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4 hours ago, grandadbob said:

Good morning* all,

Late visiting today but I was up early, honest!

It was raining earlier and is still very dull and dismal.

I was going to wash the car but just settled for hoovering the inside for now.

I didn't have my usual Sunday cooked breakfast today as I've been suffering from a lot of indigestion for three or four weeks so have decided to phase out various things to see what's causing it.  I take Lansoprazole daily for hiatus hernia so that may possibly be getting worse.  If no joy then I'll have to speak to the medics.

Rugby watched yesterday but almost fell asleep during the first half of the Ireland v Scotland match.  I thought Wales v Italy far more entertaining.  Today it's England v France in the Final, I wonder if we can manage to lose this one.  After that there's Gloucester v Quins for dessert so my afternoon's viewing is sorted.

Looking forward to the F1 highlights tonight.

Have a good one,



*It was morning when I started typing.




I have changed my milk to lacto free and it has made a big change to digestive problems, I too have a Hiatus hernia and I'm on Esomeprazole, which is an upgrade on Lansoprazole, which you might also want to try.

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22 minutes ago, Barry O said:

It is easy.. no vaccination = no NHS health cover and no trips abroad... simples..


And yes, my shirt sleeve is already rolled up!  There are a lot of people in the UK who should really not be let out on their own!



You and I can dish out the Darwin awards to the Lemmings later, it might sort out the over population of the planet, maybe we need to get the donald over here to encourage more of them to join the flat earth society.

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  • RMweb Premium
51 minutes ago, Two_sugars said:

I've just heard a report that 38?% of the British population will NOT take up vaccination . . . . . . . 


'Sareet . . Ah Knaa plenty of peeple who will . . . . 'cos Ah  bluddy well will . . . . 




There's no cure for idiot

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19 minutes ago, simontaylor484 said:

I just cant understand the logic behind some of these antivaxxers history shows vaccination works this guff about being tracked by Bill Gates but i wonder how many of them have a Tesco clubcard which tracks what you shop.

I wonder how many of them realise that everything the post on the internet from their mobile phone whilst sat in a coffee shop drinking a chai latte with angel foam is being tracked

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52 minutes ago, The Stationmaster said:

My biggest is moan is about the a.r.souls who are too arrogant, or too thick, to follow some very simple basic rules and in my opinion quite a few of them should have been banged up in a very uncomfortable prison for the duration. 


 Buddy next door had a pub meal yesterday lunchtime; a.r.sole (who knows the staff) comes in with his mate, and then proceeds to start moaning about how he's forgot his hairbrush....

He proceeds to wander up and down the pub five or six times moaning about his hairbrush (no facemask - exempt - supposedly) - even his mate eventually remarked that he was making a bit of a deal about it.  Then he says he'll have a pint and go outside for a smoke, then come back for some food.  My buddy made some comments about all this to the staff - others in the pub were less than impressed too.  Buddy took a look at the sign-in book to see what a.r.sole had written - name & address illegible, and contact number was - wait for it - 999.....


26 minutes ago, Barry O said:

It is easy.. no vaccination = no NHS health cover and no trips abroad... simples..



A good starter for ten.  Can we add c*stration?


8 minutes ago, Sir TophamHatt said:

Mrs STH called me from the Model Railway Room.

Turns out she'd knocked over 5 of the coaches that I'd left out drying after fixing people in them.  She said one fell on the floor



....And you said "that's quite alright dear, accidents will happen - I should've put them somewhere safer...."

Or perhaps not....:laugh:

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On 29/11/2020 at 10:03, jafcreasey said:


NE 8kt, gusting 14kt


The sunny spells forecast haven't materialised and so another walk of Wakehurst, Ardingly will be under grey, overcast skies.  A further COVID-19 test beckons this evening and so plans to settle-down and watch the football are scuppered.


The week started in Rennes, however the French lockdown prevented any hopes of exploring the city.  Understandably the hotel restaurant was closed therefore found myself confined to in-room dining for the duration.  My only takeaway from Rennes was seeing the trees below my hotel window each individually wrapped in netting to prevent leaves falling to the ground!


Highlight of the week was on Friday when Q Class No C1 arrived courtesy of UPS from Locomotion - an early Christmas present after weeks of dithering.  One of those rare occasions of luck as looking back on the Locomotion website yesterday it's now sold-out.



Talk of sausages last week and tomato ketchup this, a pattern seems to be emerging!


Stay safe.



N 5kt, gusting 10kt


Brunch this morning in Brighton with Mrs C - possibly my least favourite place, I know not why.  My last travel of the year is planned this week but thankfully no Sunday COVID-19 test having returned a home test kit Friday morning.


This week saw a trip to Seville - I last visited thirteen years ago when Spurs played Sevilla - remembered not for the score (we lost 2-1) but riot police charging the away fans…  This time was slightly more relaxed with clear skies and temperatures in the late teens.  Spanish restrictions were kinder than France and enjoyed a walk of the city Wednesday morning.


Our family Border Terrier, Bryn, had been struggling with a swollen eye in recent weeks and after a couple of visits to the vets returned Friday to have a couple of troublesome teeth removed.  Whilst the majority looked in good condition, unfortunately the true extent of the issue was only evident after extraction - he was picked-up early evening twenty-two teeth lighter and more than a little dazed! :sad_mini2:


Thankfully he showed improvement yesterday so my father and I visited Eridge, East Sussex late morning to see visiting ex-GWR 64xx Class 6435 at the Spa Valley Railway, suitably adorned in tinsel with 'Santa Special' headboard.


Stay safe.

