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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


This morning when I went out to bring the bins back, I could smell smoke in the air and the air looked a little hazy, despite being more than 20 miles away from the fires around Saddleworth more. However, an hour or so later the smell had gone and so had the haze.


Well despite the warm weather, I did do a bit of work in the garden, the grass, what’s left of it, is going and will be replaced by 2 very large borders with a winding central path. So today I’ve been removing bits of the grass, so far I’ve removed about a 1/3 of it. But given that it’s not a very big area, it shouldn’t take a great deal of time. But I didn’t spend all morning in the garden, I packed up about 11:00, went in for a muggertea and then spent the rest of the morning in the workshop. I’ve now almost finished Max’s engine, I’ve just got the cab side numbers to add on one side, followed by the name and number plate. I’ve also completed one side of the tender. Hopefully I’ll get it all finished tomorrow, then it will be ready for a couple of coats of varnish to protect everything.


The paella went down very well, Ava and Max both had seconds and at the end we were left with an empty pan, I just don’t know where they put it?


Once I’d taken them all home the evening was rounded off with, in my case a beer and in Sheila’s case, a glass of chilled rosé.


I very rarely have injections when I visit the dentist, I find the small amount of pain (if any) far outweighs the discomfort of the injection wearing off.


Goodnight all

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  • RMweb Gold

My very nice dentist does everything to avoid causing pain. Sometimes he suggests the injection may hurt more than the dentistry. On one occasion he suggested I should let him know if his drilling hurt. I said he would probably be aware of it too if I bit him. I was joking but he decided a local anaesthetic was a safer option.

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  • RMweb Premium

One of my work tasks today was to find out why one of our products was failing with a customer. It is a DC powered item with a few electronic components and it was frying over a few hours use.

It didn't take much detective work to find out why...........



So if you have a Hammant & Morgan "Victor" unit, either sell/give it to a museum, weigh it in for scrap (they are quite heavy) or send it to landfill.


Have a good Thursday folks - mine will begin with a lie-in until 8.30, a civilised bacon butty and coffee and not too many cries of "FORE" unless it's for our opponent's wayward shots...........


Then number 5 out of 9 Prom night parking - I will have an apprentice team with me on Thursday night, but they were shown the way - "don't wait to be asked, tell them where to go" - earlier this evening, so we'll see how they get on.




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One of my work tasks today was to find out why one of our products was failing with a customer. It is a DC powered item with a few electronic components and it was frying over a few hours use.

It didn't take much detective work to find out why...........



So if you have a Hammant & Morgan "Victor" unit, either sell/give it to a museum, weigh it in for scrap (they are quite heavy) or send it to landfill.



I'll see you Victor and raise you a Duette.

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Good morning one and all


To my surprise, I was able to make the Roundup pump work after a refill.  It is probably a flash in the pan and I hold out little hope for the future.  Earlier I had been out to fetch the final issue of the local rag and took the opportunity to buy half a dozen eggs that I had neglected to procure on the last fodder run.  The newspaper had become a shadow of its former self and it was probably kinder to put it to sleep.  What will become of the delivery brat?  We may never know.


Today I will be cooking stir fried beef and a bold selection of vegetables, including courgettes, for me and Poorly Pal.   Some m*d*ll*ng will take place in the shed where the layout lives and in the evening we will enjoy a presentation by Paul Chancellor of Colour-Rail after we have had dinner in the pub.   The shortage of carbon dioxide holds no fear for either of us as we drink real ale.


Warm thoughts to Debs, Andy P, Andyram, Simon, Robert and his dad, Tony and Aditi, Mal and all others in distress.



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I don't know about you, but I'm not too concerned about the imminent replacement of humans by artificial intelligence.


My phone "bluetooths" to the truck, but every time I tell it to "call home" I get "calling Bobbie Wolf" (she's our dog groomer). When I tell it "dial 1234567890 (our home number) it says "calling home".

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Funny old world, we were told recently we were all going to die, because the atmosphere had to much CO2, now we are in danger of not being able to drown our sorrows at Englands demise as there is a shortage of it........


Chris, if there's ever a real ale shortage, you could always drink warm dish water.........;)


Lovely day today, sunny, warm and most pleasant.


Enjoy it whilst it lasts, as we all know it won't.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


I've been keeping up, but haven't posted for a couple of days.  As usual, generic greetings are on offer to those deserving it, whether ailing or celebrating.


I've a few tasks domestic, and also must walk the dog before it gets too hot - she really doesn't like this heat at all.  Back later, perhaps.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

A better sleep last night totalling about 5 hours..

Ben the Border collie was sneaky this morning, He asked to go out while I was making breakfast, whereas I normally take him out just before I leave... He came back in without his bandage.....


I notice with all this talk of sticky trees depositing on cars that under some trees on the way in there are now dark grey patches on the road. I guess because of the lack of rain to wash it away...


