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All-new Heljan 47 in 00 gauge


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  • RMweb Premium

From Model rail Scotland . I’m not an expert on the class but to me look pretty good . The green with full yellow ends may be a possibility , as it’s a variant I don’t have . Sorry for the reflection of my stripey jumper , but I was just passing so didn’t take a lot of time on pics 



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Would like to see some more head on shots of some of the other liveries if someone has them as I’m still not totally convinced. The higher angled shot of the one in civils grey makes it look pretty good mind.

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  • RMweb Gold
2 hours ago, IRC said:

Would like to see some more head on shots of some of the other liveries if someone has them as I’m still not totally convinced. The higher angled shot of the one in civils grey makes it look pretty good mind.

This is the 48 from Warley. To my mind it’s not massively ‘off’ but there is something that prevents it being ‘definitive’. The Bachmann on the other hand has, again to my mind that elusive ‘rightness’. Would definitely have a Heljan version if the right model appears at the right price. 


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1 minute ago, MikeParkin65 said:

This is the 48 from Warley. To my mind it’s not massively ‘off’ but there is something that prevents it being ‘definitive’. The Bachmann on the other hand has, again to my mind that elusive ‘rightness’. Would definitely have a Heljan version if the right model appears at the right price. 


Looks ok to me from there.

I’ll wait for them to appear in the sales as well.

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They look awfully deep in the bodyside which continues to the front as head on they look too tall and thin.... Just couple up to a mk1 and compare to the prototype. For me there are loads of other errors that are more subtle.

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8 hours ago, Legend said:

From Model rail Scotland . I’m not an expert on the class but to me look pretty good . The green with full yellow ends may be a possibility , as it’s a variant I don’t have . Sorry for the reflection of my stripey jumper , but I was just passing so didn’t take a lot of time on pics 




Re the two-tone green ones - D1526's No 1 end faces right - D1969's No 1 End faces left......so why are the BR emblems both to the right?


Answer - D1526's emblem has been printed on the wrong end! 


(There was a batch around D1552-7 which did have their emblems applied to the wrong end from new for some reason - but D1526 was 'conventional' (I checked.....just in case!)

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  • RMweb Gold
3 hours ago, MikeParkin65 said:

This is the 48 from Warley. To my mind it’s not massively ‘off’ but there is something that prevents it being ‘definitive’. The Bachmann on the other hand has, again to my mind that elusive ‘rightness’. Would definitely have a Heljan version if the right model appears at the right price. 


Wow, those cab handrails must be close to being out of gauge!



Edited by Roy Langridge
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Looks like the standard body is a cut cab version with a separate part fitted to reinstate the original cab sides, something i tried to do with Bachmann's 47745 with plastic strips, my attempt was just as poor as this, 47450 looks really bad.  I hope this isn't the finished model as there are several liveries here that hit the spot.hel47450.jpeg.0e87b461d3eec634e465b012fd2a4a79.jpeg

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  • RMweb Gold

Seam lines down the front of the cab roof doesn’t look great either. I know they look to exist on some 47s but they are really subtle and I suspect are more weathering induced. 

There also seems to be several areas where the Bachmann model has a greater attention to detail. Look at the cantrail grill dividing bars as an example. They don’t all go fully top to bottom, modelled correctly on the Bachmann model, but look incorrect on the Heljan model.


Ready to be corrected and look forward to seeing the Heljan model in the flesh, but at the moment my Class 47 money is not heading to a Heljan. If we are to have duplication I want to be able to buy both and them stand scrutiny against each other. 

Now, the Class 11/12 money, that is a different story and one that Heljan seem to have pulled out one of their stonking models. As commented on that thread, if only all Heljan models attained that level the rest of the field would suffer. 


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  • RMweb Gold

Rails of Sheffield have emailed today to say they’re getting their first batch of new 47’s in on the 4th March, so the revised NSE version should be winding their way to layouts next week. 👍

For the sake of clarity- Gaugemaster collection NSE version - https://railsofsheffield.com/blogs/news/Heljan-class-47s-57s-due-imminently

Edited by Pedro32
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16 hours ago, Pedro32 said:

Rails of Sheffield have emailed today to say they’re getting their first batch of new 47’s in on the 4th March, so the NSE version should be winding their way to layouts next week. 👍

This threw me as the (Danish?) chap on the Heljan stand at MRS said the NSE version would be out later in the year.