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Popped down to Tess Coes for a few bits and found in the magazine section a bookazine on the Col. Stevens light railways. This was duly purchased and will be studied over the next few days. Now to check the use by dates to find out whats for dinner.

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1 hour ago, woodenhead said:

I wonder how many of them realise that everything the post on the internet from their mobile phone whilst sat in a coffee shop drinking a chai latte with angel foam is being tracked

It is now illegal to grow your own vegetables in New Zealand - the government has banned home gardens, you have to buy all your food from the guvmint.


At least that is the latest bit of information that the internet is spreading around conspiracy websites, and its accepted and regurgitated with no evidence other than its appearing on other websites so it must be true.


SImilarly , thanks to Fox news commentators in the US such as Laura Ingrahim or however you spell it , the New Zealand (and I guess therefore Australias) quarantine hotels, have become 'Covid camps'. Apparently when you are diagnosed with COVID the police take you away and lock you in a camp somewhere for two weeks, even small children are forcibly removed from their parents and sent there.


The fact that Aus and NZ  have no community transmission so the camps would not be needed even if the story was true has never been mentioned by Fox commentators, assumedly because to  mention countries that have succeeded in controlling COVID would just highlight the extreme dystopian nightmare that the US has become Covid wise..






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3 hours ago, Barry O said:

There are a lot of people in the UK who should really not be let out on their own!

Same goes for over here...

In an "INTERESTING" reversal of thought, the two leaders (republican - this needs stating simply to understand to contradictions) of the state government, BOTH of whom refused to wear masks in public (echoing the sh!t spouted by their bumstain-in-chief hero), stated early on COVID was not that big a deal, AND had the audacity to keep the fact they and several other members tested positive and then also travelled to group/party/family get-togethers, have now come out ON RECORD to say that they feel state representatives are ESSENTIAL WORKERS and should be first in line for the vaccine! :rtfm::butcher::triniti:


If you wrote this sort of stupidity in a novel you'd not find a publisher because it's too far fetched to be believable :)


Edited by Ian Abel
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7 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

stun and amaze all your friends and family by ordering a vindaloo:D

Indeed they would fall about laughing at the very mention of that.  Some of this allows a distinction between food sensitivity and allergy, the former generally do no harm while the latter has a wide spectrum.  Many people have sensitivity to vindaloo but enjoy the initial eating experience and do not worry about the 'hastened effects' the day after. 


On a cruise I decided that I would eat everything placed in front of me ... bad decision and after the second day my table compatriots agreed that I should be 'picky'.  

 At an annual meeting of a group that I had worked with the evening was going well until they served food.  My instant reaction to the smell of it was to v**** so had to run outside and stay there until it was cleared away.  Two problems arose from this a) I got very cold and b) missed the interaction that was needed.  Steer clear of coffee shops etc.  Lots of sensitivities and the odd allergy.


The Thai restaurant episode was enjoyable?  Yes, the rice was plain and I had enough to feel comfortable but the 'entertainment' given by the reactions of those who 'loved' spices, ate too much too quickly without thinking made it an enjoyable evening.  I must admit that I had purchased a packet of biscuits just in case ...  I have other food tales, including in Switzerland, but enough.

Edited by PeterBB
Spelling corrections
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3 hours ago, Barry O said:

It is easy.. no vaccination = no NHS health cover and no trips abroad... simples..

I can foresee what is going to happen: the airlines will institute a “no CoVID-19 vaccination certificate = no fly” policy (given that many of their destinations will be to countries that have, how shall I put it, more “robust” approaches to managing the pandemic than the UK) and will refuse boarding to one or two Anti-Vaxxer scrotes who try to board without said certificate. These scrotes will then turn round and sue the airline (and anyone else their little shyster lawyers can think of) for “violation of their yuman rites”.  In most countries with a functioning and sensible legal system, such a lawsuit would be laughed out of court; unfortunately given the recent track record of the British legal system, chances are high that the scrotes would win!


It’s enough to make me go back to my top secret biological laboratory in my secret Alpine Redoubt (tm) and genetically engineer a little lethal virus (say 95% plus mortality) that is specifically aimed at the terminally stupid and selfishly antisocial.:diablo_mini: (And I’m sure that even then you’d still have Anti-Vaxxers)


Now off to walk the dogs for their late night piddle and sniff.

Nighty night all!



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I do love good food, but am finding it more difficult to locate, we have a couple of decent curry houses and one restaurant that serves game in season, there's a couple of nice sea food places, but SWMBO doesn't like it. There are quite a few places I will re-visit when I can, but to be honest, I prefer home cooking and the lure of eating out has diminished since I have to be more careful what I eat, low sugar and low salt seems to be an alien concept to chefs and as for the addition of half a pound of butter to everything finds me saying no thanks

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40 minutes ago, monkeysarefun said:

... thanks to Fox news commentators in the US

You should have plenty of experience with Rupert's minions at News Corp. Watched any cricket lately? (My dad did say, I think, that at least some of the cricket is on Seven.)


Since the sale of the entertainment businesses of 21st Century Fox to Disney, Fox Corp. (the parent of Fox News) is actually now a sister company to News Corp where it once was a subsidiary. It's a distinction without a difference. Son Lachlan is CEO of Fox Corp.

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  • RMweb Gold
3 hours ago, Barry O said:

It is easy.. no vaccination = no NHS health cover and no trips abroad... simples..


And yes, my shirt sleeve is already rolled up!  There are a lot of people in the UK who should really not be let out on their own!



Agree apart from those who are allergic to the constituents and there will be some.


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