. I have put a canon motor in, in place of the larger one I was going to fit.       So I have got on with the footplate. Once I have fitted the bottom of the firebox, and the cab, or at least the


N15class in GWR 850 CLASS

GWR 850 CLASS (4)

I have been fiddling with the valve gear. As you know the valve gear was missing from the kit when I bought the kit second hand. I bought a new set from Scorpio but our post office lost it. So I have been adapting some generic casting I had.   The first job was to fit the slide bars and cross heads which were in the kit. This was straight forward. There was a little to do to get it all to fit around the front horn guides.   Next up was the valve gear, here the rods were too s


N15class in GWR 850 CLASS

GWR 850 CLASS (3)

Just a little done on the 850, but I have finished the 63XX, just need photos taking.   I have got the brakes finished, and just need to do the motor and mount. I will be using 26-1 gears as I think 40 -1's will just be to slow as it has tiny wheels.   The brake gear was a bit fiddly as I needed to remove the back of the shoes, because if you put them in the right place to give clearance for the flanges the coupling rods would not rotate.   I also need to fit the cr


N15class in GWR 850 CLASS


I have made a start here rather than finishing the mogul, I know I am wrong but I get bored at the finishing stage.   Anyway the basic frames are done, and rolling well. I now need to add the front hornguides, and then on with the brake gear etc. I altered the frames in that it now has true three point compensation not four as the kit was designed. The motor etc will be hung on the rear axle. Once the brakes are on I will mount the motor and make sure all is still working well.  


N15class in GWR 850 CLASS

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