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50 litres in, Sherry!  One hopes it was let out again at some point.......... :jester:



Yes, he has two tubes one dealing with input, the other with output, all carefully measured and recorded.  Amazingly, he has managed without pain relief since mid morning although I've advised him to take what is offered at bedtime to ensure more  sleep.

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Yes, he has two tubes one dealing with input, the other with output, all carefully measured and recorded. 


I think I'm going to have the mental equivalent of an earworm all night now :nono:

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Evening all.  Rather a disrupted day with three church services at various times, interspersed with work on Höchstädt.  I've installed Bahnsteigkanten (Platform edge blocks) which means raising the height of the platform, which meant I had to unsolder and remove the platform lighting.  I have also decided to re-paint the beer garden tables, so the third service saw me with a paint striped hand deciding on the optimum colour - leather.


The invalid goes home on Tuesday.  Relief for most people, but I have a horrible feeling I will be expected to run errands.  We live in interesting times!


I'm putting on a small model railway exhibition in my church on 4 July.  Sadly two layouts have had to drop out due to illness.


And writing about invalids, good news about Ian.


Whacked!  Bed!!  Bill

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. He is coping admirably well with all this and is developing a rapport with the staff, who are mainly female, of course!



I believe the consultant says Ian's condition is "touch and go".


Touch another nurse and he's going....


Best Regards to OD.



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Evening all, good news about Ian. 


The day has gone well, a good joint walk of witness and service this morning through the village followed by the statutory Hot Cross Buns.  Afternoon soldering coaches and the evening at the clubrooms doing scenic work.  All set for York tomorrow after the Mens Breakfast at church and then getting Beth's lunch ready for her before I set off.



Edited by jamie92208
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Evening all,

Just returned from the daughters where supper was washed away with copious amounts of alcohol - probably not good for me but.........

Keyboard is a bit of a problem but I simply had to look in to see how Ian was doing and the lovely Sherry has kindly clarified that. Sleep needed now so once again I'll play catch up in the morning!

Happy Easter weekend all,

Kind regards,

Squiffy Jock.

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Morning all were ever you may be upon this small planet. My wife and I had a giggle about female nursing staff while reading of Ian's misfortunes or good report of dealings with them. Three years ago now I suffered a major heart attack, Had two stents placed in the old ticker using a catheter from the groin to the heart. Amazing stuff all done under local and I watched the procedure on the same screen that the surgeon was using.  Two day's later? yes two day's they said I could go home, so one of the nurse's came to take the catheter out of my groin. Once removed I started to hemorage, as the catheter is placed in the main artery, so she called for help to stop the bleeding. A second nurse was called and then a third as they took it in turns to apply pressure to the area trying to stop the bleeding, my hospital gown had came adrift and with a very painful look on my face when my wife entered the room. All she could see from her view point was three nurses groping around my groin areas and me with an anguished look on my face buck naked.  They're very good at explaining things these medico's, so I'm still married because I don't think Michelle (my lovely) would not have believed me as to what they were doing. Went home later that day and have had no trouble since. (With the Heart).  So to all those with ailments we all mend in time and time is all we have, get well soon, Tex.

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Good morning and a Happy Easter weekend to all.  


Good Friday here is a total shut-down as required by law.  Only places open are churches.  Previous night's scrum and car park antics would have suggested at least a ten-day siege was imminent.  Hot Cross buns enjoyed over a relaxed and late morning brekky cuppa.  


Similar this morning as everything reopens to one of the busiest weekends of the year.  Three cars all vying for one spot in the car park.  I enjoyed the view back up the queue as three drivers all reversed into each other!!! 


Stocked up on cat food and litter as the neighbours are feeding Captain Furball for the month ahead but we don't expect them to shop for him as well.  


Off to pack a layout into a bag now.  Will be in touch via Wifi as connections permit.  Best wishes to all.

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Oh! forgot to mention were they flushing Ian with 50ltr's of Sherry? if so I guess they would judge the colour of the discharge to more favourable wines, perhaps a nice Riesling. Tex.

Edited by Tassie Tex
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Morning all. By golly, there be sunshine outside after all!


Quiet Good Friday came and went, so some stocking-up of foodstuffs will be required today. Plans are for us to be on a day trip to Wittenberg – sort of following in Luther's footsteps – tomorrow and to be at FiL's for dinner on Monday.


Do have a good'un, everyone...