At this time Of year was a pain for me when I was a Tesco maintenance man, every morning I'd be up on the roof spending a couple of hours brushing all the cooling pack radiators off as they clog up with all the white "lint" coming off the trees.


Guess who forgot to pick up razor blades yesterday...


Time to go do some work... unshaven...

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Greetings all, and hello to Jason Isaacs. 

This morning,as I read about various dental woes while chewing on my toast, a filling came out. This is more trouble than might be expected, as half the tooth went with it; no pain, but a potentially troublesome dentist's bill coming...

Today will require the girding of loins as one of our course-writers (not to be confused with a coarse writer) made a mistake in their work, which I then corrected, and then they changed it back again. As I am the final arbiter on grammar, this is the sort of thing that drives me up the wall, as it'll take 15 minutes to explain why I'm right and they're not - and that's 15 minutes I ought to be using to achieve other things. 

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to do battle I go...

Tinkety-tonk, etc.


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

The sun has not appeared yet but should do and it will be another sunny and very warm day.

No teeth hurting here I'm glad to say.

Forgot to mention yesterday that I had a phone call in the late afternoon from Seat (so called) Customer Services apologising for the delays with my new Seat and wanting to give me an update..Pah!  I gave her an update and informed her that I'd cancelled the bloody thing on May 1st. You couldn't make it up.

Today sees the return of Oven Repair Man to fit a new cooling fan. This will be followed by a delivery from Messrs Sainsbury.

After that I may start measuring up for some wood to rebuild the steps from the decking to the garden. There seems to be a bit of a wobble issue which I for one don't need.

Have a good one,


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I don't know about you, but I'm not too concerned about the imminent replacement of humans by artificial intelligence.


My phone "bluetooths" to the truck, but every time I tell it to "call home" I get "calling Bobbie Wolf" (she's our dog groomer). When I tell it "dial 1234567890 (our home number) it says "calling home".

I had a similar issue with the mobile when Bluetoothed in the car. I told it to “Phone Home”, and it promptly phoned some friends in France called “Farnham “. I haven’t used it since!


A disturbed night’s sleep due to the collared doves. I awoke at 4.30 for a call of nature, and couldn’t get back to sleep because of the constant coo-coo-cooing. This went on until after 5am, when I got up again and went out with an airgun. The birds obviously sensed my intention as they just kept moving just out of range, so no shots were fired. However, my efforts did seem to move them on for a while, and I eventually managed to get back to sleep. Today, I will be going online and buying an electronic pigeon/dove deterrent device.

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  • RMweb Gold

I don't know about you, but I'm not too concerned about the imminent replacement of humans by artificial intelligence.


My phone "bluetooths" to the truck, but every time I tell it to "call home" I get "calling Bobbie Wolf" (she's our dog groomer). When I tell it "dial 1234567890 (our home number) it says "calling home".

I googled Bobbie wolf, and got this, (among many others):


'The latest Tweets from Bobbie Wolf (@itsbobbiewolf): "Spilled coffee on my pants... At least I smell like cinnamon dolce.'

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Greetings from the borough of boring. 


Another bout of insomnia has arisen. 4 hours last night in convenient 20 minute segments. Meh. Feel like moderately microwaved death this morning.


I opened my big mouth on Tuesday saying the builder should be finished in a couple of weeks. He then called in sick for the past 2 days and no sign of him this morning. That puts the estimated completion back to July 19. Assuming he is back on Monday. Failing that, I'll be looking for another company to finish things off. 


In modelling news, my 2 new locos have been shipped from PWRS. Just in time for me to order another pair. (RS18 this time) Cheaper, faster, and more reliable than ordering direct from Rapido. (which I will never do again) 


About it from here. Enjoy the day. 
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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


The sun is once again shining brightly and there appears to be no haze around here this morning. Breakfast has been consumed and very soon, Sheila will be off out to meet up with some of her Zumba friends for a coffee. Whilst she’s out I’ll make use of the kitchen, I’ve already got a fruit tea loaf in the oven. Whilst that’s baking I’m going to make some roast garlic and tomato soup. After that I’ll spend the rest of the day in the workshop.


On the subject of DC supplies, I only use modern DC supply units, some I’ve made myself using voltage regulators, of 5, 12 or 18 volts depending on the final circuit requirements. However, I do have an old H&M clipper in the workshop, I use it to test motors and motor gearboxes, etc when I’m building stuff.


Garden waste removal here was free up until June last year, when they decided to charge us £35.00 a year. Mind you, from the amount of stuff I’m currently putting in the bin, I can easily get 4 wheelbarrow loads of stuff in it, so I’m not complaining!


Back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Our garden rubbish collection now costs £40, with collections not happening at all from December to February, and went up from £30 last year.


I can actually justify taking my garden rubbish to the local tip in bags, as it's free, with no restrictions on the number of visits made (yet).  And the one at Keerholme is only a couple of hundred yards from the Aldi at which I shop every week.  It's a no brainer for me, really.

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