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DJ Models Announcement 01/05/19


Message added by AY Mod

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  • RMweb Premium

Does anybody think that the irony of his last update whinging about ne'er do wells, libel and slander followed by a bilious rant about various things in this announcement is genuinely lost on him? You really couldn't make it up!! 

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  • RMweb Gold

I wouldn't have thought the burden of proof would be on him to prove his interlectual property (which he has produced) has been copied. If another company demonstrates their own cads and process through to production then how can it be his interlectual property.

I wonder if he actually consulted a lawyer 

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8 minutes ago, Phil Parker said:


The registration doesn't mention scale or Class for that matter. In theory, Dave has scuppered the Heljan 7mm model and now only he can produce a Class 17.


His listings on the UK registered design website mention scale.

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2 minutes ago, Anglian said:

If he tries to enforce an action he might end up even more out of pocket. 



There is a very true, but somewhat cynical phrase that comes to mind.


You may as well go out with a bang as a whimper

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  • RMweb Gold

I suspect that DJM models will lose a good deal of any of the remaining goodwill it had prior to this announcement, indeed judging by comments on this and other forums there are certainly those who just simply don't trust him any more.

What happens if his company folds up? Does he still retain the IP to these models which would mean that nobody would be able to produce them? 

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It strikes me that he is throwing his toys out of the pram a little, as new companies have shown how to announce projects and then get them to market in a reasonable time scale. 



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  • RMweb Gold

So for modern image:


I wonder what the OEM manufacturer thinks about having a CAD image of their 1:1 full size piece of rolling stock IP registered by another company not in their control in miniature ?


For reproduced rolling stock...


How can a design of say a class 52 (made by Trix, Hornby, Lima, Dapol and Heljan) be retrospectively applied to “my brand new CAD” that I can draw tonight and register tomorrow ? 


Making a copy of a designed component is not new. Bachmann (Kader) has already done this, including the “square” axle ends for quartering and other components.


Controversial move, This won’t pass without being tested.





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This whole thing gives the impression that the company is struggling and he has been winding himself up and getting paranoid. The amount of monies mentioned as spent (£250k) exceeds the company's current assets etc. so unless he's been drawing a decent salary/paying himself a nice dividend perhaps this has been losing money for a while. If so the best choice might have been to retain some dignity and fold the company but end up working in the industry under the umbrella of another company. I fear that with all this he's destroying any prospect of being employed and he may be left without a company, or realistic prospect of employment. I fear this may not end well and a talent will be lost.

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  • RMweb Gold
Just now, Anglian said:

What about a model produced in a different colour scheme that makes it look significantly different, to the lay person?


I should think that this would also infringe fair competition laws. 


Oh dear, the "all Great Western locomotives look alike" could just mean that no new GWR models  can be produced for decades :jester:

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What a load of unmitigated tosh. Even the dyed in the wool DJM supporters must be scratching their heads. I have heard more convincing ideas from my terrapin.


At least I know what small model railway business owners do when they are not designing and developing models. My interest in acquiring anything from DJModels has now officially evaporated. Probably a good idea to let him have email confirmation.

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  • RMweb Gold
4 minutes ago, Persephone said:

I suspect that people who have crowdfunded him wont be seeing anything for the cash they have stumped up front, the tale of woe comes across as that of a business failing.


I suspect there’s grounds for a potential claim in the offing here too.

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  • RMweb Premium
16 minutes ago, micklner said:

     So why the hype about the big announcements etc ,  a very simple statement would have done. I doubt if many people will now take much notice of it anyway.

     How would that stop anyone making the same locomotive etc , at best it protects his design , how would that stop another company from making the same locomotive etc  , it simply needs a different mechanism and a slightly different detail layout to get over this "protection" . Does he has his own money to start sueing other companies anyway . No idea either way , from what I have seen of his designs I doubt if I will ever buy anyway. 


I think you've hit the nail on the head Mick.  I fear for Dave Jones, no matter what respect I do have for him, he's been sold a pup taking this line for protection of his Designs for a classs of toy. If you read the qualifiers for IP protection of the design by registering them does not mean that it automatically becomes your IP.  Bear in mind he will have to be the one taking them to court I'm sure all the other manufacturers will just carry on, do what they always do, and await the registered letter from DJM hitting the doormat.



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24 minutes ago, LBRJ said:

I don't think its hyperbole to suggest that this is basically the obituary for DJ Models as a manufacturer.




Sadly I have to agree with this. I have had a lot of time for Dave over the years, and have been supportive including stumping up cash up front for some Claytons. However this announcement will do nothing to endear him to the modelling public at large and I suspect will turn many away, me included. A business is nothing without loyal and satisfied customers.



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  • RMweb Premium

I wonder how many shops that had signed up to be retailers of DJ models will still want to be associated with him after this announcement? 


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23 minutes ago, 37505bstp said:

In my opinion what he may be allowed to protect is his mechanism or a specific feature like an opening/closing door ...


The one thing that the CAD of the J94 that I looked at doesn’t show is the mechanism!

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