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Woken at 3am by what sounded like the house disappearing into a sinkhole. Months ago, I'd left a half-dozen broken concrete fenceposts stood on end leaning up against an old concrete boundary wall. For the skip when we next get one. Something caused them to fall over one by one in some bizarre "domino" effect. I knew I should have laid them flat in the first place. Might have to apologise to next door as well as it set their car alarm off. Several bedroom lights also came on in nearby houses so I'll be Mr Popular today (not). I'll say it was an earthquake...


If I'm honest, the "earthquake" excuse for waking half the street up was never going to work... I decided to come clean and apologise to my neighbour for waking him up. Before I had a chance to say anything, he'd already apologised in case his car alarm had woken me...! To my eternal shame, I just nodded and said "oh never mind, these things happen"...

Well, it wasn't exactly a lie - I just neglected to tell the truth...

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Apologies, forgot the customary "Morning all"...

Morning all.

Damp today. Feeling sorry for all the campers and caravanners scattered along the coastal cliffs. Yes, East Anglia does have cliffs.

On the subject of bizarre night-time happenings, I'm not one to dream, but I did have an odd one last night.

I found myself sharing a rather posh Thames-view loft apartment with my wife's two Irish sisters and that guy that played Captain Darling in Blackadder. There were also several black labradors. The only other thing I remember is that the fridge was full of nothing but cheese. Now I can blame Bluebottle's ER post for making me think of cheese, but where did everything else come from? Strange. Analyze that...

Have a great weekend.

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 I just neglected to tell the truth...


No no no! You were merely being economical with the truth. It's just another way of being ecologically correct.


Your earthquake story reminded me of the time we actually did have an earthquake in the middle of the night, in Prestwick of all places. I remember thinking "who the heck is shaking the footboard of the bed like that?"


My wife thought it was me! We've never actually gone into details about what she thought I was doing. Best to let sleeping dogs lie.

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Pete some times telling the full detail just causes more problems than it's worth but at least you didn't lie.


Glad to hear Ian (OD) is doing fine.


Not the best nights s.erp with the music from a nearby night club reaching max volume about 03.30 which we could hear even through the double glazing of our fifth floor hotel room next to Glasgow Central station and then the noise as people left between that time and gone 4am.


A couple of photos taken this morning. I would have posted some shots of a beautiful Wemyss Bay station but at the moment it's covered in scaffolding.



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Good morning all,

Rather a dull start (me and the weather) - chance of the odd shower later.

Feeling a bit rough this morning so better get off my backside and try to liven myself up ready for tomorrow's family "do".

Have a good one,


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Pete some times telling the full detail just causes more problems than it's worth but at least you didn't lie.


Glad to hear Ian (OD) is doing fine.


Not the best nights s.erp with the music from a nearby night club reaching max volume about 03.30 which we could hear even through the double glazing of our fifth floor hotel room next to Glasgow Central station and then the noise as people left between that time and gone 4am.


A couple of photos taken this morning. I would have posted some shots of a beautiful Wemyss Bay station but at the moment it's covered in scaffolding.


Brilliant! Great shot of the "Heilanmon's Umbrella". They did a really nice job cleaning it up. It used to look like....


Shame about Wemyss Bay. It always struck me as an incredibly beautiful station.

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Brilliant! Great shot of the "Heilanmon's Umbrella". They did a really nice job cleaning it up. It used to look like....


Shame about Wemyss Bay. It always struck me as an incredibly beautiful station.

Yes Glasgow Central is very nice.

At least Wemyss Bay will look good again once the renovation is completed. We just have a habit of visiting places covered in scaffolding!!

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Shame about Wemyss Bay. It always struck me as an incredibly beautiful station.


Agreed, it is stunningly beautiful inside and out and barely changed over the years...



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Edited by Pete 75C
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Morning all.

Grey skies but not raining!

We did our own version of "Springwatch" down at the creek by the station yesterday. We like seeing the birds but didn't have binoculars so apart from the easily identifiable species there were a lot of small brown waders and small ducks. A large heron seemed to irritate the black headed gulls. The gulls don't seem bothered by the egrets though, perhaps it is a size issue.

Our neighbours have just returned from a week in Wales visiting their family. They will be coming round for dinner tonight. They are always very kind and visit Robbie if we go out for the day. We will be having Punjabi style Indian food for dinner.


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Yes Glasgow Central is very nice.

At least Wemyss Bay will look good again once the renovation is completed. We just have a habit of visiting places covered in scaffolding!!

I have some old-fangled pictures of Wemyss Bay somewhere. If they turn up I can send you them (although relatives may be included in the shot.)

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