Maybe he picked me up wrong?

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  • RMweb Premium
14 minutes ago, meatloaf said:

That does look nice, but i think ill wait for the general release green one.


Are these 21 pin?


It's says 21 pin on Rails website and I hope that's a general 21pin and not a very specific 21 pin. Ive had problems with another manufacturers 21 pin socket that turns out to be a very specific 21pin setup. Ive got Lenz decoders left over from that episode and id like to use them in a Heljan 47...or two 😀

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5 hours ago, Norski said:


It's says 21 pin on Rails website and I hope that's a general 21pin and not a very specific 21 pin. Ive had problems with another manufacturers 21 pin socket that turns out to be a very specific 21pin setup. I've got Lenz decoders left over from that episode and id like to use them in a Heljan 47...or two 😀


Personally, I'd like to see the British models move to the PLuX format as many of the European manufacturers are doing for their European-based models. There's only one standard for that, and it can be scaled down to fit smaller spaces (PLuX12 or 16) while allowing full functionality in 22 pin format. The PLuX22 format doesn't really provide any more functionality than the 21-pin allows, but the problem I, and many others have had with the 21-pin form factor is that there are four different standards involved, meaning it is buyer beware when buying a 21-pin decoder.

In a private discussion with a manufacturer, they said that ESU have a problem getting the PLuX22 decoder supplies, though. 

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On 14/02/2024 at 15:01, Trainshed Terry said:

I am going to keep my current Heljan 47, yes they are a tad wide, But the cost of the new ones are out of my price bracket. But well done to Heljan on doing a great job of re-tooling this model.



I watched the Hornby Magazine video, which I thought was excellent and very informative, but nonetheless came to the same conclusion as you.


It's one thing to study a stationary model in detail, another to see it running around a layout at a normal viewing distance, and it's really the latter I'm interested in.


No doubt in my mind that the new model is splendid. For example, although I wasn't a fan of NSE back in the day, the detailed livery application on that example looks magnificent and I doubt if even the most professional and skilled individual could match that quality.


Each to their own. I've around eight (or maybe more?) of the originals, all detailed up on the buffer beams and with changed identities, and they'll be staying - for now at  least! Obviously if I were starting out now it would be a different story.



Edited by John Tomlinson
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Rails have the NSE one in stock now. It looks very nice from the photos and I am definately tempted, but I will wait until someone else does a comparison to a Bachmann one before I commit. Heljan are charging a £30-40 premium over the latest Bachmann run so it would be good to know that the detail and quality is worth it and that it is a good runner.

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It does look good, livery looks excellent.


I have no doubt it will be a good runner.


Regarding shape, and the way it sits on the bogies, Bachmann still has it for me.


I’ll come back to Heljan once the new 86/2’s are released.

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  • RMweb Premium
On 26/02/2024 at 21:07, dj_crisp said:

They look awfully deep in the bodyside which continues to the front as head on they look too tall and thin.... Just couple up to a mk1 and compare to the prototype. For me there are loads of other errors that are more subtle.

I think they look too tall and thin because the narrowing of the cab from the driver’s door forwards is too pronounced. Not by much but enough to niggle. 

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On 26/02/2024 at 19:16, MikeParkin65 said:

This is the 48 from Warley. To my mind it’s not massively ‘off’ but there is something that prevents it being ‘definitive’. The Bachmann on the other hand has, again to my mind that elusive ‘rightness’. Would definitely have a Heljan version if the right model appears at the right price. 



So......compared to the previous Heljan 47 the body is slimmer but the cab handrails remain the same distance apart over the width......🤔?


On 04/03/2024 at 19:50, brushman47544 said:

I think they look too tall and thin because the narrowing of the cab from the driver’s door forwards is too pronounced. Not by much but enough to niggle. 


That was the well-known fault with the old one, to achieve a transition from the over-wide body to the cab front (which the bufferbeam and buffer spacing indicate was more-or-less correct width) - I don't see that on the new one myself.

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  • RMweb Gold

Green and blue main range versions appearing in stock at various dealers now. Despite some misgivings I've ordered a green sound fitted one from TMC and now eagerly await its arrival (as I always do with new models - is this an addiction? 😎)

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